Terrible Technology
This is a section devoted to exploring the very sinister technology that has been developed for purpose of controlling or destroying humanity. Many people are unaware that many weapons even more grotesque and lethal than the atom bomb have been developed for many decades in U.S. laboratories. In this section I have also included material on various human identification systems such as "implant chips"....Contents
- John Lauritsen, author of The AIDs War, vehemently insists that HIV is not the cause of AIDS and that a massive media disinformation campaign is involved to spread the mistruth. This is a list of sources supporting his claims.
- This article by Lou Menotti documents the possibility that the horrible "flesh eating virus" called necrotising fasciitis was actually consciously engineered for biowarfare purposes by military scientists. Refers to the book, A Higher Form of Killing by Harris and Paxman. Article also explores the possibility the media is misinformed and underreporting the seriousness of the disease.
(Note the editorial comment about the Prime Minister of Canada being infected is in error as a followup correction notes.)
- The Wall Street Journal ran an article on Non Lethal Weaponry (NLW). A shocking and eye-opening article from Mondo 2000 documents"Non Lethal Weapons",which include capabilities of "riot control", computer sabotage, vehicle incapacitation, etc. "NLWs are part of a Grand Control Plan cooked up by the intelligence agencies and aerospace companies using advanced MK-ULTRA black-program mind-control technologies." Implicates Janet Reno, FEMA, MJTF etc. in the control plan. Says that versions of the weapons were used at Waco and covered up. Another very thorough article from Nexus magazine directly names the researchers involved in the weaponry development...
Mark of the Beast
- An article from "Barcode Magazine" talks about how Haitian refugees have been tagged with radio frequency bracelets for tracking purposes. Mainstream news media has been strangely silent on this. The writer notes how the element of privacy is completely sacrificed; the identification can be read invisibly over radio waves without any knowledge on the part of the owner of being "scanned".
- Here are three messages from a Microsoft employee Roger Voss on "biometric identification" techology and the relation to cryptography techniques (plus the inescapable NWO conspiracy touches), a possible real-world "Mark of the Beast", suggesting a damningly dire proximity of all these black prophecies.
- Another article on implanttechnology, from Nexus Magazine. Highly reputable electronic engineer Carl Sanders, who worked at IBM, General Electric, Honeywell and Teledyne, reports how he was involved in a project that studied how microchips could be implaneted into humans to manipulate them. The researchers came from Motorola, General Electric, Boston Medical Center. The CIA was involved. He refers to laws that give the authority to the president to impose identification tagging on the populace.
- Some reject the "Mark of the Beast" claims about chip technology ever being used to ID people. This article apparently from a Florida newspaper states that chip-based pet tracking technology is gaining momentum and acceptance, with the American Kennel Club "on the verge for formally suggesting [all] dogs be microchipped", and Florida animal shelter officials pushing for a statewide database. Can humans be far behind?
- Recently Bertrand Cambou from Motorola talked about the technology of human body implants in Popular Science. "The RF signaling would permit accurate readouts of vital statistics without attaching anything to -- or drawing anything from -- the body. Even more amazing, internal computers might enable the deaf to hear and the blind to see."
M Nazi theory
Maybe I'm clutching at straws, but if you want to know my stab at justifying much of the hype associated with the alien breeding program trip then you might find my paranoid rantings worthy of thought. Here goes...
We have countless conspiracy theories concerning alien breeding program as well as "American Government" involvement in such programs, so who's responsable. Let's for a momentassume these are both true, peruse the current conspiracy literature and sit down to bed happy in the knowledge that we have some inside information on the whole affair.
It is in the interests of the American Government to keep this under wraps, of course, and no-one in their right mind is going to believe the alien story for too long. Even if they did, how are they going to prove it with reputation intact, so the powers that be can sleep at night secure in the knowledge that only the true crackpots are going to get out of hand.
Now take a step back and look at the field here:
We know for a fact that after the war, the American government confisacated quite a lot of the big brains of the German Nazi Party to work on it's own projects. Lots of "Oppenheimers" and others working on German military projects were snaffled up to work on such things as rocketry and atomic physics, eventualy hitting paydirt with the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings.
It is not unreasonable to assume that they would have taken great interest in aquiring experts in all technological offshoots of the fascist war machine.
Hitlers fascism was however a lot more subtle than just missiles and explosions, he also from all reports had a great interest in "Eugenics" or breeding experiments.
If the American government acquired experts in the medical experi- ments conducted by the Nazi Party, then we might find that the alien breeding program actually originates much closer to terra firma, and this being the case, what purpose do the aliens themselves now serve?
It is no great stretch of the imagination from here to the theory that some have come up with that the abductee experience itself is a "cover memory" for actual experiments carried out by unscrupulous human beings. This theory is reinforced by research into hypnotherapy and "mind control" generally concluding that though it is extremely difficult to build a mental block in a subjects conciousness to recalling traumatic experi- ence, it is rather more trivial to remap that experience onto a simmilar but contextually different model.
Ex NAZIS mass abducting the populace then convincing everyone that it's actually benevolent space brothers... I don't believe it either.
* * * * * * *
Subject: MackTrackers: Mack Student Whacks Rocke-Nazi Shrinks!
To: MackTrackers and "UFO-NOTS" researching "alien
psychiatrists" ("Alienists"?)
From: Dick Farley (
Date: 9/23/95
Re: Former Mack student (Harvard medical resident) whacks Rockefeller support for Nazi Psychiatry pre-World War print. (Resources listed following.)
And you probably thought "it" was all over, didn't you? Not by a long shot, friends.
Reference: "Toxic Psychiatry", by Peter R. Breggin, M. D. (Bio. sketch follows)
Note from Dick Farley:
Harvard psychiatrist Dr. John Mack, our renowned advocate of "alien visitors" here to "transform our eco-catastrophically struck planet", has a former student who has written some revealing and relevant things about Mack's "alien abductions" benefactors, the Rockefellers.
Laurance S. Rockefeller, the billionaire magnate who dabbles in everything from uranium to oil to land to lives in developing countries, funnelled more than $194,000 to Mack's Harvard- affiliated "Center for Psychology and Social Change," via the Washington, D.C. chartered "Human Potential Foundation, Inc." in the 1993-1994 period. Mack's group then started "PEER" (Program for Exceptional Experience Research) and operated an "alien abductee support group" who, among other functions they served, became fodder for Dr. Mack's 1994 "Abductions."
(In the "Acknowledgments" of Mack's book about "alien visitors," readers will find the names of Laurance S. Rockefeller, C. B. "Scott" Jones, Jr., then-president of the Human Potential Foundation, Inc., as founded and formerly chaired by U. S. Senator Claiborne Pell, D-RI), and yours truly, listed as "C. Richard Farley.")
On July 20, 1993, when Scott Jones and I travelled to Cambridge, MA to meet with John Mack, Karen Wesolowski, "abduction support group" leader Pam Kasey and others on Mack's team, I had an opportunity to bring to Dr. Mack's attention the allegations and inferences of one Julianne McKinney, who in a well-circulated article discussing alleged "microwave" and "EMF" mind-influencing activities by some elements of military intelligence, and non-govern- mental entities had made references to "UFO alien abductions" proponent (and my fellow West Virginian) Budd Hopkins [the "abduc- tion" researcher who admitted that he was working on behalf of the CIA to provide "therapy" for "abductees". Unfortunatelly, Hopkin's is still working on the "therapy" part, since some of the patients he has worked with and whose abduction "memories" he has regurgitated via regressive hypnosis for his own research purposes, later committed suicide because they were unable to deal with the horrendous and abusive memories of their abduction experience. - Wol.], and to Dr. John Mack, in the context of purported "non-lethality" research and "applied anomalous phenomena" technologies and programming.
Surprised that Dr. Mack had not previously seen or heard about the McKinney paper, which is what he told me (in the presence of Jones, Wesolowski & Kasey), I had it faxed up to the hotel where Jones and I were staying. Actually, it was my colleague Bob Teets, then functioning as Human Potential Foundation's consult- ing "HPF Press" manager, who faxed it to me. I was then full-time Director of Project Development for the Human Potential Foundation, reporting to Scott Jones. My purpose for being included on this trip was to work with Karen Wesolowski (and John, too) to help identify issues which might need addressing during John's upcoming book tour, then being organized by Scribner's to promote "Abductions." Mack's staffers whom I met were all dedicated and loyal to the truths they believed they were working to "get at." Later, there was (and remains) some dissent among those staffers, uncomfortable at John Mack's "true belief" as he has propounded it about so-called "alien abductions," despite evidence that these are NOT what the "recalled experiences" are describing, in any way, shape or formula.
When I later gave John the copy of the McKinney paper, again in the presence of Wesolowski, Kasey and Scott Jones, Dr. Mack glanced over it and the pages I'd marked where he and Hopkins were mentioned, and then he tossed it aside saying, "I don't know what this is about," and other comments suggesting that he (Mack) would sue if somebody made such an allegation during the upcoming book tour.
For those who have not seen the McKinney article, her references to Mack were her comment about what she characterized as a "shameful" involvement in some kind of "human ecology" research. Persistent "MackTrackers" will recognize that term as perhaps being a reference to various Rockefeller-funded CIA "front" organi- zations (actually called "proprietaries" in the craft), through which the Agency promoted psychiatric research on UNWITTING human subjects for a variety of purposes, according to court documents in this country and in Canada. Reference to the "human ecology" institutes and funding vehicles for this sad period of CIA history are best found in the investigative book, "Journey Into Madness," by Gordon Thomas, published by Bantam in 1989 (hardcover) and 1990 (paperback), and I'll not repeat that information and its implications here.
Other online denizens among the "MackTrackers" have access to reams of papers and references to documented programs of "mind- influencing" and psychiatric abuse of American citizens by well- financed government and non-governmental psychiatric interests, and readers having such interests should simply post their curious- ities to the appropriate "boards" on America Online and on the Internet.
Specific to the current reference, "Toxic Psychiatry," by Peter R. Breggin, M. D., published by St. Martin's Press, New York, in 1991. The 1994 paperback edition is listed as ISBN 0-312-11366- 8, priced at $15. 95 U.S.:
Pete Breggin's credentials are (quoting from the book):
Peter R. Breggin, M. D., is a leading critic of psychiatric drugs and the psychopharmaceutical complex. He is a graduate of Harvard College and Case Western Reserve Medical School, and was formerly a teaching fellow at Harvard Medical School and a full-time consultant with the National Institute of Mental Health. He is the director of the Center for the Study of Psychiatry and has been in the full-time practice of psychiatry in Bethesda, Mary- land, since 1968. Dr. Breggin is the author, with Ginger Ross Breggin, of "Talking Back to Prozac," and "The War Against Children," and "Beyond Conflict."
He is also Professor (Adjunct) of Conflict Analysis and Resolution at George Mason University. Dr. Breggin frequently lectures and gives seminars to lay and professional audiences and appears on national television as an expert on psychiatric issues. He has been a consultant in landmark lawsuits and federal legislation on behalf of patients' rights and psychiatric reform." (End quotes).
Farley again: In sum, Pete Breggin is psychiatry's...and Dr. John Mack's...worst nightmare. One of "them" who saw the light... and the "scams"...and began blowing the whistle back in 1968, and hasn't stopped yet. Back to John Mack's office, at that July 1993 meeting where Mack and I chatted about some of these things.
After John's dismissal of Julianne McKinney's published inferences, I played a "hunch" and, remembering my day back in October, 1992 I had spent with Pete Breggin at an eight-hour seminar about psy- chiatric abuses (undoubtedly this had been a coincidental happen- ing), I brought up Pete's name.
John was thunderstruck, and he stood up beginning to leave the room in a rush to make "the rest of his life," which clearly was flashing before his eyes.
Quoting John: "Yes I know him. I was his senior resident (at Harvard/Cambridge). But I was an asshole back then." (Unquote!)
Those in the know about John Mack's previous service on Werner Erhard's board of advisors for "EST" (Erhard Sensitivity Training) back in the Sexy Seventies will recognize John's characterization of himself as being an "EST-oid" phrase, which references what John thinks about himself before Werner and EST set him free to be his "real" self, the one that you, me and the "alien visitors" know and love, yes?
I'll leave it to my readers to get a copy of Pete Breggin's "Toxic Psychiatry" and find out for themselves what Pete has to say about his own tenure and psychiatric residency at Harvard. John Mack isn't mentioned by name, but the "senior resident" he had at Harvard is. Given John Mack's published expertise in "borderline states" of schizophrenia, nightmares (the title of one of his books), and even his role editing military funded studies of such states (way, way back in the 1960s), I'd want to do a little "outside reading" if I were an "abductee" gearing up to open up my "mind" to guys like John Mack and his colleagues. But what's the relevance?
What I will quote here is what Peter Breggin has to say about "NAZI psychiatry" and how it came to be, and where it disappeared to AFTER the War. The following passage is from "Toxic Psychiatry," beginning on Page 103 of the paperback edition, and continuing as cited on Pages 104-105. Dr. Breggin is writing here in his Chapter 5, "The Biology and Genetics of 'Schizophrenic' Overwhelm."
Quoting ver batim:
"Ernst Rudin, Hero of Nazi Genetics
"Ernst Rudin was the single most important psychiatric re- searcher in the field of genetics during the highly active period of the 1930s. He was a professor of psychiatry and director of the Department of Heredity at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Munich. The Kaiser Wilhelm was perhaps the most honored psychiatric research center in the world, and when it suffered financial problems during the German prewar inflation it was bailed out by the Rockefeller Foundation. Rudin himself came as a visiting dignitary to America in 1930 with the support of the Carnegie Foundation. He wrote dozens of papers 'proving' the genetic origin of schizophrenia and was the most respected scientist in the field of psychiatry until the outbreak of World War II isolated him from the remainder of the Western scientific community.
"How objective was this scientist? How unbiased were his moti- vations? When Hitler came to power, Rudin was ready for him. It was Rudin who influenced Hitler, not Hitler who influenced Rudin. The psychiatrist became the architect and official inter- preter of the first legislation establishing the Nazi eugenics program that led to the castration and sterilization of tens of thousands of individuals accused of being schizophrenic, re- tarded, epileptic, or in some other way physically or mentally 'defective.'
"On his sixty-fifth birthday Rudin was praised by Wilhelm Frick, Hitler's minister of the interior, as 'the indefatigable champion of racial hygiene and meritorious pioneer of the racial-hygiene measures of the Third Reich." He was awarded the Iron Cross by Hitler, but at the end of the war he had to flee for his life from the outraged families of murdered [German] mental patients. Rudin's mountainous publications on genetics, pivotal in justifying the mass murder of 'genetically defective' mental patients under German rule during World War II, stimulated acceptance of the eventual slaughter of the Jews as well." (End quote, P. 102.)
Continuing quoting (for review purposes) from Breggin's "Toxic Psychiatry," we turn now to 'Franz Kallmann, Hero of American Genetics.' And Dr. Breggin writes:
"The second great influence in genetic psychiatry of that era was Franz Kallman, chief of psychiatric research at the New York State Psychiatric Institute and professor of psychiatry at Columbia. He was, in more ways than one, Rudin's American counterpart, and probably his chief competitor for dominant influence in the field. As late as 1959 he authored the key chapter on 'The Genetics of Schizophrenia' in the widely read 'American Handbook of Psychiatry.' The reader may find that Kallmann's name has a ring of familiarity; his work was widely read in college courses in the 1950s and 1960s.
"Kallman had been trained in Germany, and he strongly support- ed Hitler and Rudin's eugenics programs. Indeed, he stayed in Germany under Hitler until the last minute, when he was forced to flee because he was half Jewish. Geneticist Benno Muller-Hill has written in 'Murderous Science' (1988) how Kallmann, while still living in Germany, called for more radical sterilization measures than the Nazis were willing to implement. He wanted to sterilize every possible member of any family tainted with schizophrenia and any person showing signs of eccentricity or minor anomalies that might suggest a latent gene for the supposed disease. Muller- Hill also points out that Kallmann became a witness for Rudin at the latter's denazification tribunal (p. 176). In 'Not in Our Genes,' Lewontin, Rose, and Kamin also cite Kallmann's pronouncements in Germany and describe how two Nazi geneticists rose to reject his schemes to sterilize relatives of so-called schizophrenics as unfeasible and unwarranted. In addition to documenting and con- demning Kallmann's 'totalitarian passion for eugenic sterilization,' the authors of 'Not in Our Genes' offer a scathing scientific analysis of the eugenicists research." (End quote from "Toxic Psychiatry.")
Farley continues: So, am I suggesting that John Mack owes any of his "scientific" traditions to the Nazis? Of course not. What Pete Breggin is writing about, and what John Mack's bizarre recent "career twists" and Rockefeller funded assertions about what previously he (and others) termed "borderline states" of schizophrenic behaviors, is SCIENTIFIC ARROGANCE!
[Note: John Mack and the Nazi's have one thing in common, the support of the pro-Bavarian Rockefeller Foundation. - Wol.] John Mack would have us suspend all of our own "memories" and knowledge of the history of psychiatry in general, and his own career in particular, and believe that his CONTINUED involvement -- with psychiatric programs having direct links to government, non- governmental and Rockefeller-funded "mind-change" campaigns that reach all the way into the Oval Office and the White House -- is simply benign, at best, or assinine at its worst.
"Alien abductees" would do well not to fall into the abyss which is opening between the public proponents of "alien abductions" on the one hand, and so-called "false memory syndrome" on the other hand, as both of these seeming factions ARE ELEMENTS OF THE SAME "COVER-UP". How deeply concerned are those "powers that be" about avoiding detection and our collective "re- membrance" of who they are and what it really is that they are "about" is how blatantly they are sacrificing the careers and repu- tations of their principal acolytes, men like John Mack and Scott Jones, to name just two of the better known "goats" who have fallen from grace to protect their darker, deeper "masters" and perhaps well-intentioned but savage sins, committed on their behalves by misled or mistaken scientific operatives.
As for John Mack and his suggestion that, back when he was Pete Breggin's senior psychiatric resident he (Mack) was "an asshole?"
John, it isn't back then that we're worried about. It's now, big fella.
- - - End Farley on Mack and Breggin - - - Info follows:
Peter R. Breggin, M. D. has continued his campaigns against ongoing federally funded research into the "genetics of violence," a program which Breggin and others, including Ralph Nader's "Center for Science in the Public Interest," had interrupted a couple of years ago. But federal funding for a major conference on this topic, to be held at the University of Maryland, was recently restored by the Clinton administration. Perhaps it was THIS which Laurance Rockefeller buzzed in the President's ear when Mr. Clinton was visiting at the Rockefeller's JY Ranch last month, and NOT "alien saucer disclosures" as UFO-ILLOGICALs have asserted.
"Watch the Skies! and Follow the Money!"
And just WHAT does that tag line on the "psychic hotline" info- mercials, "All it takes is a telephone...and an open mind," REALLY mean? Alien's, indeed.
(Note: I personally believe that what this all boils down to is a massive
program implemented by Bavarian-Rockefeller-Nazi-CIA interests to
utilize their suppressed supertechnology -- advanced biogenetics,
electrochemical mind control, antigravity, etc. -- to implement a global
electronic technocratic dictatorship, hopefully having all of the pieces
in place before 'we' realize what's happening. Doesn't it make you feel
warm and fuzzy to know that 'Big Brother' is planing to rescue us from
the burden of our own free agency? We will no longer be burdened with
the responsibility of what to think, how to act or who to worship, because
the "New World Order" will do all that for us. All we need to do is submit
like good little lemmings, let them implant and tag us like beasts with
their electronic micro-chips, give up our humanity and become a digitized
"number" in the New World Order "machine". Of course they must tem-
porarily circumvent our freedom of choice -- being that most of us are
ignorant of their truly 'beneficial' intentions -- and render the masses
mentally incapacitated through subliminal programming or brief periods
of "abduction" utilizing their antigravity and other super-technologies...
and implant and program the masses without their consent, for their
own 'good'. The NazCias with their sophisticated and ever-advancing
technology have no problem with intercepting an automobile on a lonely
stretch of road, stalling it through the projection of electromagnetic
pulses, rendering the occupants unconscious or dazed. They have no
problem with programming and implanting them while injecting 'cover
memories' through electro-chemically assisted tech-nosis, R.H.I.C.,
E.D.O.M., etc., sending them on their way like a tagged animal back
to pasture. Whether the 'aliens' that are seen working with the 'military
personnel' during the abductions to top-secret space platforms or under-
ground bases are real, biogenetic creations, automatons or whatever
doesn't matter -- because the abductee's will never be told the full truth
about their experience, only that which the 'controllers' want them to
believe. - Wol.)