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Date: Fri, 8 Dec 1995 10:57:14 -0600 (CST)
To: "David J. Sussman" 
cc: OKCTY 
Subject: Re: Quote of the Day
Precedence: bulk

On Fri, 8 Dec 1995, David J. Sussman wrote:

> Did You Know:
> According to a letter dated 7-12-1968--shortly after passage 
> of the Omnibus Crime Act, which contained most of GCA '68, 
> but four months before enactment of the full law -- the Library 
> of Congress provided Sen. Dodd(Dem) a requested translation 
> of the 1938 Nazi gun control law and returned "the Xerox copy 
> of the original German text which you supplied."

From: (John W Redelfs)
Subject: Who's Next, Mormons and Jews?
Date: 27 Nov 1994 18:22:59 -0600

I have been challenged to produce documentary evidence linking the
Nazi's with U.S. gun control law, to back up my claim that the Gun
Control Law of 1968 is a verbatim translation from a Nazi law passed
in Germany before the Second World War, the law that set up the 
Jews for the Holocaust.  Well, here it is, the first of several documents 
I will post here to prove my claims.

Fortunately, the Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership
(JPFO) have done all of my homework for me.  The post below was
recently reproduced on SAMSBEST from another list.

------------------------------ snip ------------------------------

 ::  Volume 1, Post 18     SAMSBEST,      ::
 ::  THE EMAIL LIST     21 November 1994 ::
 ::  SAMSBEST is a read-only list.  Post all followups to the original   ::
 ::  email list or newsgroup. If you run across something exceptionally ::
 ::  good on another list, please forward it to  :: 
 ::  with the flag "SAM" in the subject line.                                        ::

All followups to:  talk.politics.guns

Startling evidence suggests that the Gun Control Act of 1968 
was lifted, almost in its entirety, from Nazi legislation. We must 
call for a full investigation, and the repeal of GCA '68 -- NOW!!
By Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO)
 +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +
Are you tired of being told that gun control is a chronic pain that 
you have to accept because there's no cure? Do you -- a law- 
abiding person -- want to be free: to own whichever firearms you 
want to own, regardless of where in America you live; from waiting 
periods, gun bans, magazine capacity restrictions, etc.; to spend 
your time on the range or in the field, rather than fighting gun 
Are you tired of giving hard-earned bucks to efforts that have 
at best only slowed the gun-grabbers' push toward firearms 
registration and confiscation? If you have had enough of death 
by a thousand cuts, you are ready to take action to wipe out 
gun control -- now.
Members of Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership 
(JPFO) consider gun control to be an aggressive cancer. JPFO 
has a cure, a way to destroy gun control. JPFO has hard evidence 
that shows that the Nazi Weapons Law (March 18, 1938) is the 
*source* of the U.S. Gun Control Act of 1968 (GCA '68). Adolph 
Hitler signed the Nazi Weapons Law. The Gestapo (Nazi National 
Secret Police) enforced it. In *Gun Control: Gateway to Tyranny* 
we present the official German text of the Nazi Weapons Law and 
a side-by-side translation into English. Even more deadly: a side-
by-side, section-by-section comparison of the GCA '68 with the Nazi 
Weapons Law. If you have this in your hands, no one can tell you 
that you're imagining things.
The clincher: JPFO knows *who* implanted into American law 
cancerous ideas from the Nazi Weapons Law.
The likely culprit is a former senator, now deceased. We have 
documentary proof -- see below -- that he had the original text 
of the Nazi Weapons Law in his possession 4 months before the 
bill that became GCA '68 was signed into law.
This former senator was a senior member of the U.S. team that 
helped to prosecute Nazi war criminals at Nurnberg, Germany, 
in 1945-46. That is probably where he found out about the Nazi 
Weapons Law. He may have gotten a copy of it then, or at a later 
date. We cannot imagine why any U.S. lawmaker would own 
original texts of Nazi laws. To find out his name, read on.
With this hard evidence in your hands and in your head, you can 
destroy cancerous gun control. You can challenge anyone who 
backs gun control. You can show them the Nazi ideas, line by line.
The parallels between the Nazi law and GCA '68 will leap at you 
from the page. For example, law-abiding firearm owners in Illinois, 
Massachusetts, and New Jersey must carry identification cards 
based on formats from the Nazi Weapons Law. Nazi-based laws 
have no place in America. Thousands of Americans died or were 
wounded in the war to wipe out the Nazis. They did not suffer and 
die so that Hitler's ideas could live on in America and kill more 
Americans. Gun control kills law-abiding Americans. Remember 
Killeen, Texas! The 23 who died in Luby's Cafeteria there died 
because they obeyed Nazi-inspired gun control laws. The law 
forced them, unarmed, to face an armed madman.
    ======================>> INSET <<============
    According to JPFO, evidence strongly suggests that the 
    late Senator Thomas J. Dodd personally implanted the 
    Nazi Weapons Law into U.S. legislation. What remains 
    unknown are his motives for doing so.
(Note: Gun control can ONLY take guns out of the hands of law-
abiding citizens and put them into the hands of criminals, and this 
is why. A man is in his house at night and an armed criminal breaks 
in and threatens his life and the lives of his wife and children.  The
man of the house shoots the criminal dead...  Another scenario 
would be that the man of the house does not own a gun because of 
"gun control" laws.  A criminal breaks in and kills the man, his wife 
and children dead.  But how could this be?  There are LAWS against
owning a gun, at least in THIS scenario.  The only problem is that
"criminals" don't give a stink about "laws".  If they want a gun, then
they will find one, somehow.  So as I said, "gun control" takes guns 
out of the hands of law-abiding citizens and puts them into the hands 
of criminals, nothing more, nothing less... - Wol.)
To destroy gun control before more law-abiding Americans are 
murdered by criminals or madmen helped by gun control, you need 
to get hold of the evidence as presented in *Gun Control: Gateway 
to Tyranny*. You can then challenge the media, the most aggressive 
backers of gun control. Ask media personalities in your city or town 
why they back Nazi-based laws. You can demand repeal of GCA '68 
and the thousands of state and local laws based on it. You can help 
to erase gun control, Hitler's last legacy.
GCA '68 puts your life at risk right now. You have a constitutional civil 
right to be armed in order to protect yourself, because under U.S. law 
the police have no duty to protect the average person:
(Note: Some would argue: "The First Amendment allowance for a 
regulated state "Militia" is provided through the National Guard and
such para-military institutions.  The National Guard is NOT a state
militia, it is a Federally-controlled militia that is not subject to indi-
vidual state control, otherwise National Guard units would not have
been ordered in the past to operate outside of the borders of the U.S.
as they have done during operations in Central America, and so on. 
- Wol.)

"There is no constitutional right to be protected by the state 
against being murdered by criminals or madmen. It is monstrous 
if the state fails to protect its residents against such predators 
but it does not violate the due process clause of the Fourteenth 
Amendment, or, we suppose, any other provision of the Consti-
tution. The Constitution is a charter of negative liberties: it tells 
the state to let people alone; it does not require the federal govern-
ment or the state to provide services, even so elementary a service 
as maintaining law and order" (Bowers v. DeVito, U.S. Court of 
Appeals, Seventh Circuit, 686F.2d616 [1982]).
(Therefore, the "state militia" must be made up of individual 
citizens exercising their Constitutional rights to own firearms. 
- Wol)

The Supreme Court last dealt with this issue in 1856; the 1982 
decision states the position in modern language. The laws of 
virtually every state parallel federal law (see JPFO Special Report 
"Dial 911 and Die!" covered in *Guns & Ammo*, July 1992). This 
has been so ever since the Constitution was adopted in 1791. 
As a result, the framers of the Second Amendment deliberately 
created an INDIVIDUAL CIVIL RIGHT to be armed. It is your only 
reliable defense against criminals. GCA '68 ties your hands and 
keeps you from carrying out your legal duty to ensure your own 
self-defense. GCA '68 thus undermines a pillar of U.S. law and 
helps criminals to kill law-abiding Americans. Hitler would be 
    ===============>> INSET <<================
                          The Library of Congress
                     Washington, DC  July 12, 1968
    Hon. Thomas J. Dodd
    Chairman, Special Subcommittee to Investigate Juvenile 
    Delinquency, U.S. Senate, Washington, DC
    Dear Senator Dodd: Your request of July 2, 1968, 
    addressed to the Legislative Reference Service, for the 
    translation of several German laws has been referred to 
    the Law Library for attention.
    In compliance with your request and with reference to 
    several telephone conversations between Miss Frank of 
    your Office and Mr. Fred Karpf, European Law Division, 
    we are enclosing herewith a translation of the Law on 
    Weapons of March 18, 1938, prepared by Dr. William 
    Solyom-Fekete of that Division, as well as the Xerox 
    copy of the original German text which you supplied.
    The translation of the decree implementing the Law on 
    Weapons of March 19, 1938, and the pertinent provisions 
    of the Federal Hunting Law of March 30, 1961, is in 
    preparation and will be sent to you as soon as 
                             Sincerely yours,
                             Lewis C. Coffin,
                             Law Librarian
Thus, GCA '68 marked a new approach to gun control. It replaced 
the Federal Firearms Act (June 30, 1938), which was based on 
the federal power to regulate interstate commerce. The 1938 law 
required firearms dealers to get a federal license (which then cost 
$1). Only dealers could ship firearms across state lines. Ordinary 
people could receive shipments from dealers.
In GCA '68 the government required that in almost all cases only 
dealers could send and receive firearms across state lines. This 
ended "mail order" sales of firearms by law-abiding persons who 
are not licensed dealers.
GCA '68 hits you even harder. Congress gave federal bureaucrats 
in Washington, D.C., the power to decide what kinds of firearms 
you can own.
The framers of GCA '68 borrowed an idea -- that certain firearms 
are "hunting weapons" -- from the Nazi Weapons Law (Section 21 
and Section 32 of the Regulations, page 61 and page 73, respectively, 
of *Gun Control: Gateway to Tyranny*). The equivalent U.S. term, 
"sporting purpose," was used to classify firearms. But it was not 
defined anywhere in GCA '68. Thus, bureaucrats were empowered 
to ban whole classes of firearms. They have, in fact, done so.
We wanted to know the source of these new ideas. On reading "Dial 
911 and Die!" a JPFO member told us he had seen an article -- by 
Alan Stang in *Review of the News*, October 4, 1967 (pages 15-20) 
-- the author of which felt that the Nazi Weapons Law was the model 
for GCA '68. We found the article. But Stang did not reproduce the 
Nazi law, so we could not check his conclusions.
We started to hunt for the text of the Nazi Weapons Law. We 
eventually found it, in the law library of an Ivy League university.
Until 1943-44, the German government published its laws and 
regulations in the *Reichsgesetzblatt*, roughly the equivalent of 
the U.S. Federal Register. Carefully shelved by law librarians, 
the 1938 issues of this German government publication had 
gathered a lot of dust. In the *Reichsgesetzblatt* issue for the 
week of March 21, 1938, was the official text of the Weapons 
Law (March 18, 1938). It gave Hitler's Nazi party a stranglehold 
on the Germans, many of whom did not support the Nazis. We 
found that the Nazis did not invent gun control in Germany. The 
Nazis inherited gun control and then perfected it: they invented 
handgun control.
The Nazi Weapons Law of 1938 replaced a Law on Firearms and 
Ammunition of April 13, 1928. The 1928 law was enacted by a 
center-right, freely elected German government that wanted to 
curb "gang activity," violent street fights between Nazi party and 
Communist party thugs. All firearms owners and their firearms 
had to be registered. Sound familiar? Gun control did not save 
democracy in Germany. It helped to make sure that the toughest 
criminals, the Nazis, prevailed.
The Nazis inherited lists of firearm owners and their firearms 
when they *lawfully* took power in March 1933. The Nazis used 
these inherited registration lists to seize privately held firearms 
from persons who were not "reliable." Knowing exactly who owned 
which firearms, the Nazis had only to revoke the annual ownership 
permits or decline to renew them.
In 1938, five years after taking power, the Nazis enhanced the 
1928 law. The Nazi Weapons Law introduced handgun control. 
Firearms ownership was restricted to Nazi party members and 
other "reliable" people.
The 1938 Nazi law barred Jews from businesses involving firearms. 
On November 10, 1938 -- one day after the Nazi party terror squads 
(the SS) savaged thousands of Jews, synagogues, and Jewish 
businesses throughout Germany -- new regulations under the 
Weapons Law specifically barred Jews from owning any weapons, 
even clubs or knives.
Given the parallels between the Nazi Weapons Law and the GCA 
'68 [Gun Control Act, 1968], we concluded that the framers of the 
GCA '68 -- lacking any basis in American law to sharply cut back 
the civil rights of law-abiding Americans -- drew on the Nazi Weapons 
Law of 1938.
Finding the Nazi Weapons Law whetted our appetite. We wanted 
to know who implanted this Nazi cancer in America. We began by 
probing the backgrounds of lawmakers who championed gun control. 
We focused on those whose bills became part of GCA '68. GCA '68 
as enacted closely tracks proposals dating to August 1963. We felt 
that if the culprit were a lawmaker -- or a congressional staffer -- he 
or she would know Germany, German law and possibly even speak 
German. He or she probably would have spent time in Germany on 
business or during military service. Alternatively, if the culprit were 
not a member of Congress or a staffer, there would be testimony 
at the hearings to that effect.
Most potential suspects were quickly eliminated: they had no 
apparent ties to Germany. But one lawmaker caught our attention.
An old *Who's Who* entry showed he had been a senior member 
of the U.S. team that 'prosecuted' German war criminals at Nurnberg 
in 1945-46. Thus, he had lived in Germany just after the Nazi period. 
His official duties required him to look at Nazi records, including Nazi 
laws. In 1963 he led the effort to greatly expand the Federal Firearms 
Act of 1938.
We then got a break. We told a legal scholar of our findings. He 
was intrigued. He sent us an extract from the record of hearings 
held a few months prior to the enactment of the GCA '68. At the 
end of June 1968, the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee to Investigate 
Juvenile Delinquency -- chaired by Thomas J. Dodd (D-CT) -- held 
hearings on bills: (1) "To Require the Registration of Firearms" 
(S.3604), (2) "To Disarm Lawless Persons" (S.3634) and (3) "To 
Provide for the Establishment of a National Firearms Registry" 
(S.3637), among others.
U.S. Representative John Dingell (D-MI) testified at these Senate 
hearings on gun control. Senator Joseph D. Tydings (D-MD) 
chaired some of these hearings, in Dodd's absence.
Rep. Dingell expressed concern that if firearms registration were 
required, it might lead to confiscation of firearms, as had happened 
in Nazi Germany. Tydings angrily accused Rep. Dingell of using 
"scare tactics":
"Are you inferring that our system here, gun registration or 
licensing, would in any way be comparable to the Nazi regime 
in Germany, where they had a secret police, and a complete 
    ==================>> INSET <<===================
    Senators Strom Thurmond and Edward Kennedy are the only 
    members of the original (1968) Senate Judiciary Committee 
    who remain in the Senate, and on the committee
Rep. Dingell backed away.
(Hearings before the Subcommittee to Investigate Juvenile 
Delinquency of the Committee on the Judiciary, 90th Congress, 
2nd Session, June 26, 27 and 28 and July 8, 9 and 10, 1968, 
pp. 479-80, 505-6 cited as Subcommittee Hearings.)
Tydings later inserted into the hearing record various documents, 
"concerning the history of Nazism and gun confiscation."
Exhibit No. 62 (see reproduction [see inset, CN 2.81]) is fascinating. 
This letter -- dated July 12, 1968 -- is to Subcommittee Chairman 
Dodd from Lewis C. Coffin, Law Librarian at the Library of Congress. 
Coffin wrote:
"...we are enclosing herewith a translation of the Law on Weapons 
of March 18, 1938, prepared by Dr. William Solyom-Fekete of [the 
European Law Division] *as* *well* *as* *the* *Xerox* *of* *the* 
*original* *German* *text* *which* *you* *supplied*" (Subcommittee 
Hearings, p. 489, emphasis added).
This letter makes it public knowledge that at the end of June 1968 
-- 4 months before GCA '68 was enacted -- Senator Thomas J. Dodd, 
now deceased, personally owned a copy of the original German text 
of the Nazi Weapons Law.
Why did Dodd own the original German text of any Nazi law? Why 
did he make known that he owned it?
The Library of Congress then had (and still has) the *Reichsgesetzblatt* 
in its collection. The Library of Congress translator, Dr. Solyom-Fekete, 
could easily have used the Library of Congress' own copy.
Any member of Congress who wanted to read the Nazi Weapons Law 
need only have asked for it to be produced from the shelves of the 
Library of Congress and for it to be translated by Library of Congress 
experts. Why should any member of Congress ever have owned the 
original German text of the Nazi Weapons Law?
Without access to Tom Dodd's personal papers, archived under his 
heirs' control, we unfortunately cannot offer definite answers.
Dodd could have acquired the German text of the Nazi Weapons 
Law during his time at Nurnberg. But he had no need to do so.
Dodd did not personally handle the prosecution of Nazi Interior 
Minister Wilhelm Frick, who signed the Nazi Weapons Law. The 
case against Frick was presented by Robert M. W. Kempner, 
Assistant Trial Counsel for the United States (see *Trial of the Major 
War Criminals before the International Military Tribunal*, cited as 
TMWC, Vol. V, pp. 352-67, Nurnberg, Germany, 1947).
Nor should the Nazi Weapons Law otherwise have come to Dodd's 
attention. The Nazi Weapons Law was not used as evidence against 
Frick (see Kempner's speech, TMWC, Vol. V, pp. 352-67 and *Index 
of Laws, Decrees, Orders, Directives, and the Administration of 
Justice in Nazi Germany and Nazi-Dominated Countries*, TMWC, 
Vol. XXIII, pp. 430-33). The Nazi Weapons Law is not listed among 
documents submitted as evidence to the Tribunal by the American 
prosecutors (see Vol. XXIV, pp. 98-169).
The prosecutors at Nurnberg doubtless knew of the Nazi Weapons 
Law. They probably saw it in the *Reichsgesetzblatt*. On the same 
day that Nazi Interior Minister Frick signed the Weapons Law, March 
18, 1938, he signed another law governing security measures in newly 
annexed Austria. This law concerning Austria appeared in the *Reichs-
gesetzblatt* -- directly in front of the Weapons Law -- and was intro-
duced into evidence at Nurnberg (*Reichsgesetzblatt* 1938, I, p. 262; 
the Nazi Weapons Law was published in the same volume, p. 265; 
see TMWC, Vol. V, p. 358 for reference to law concerning Austria).
Thus, the Nazi Weapons Law appeared to have no historical merit 
at Nurnberg and should not have attracted anyone's notice, certainly 
not to the extent of causing anyone to want to keep a copy of it as 
a separate document.
If Dodd got his copy of the original German text of the Nazi Weapons 
Law during his time at Nurnberg, it likely was part of a collection of 
documents, for example, issues of the *Reichsgesetzblatt*.
But if he acquired the original German text of the Nazi Weapons 
Law after his service at Nurnberg, he must have done so for a very 
specific reason. The Nazi Weapons Law plainly did not figure at 
We may safely conclude it had little, if any, interest for those 
interested in the history of the Nazis' rise to power. For example, 
the Nazi Weapons Law is not mentioned at all in William L. Shirer's 
very thorough study of Nazi Germany, *The Rise and Fall of the Third 
Reich* (Simon and Schuster, New York, 1950).
At the hearings held by Dodd's subcommittee at the end of June 
1968, Rep. Dingell had objected to the firearms registration provision 
then being discussed. Dodd may have offered his copy of the Nazi 
Weapons Law to show that the specific proposal did not resemble 
anything in the Nazi law.
He may not have realized that he was revealing a broader truth: 
that the whole fabric of GCA '68 was based on the Nazi Weapons 
Law, even if the specific registration proposal was not so based.
Alternatively, Dodd may not have cared whether or not anyone knew 
that he had the German text of the Nazi Weapons Law. He doubtless 
knew that months would pass before the hearing record was printed 
and so generally available for scrutiny. Thus, even if anyone then 
noticed the parallels between the two laws, the bill would already 
have become law.
Rep. Dingell does not appear to have pursued the matter: the firearms 
registration provision was not included in GCA '68. The Congress was 
stampeded on gun control by public enthusiasm. Martin Luther King 
had been murdered on April 4, 1968, and Robert F. Kennedy had been 
murdered on June 6, 1968.
We are not the first to have seen this hearing record. But we appear 
to be the first to have recognized its importance. This hearing record 
suggests strongly that the late Senator Thomas J. Dodd (D-CT) himself 
implanted the Nazi Weapons Law into American law, or, at very least, 
helped others to do so.
Now you know the ugly truth about the roots of GCA '68. But you need 
to see -- with your own eyes -- the hard evidence of the Nazi roots of 
gun control in America presented in *Gun Control: Gateway to Tyranny*.
If you want to destroy gun control, you can use this book to do it. You 
can demand the immediate repeal of the Nazi-inspired GCA '68 and 
all state laws based on it.
Of Senate Judiciary Committee members serving in 1968, only Edward 
M. Kennedy (D-MA) and Strom Thurmond (D-SC) are still in the Senate. 
Both are still members of the Judiciary Committee. In light of the evidence 
presented above, will they now help to repeal GCA '68?
    ==================>> INSET <<===================
    During hearings in 1968, Rep. John Dingell expressed his 
    concerns over proposed U.S. gun restrictions mimicking 
    those of Nazi Germany, He was chastised by then-Senator 
    Joseph TYDINGS, and Dingell backed down.
Few lawmakers will try to defend the Nazis. And, if they do, you 
know what to do: vote them out at the next election, or sooner, 
if your state's laws provide for recall elections.
The Nazi Weapons Law of March 18, 1938, cleared the way for World 
War II and Nazi genocide against Jews, Gypsies and 7,000,000 other 
people. If "Never Again" is to be a reality in America, the Nazi-based 
GCA '68 must be erased. Now.
 +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO)
2872 S. Wentworth Avenue
Milwaukee, Wisconsin  53207