"[We have a choice of] a painless weeding out before birth or a more painful and wasteful elimination of individuals [with low IQ] after birth."
-- Garrett Hardin. Biology: Its Human Implications (1949). "Do our nobly intended welfare programs promote dysgenics -- retrogressive evolution through the disproportionate reproduction of the genetically disadvantaged?"
-- Nobel Prize winner William Shockley Chase, quoted in Mark Haller's Eugenics (New Jersey: Rutgers University Press), 1963, page 482. "We civilized men do our utmost to check the process of elimination; we build asylums for the imbecile, the maimed, and the sick; we institute poor-laws; and our medical men exert their utmost skill to save the live of every one to the last moment ... Thus the weak members of civilized societies propagate their kind. No one who has attended to the breeding of domestic animals will doubt that this must be highly injurious to the race of man."
Charles Darwin, quoted in Mark Haller's Eugenics (New Jersey: Rutgers University Press), 1963, p. 4.
"Society as the trustee of life is responsible to life for every botched life that comes into existence; and as it has to atone for such lives, it ought consequently to make it impossible for them ever to see the light of day: it should in many cases actually prevent the act of procreation, and may, without any regard for rank, descent, or intellect, hold in readiness the most rigorous forms of compulsion and restriction, and, under certain circumstances, have recourse to castration ... "Thou shalt do no murder," is a piece of ingenuous puerility compared with "Thou shalt not beget" !!! ... The [unhealthy] must at all costs be eliminated, lest the whole fall to pieces."
Friedreich Nietzsche, quoted in Mark Haller's Eugenics (New Jersey: Rutgers Press), 1963, page 53.
"No training or education can create intelligence; you must breed it."
-- British scientist Karl Pierson, Huxley Lectures, quoted in Daniel Kelves' In the Name of Eugenics (New York: Knopf), page 3. "The social imperialist state might well have to intervene in reproductive matters, at least in the families of anti-social propagators of unnecessary human beings."
-- British scientist Karl Pierson, quoted in Daniel Kelves' In the Name of Eugenics (New York: Knopf), p. 34.
"There is now no reasonable excuse for refusing to face the fact that nothing but a eugenics religion can save our civilization from the fate that has overtaken all previous civilizations."
George Bernard Shaw, quoted in Mark Haller's Eugenics (New Jersey: Rutgers Press), 1963, page 19.
Double Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling has suggested that those who carry "dysfunctional genes" have such information tattooed onto their fore- heads.
Linus Pauling. Foreword to "Reflections on the New Biology." UCLA Law Review , Feb. 1968, page 269.
Biologist John Maynard Smith would like to give tax breaks and bonuses to the educated and intelligent who have children and heavily penalize others.
John Maynard Smith. "Eugenics and Utopia." Daedalus , Summer 1989, page 91.
"When it comes to feelings, a rat is a pig is a dog is a boy. They are all mammals. They all feel pain. There is no rational basis for saying that a human being has special rights ... 6 million people died in concentration camps, but 6 billion chickens will die this year in slaughterhouses."
-- Ingrid Newkirk, founder and director of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), quoted by syndicated columnist Stephen Chapman in the December 6, 1989 Chicago Tribune .
The last quote by animal rights activist Ingrid Newkirk in this table is doubly amusing, not only because of its inherent outrageously illogical nature, but also because of the fact that Sol Gordon and other pro-abortionists who rail against the comparison between the Nazi and American Holocausts don't seem to mind Jews being compared to feedlot chickens.
There is ample evidence that the Nazi "quality of life" ethic not only survives to this day, it flourishes and receives wide acceptance and applause. This phenomenon is particularly evident when addressing abortion and sterilization.
Dr. H.G. Whittington unconsciously betrayed the Holocaust-abortion connection when he wrote that "The [abortion] counselor must help the applicant [for abortion] face a painful existential dilemma: whether to kill one nascent human being in order to enhance the quality of life of another person ... Society legalizes abortion to enhance the quality of human life." Just as the Nazis exterminated the Jews to enhance their 'quality of human life' and Lebensraum .
This utilitarian, anti-life attitude even extends to minorities, who should know far better than the rest of us what oppression is, and who should know the true value of human life. For example, as a "somewhat chilling surprise" to the researchers who did a survey of Black health workers and opinion leaders, 73 percent of those polled approved of the involuntary sterilization of mentally handicapped and mentally ill women.
Similarity (2): Use of Newspeak.
"Neither American nor German history justifies the leap from that proposition [that legalizing abortion is to legalize murder] to the view that Americans reason like Nazis and have "simply declared the unborn to be nonhuman.""
-- "Of Analogy and Abortion." The New York Times , March 15, 1984.
The Purposes of Newspeak. Both the National Socialist (Nazi) movement and the pro-abortion movement use nice-sounding words to salve the con- sciences of their respective followers.
Despite luxuriant growths of Newspeak, the average German knew pre- cisely what was going on. And so does the average American. But the average German was afraid to take action. And so is the average American. Ditto for the churches. The public and the churches, just as much as the actual killers, use these terms to give themselves an excuse not to stop the killing. The average do-nothing "Christian" uses these words when he talks about abortion and infanticide with other average do-nothing "Christians."
Examples of Newspeak. Notably, both the Nazis and the American pro- abortion movement habitually use inflammatory Newspeak as propaganda for the purpose of degrading and dehumanizing both their victims and their opposition.
Tens of thousands of Jewish, Gypsy, and handicapped children were killed by the "Reich Committee for Children." Those sickly persons who would be eliminated were identified by the grandly-named "Committee for Research on Hereditary Diseases and Constitutional Susceptibility to Severe Diseases." These unfortunate people were carried to concentration camps by the "Non-Profit Patient Transport Corporation," and their passage was funded by the "Charitable Foundation for Institutional Care."
The Nazis used a vast galaxy of terms when referring to the extermination of the Jews; "resettlement," "evacuation," "clearing the area of Jews," "clean- sing," "disinfection," "special treatment," "moving off to labor in the East," "injecting off," "putting to sleep like animals," "discharging," "cleaning-up of the Jewish question," and "the final solution to the Jewish question" are just a few of the euphemisms they employed.
The words employed by the Nazis and the pro-abortionists to label the essential elements of their respective Holocausts -- the victims, the killing, the killers, the killing places, and the opposition -- are shown in Figure 53-2. The similarities are absolutely striking.
Ballastexistenzen -- human ballast
"Garbage" -- Dr. Christian Wirth
Sheise (shit) -- Hermann Goebbels
"Life devoid of meaning and value"
"Empty shells of human beings"
"Human weeds" -- Hermann Goebbels
"An infection" -- A. Hitler
(I might add one more appellation that was given by Aurelio Pecci, who at the time was president of the Bavarian-backed neo-Nazi organization, the "CLUB OF ROME", which is a major sponsor with the U.N. of the geno- cidal "GLOBAL 2000" plan to eliminate 2 billion people by the year 2000. Pecci stated: "Men are like INSECTS, they proliferate too much." - Wol.) NEWSPEAK APPLIED TO THE PREBORN
"Just like fingernail clippings or warts"
Products of conception, contents of the uterus
Abortus, conceptus, gobbet of meat
Blob of tissue, parasite, leech
Mass of protoplasm
Human waste
Pregnancy is a venereal disease
Ordinary mainstream citizens
Social psychologists
Heroes of the Aryan Race
Builders of a new social order
Ordinary mainstream citizens
Woman's choice physicians
Champions of women's choice
"Providers" of a social good
Improvement of the Aryan Race
Evacuating the afflicted/infested (urban) area
Removal of undesirable social elements
Adjustment of the social order
Evacuation, removal
Purification, cleansing
Improvement of women's health
Evacuating the afflicted/infested (uterine) area
Interruption/termination of pregnancy
Postconception fertility interruption
Venereal disease treatment
Retrospective fertility control
Resettlement camps
Brausebad -- showers
Delousing centers
Transition rooms
Welcoming facilities
Women's care centers
Procedure rooms
Reproductive health center
Transition rooms
Preterm institutes
Anti-progressives, reactionaries
Enemies of the Aryan Race
Small and vocal minority
Interfering meddlers
Non-progressives, reactionaries
Enemies of women (misogynists)
Small and vocal minority
Hysterical Bible-beaters
Ayatollah Khomeini clones (abortionist Bill Baird)
Drooling androids (abortion lawyer Ed Tiryak)
Just "Ordinary Men" ... And so, after a dozen years of this kind of soothing and reassuring propaganda in Germany, the Nazis recruited 3,000 ordinary men from all walks of life in the Spring of 1941 for a "special assignment."
After several months of training, these 3,000 men were organized into four special-purpose battalions ( Ersatzgruppen ) and given their assignment: To roam the vast reaches of Eastern Europe and ruthlessly exterminate all of the Jews and Gypsies they found.
Within nine months, these 3,000 men had killed 1.5 million men, women and children -- an average of 500 murders per man! Some of the killers were sickened at first, but soon grew used to the ceaseless slaughter. For month after month, they killed 8,000 people per day (they got weekends off), and their leaders -- who were specially trained and instructed to watch for psychological impacts among the men -- reported almost none.
After the war, hundreds of these men underwent intensive and detailed psychological tests on the belief that they were psychopaths specifically recruited by the Nazis for their genocidal task. But the Summary Report found that there were no more psychological anomalies in this group than in the general population. The only characteristic common to all of them was that they were all completely desensitized to violence and killing.
In other words, they were just ordinary Germans. They were, in a word, just like ordinary Americans.
Most of the Nazi killers of the World War II concentration camps were also perfectly ordinary human beings, as described in Christopher Browning's book Ordinary Men (Harper-Collins, 1992). Browning describes the activities of a military reserve unit, the 101st Police Battalion, which was comprised entirely of Bremerhaven steel- workers.
It was the job of these men to "process" new arrivals at the Polish concentration camps, including Auschwitz. When trainloads of Jews and other "undesirables" would arrive at the camps, the steelworkers would first separate small children from their mothers. Then they would slaughter the mothers. And then they killed the little children with clear consciences, since, without mothers, their "quality of life" ( Leben- squalitat ) would be too low.
And so, the members of this unit -- which consisted entirely of perfectly ordinary people -- slaughtered thousands of little two-and three-year old girls and boys, and claimed at the Nuremburg trials that they were merely participating in "acts of mercy."
A Bogus Comparison? Pro-abortionists (especially 'Jewish' pro- aborts) will scoff at the idea that Americans have been desensitized to violence. They will simply claim that no rogue battalions wander the countryside slaughtering millions in the United States.
What is the truth? Have Americans been desensitized to violence towards the preborn -- or have they not?
Pro-aborts are not really raving demons, although they may appear to be at times. They are perfectly ordinary human beings -- just like you and me -- who just happen to have bought into the deadly "quality of life" ethic.
Today, abortion clinic workers echo the same words used by the Bremerhaven steelworkers as they fruitlessly tried to defend themselves against charges of mass murder and genocide at the Nuremburg trials. Many abortuary staff have candidly admitted that, if it were legal to kill perfectly healthy four-and five-year old boys and girls in clinics, they would gladly help.
A typical interview;
Question: "Oh, so as long as you make money, it doesn't matter?"
Clinic Employee: "As long as it's food in my stomach, no, it doesn't matter. It is legal ... It is legal ... It is legal!"
Question: "So if they legalized killing four-year-old children, you would have no problem?"
Clinic Employee: "No, I would not have a problem ... My conscience is very clear ..."
If this is not a classic example of desensitization, what is?
If we have not been desensitized, why do late-term abortionists describe the process of desensitization in precisely the same words that the German "ordinary men" did: "You have to become a bit schizophrenic. In one room you encourage the patient that the slight irregularity of the fetal heart is not important, everything is going well, she is going to have a nice baby, and then you shut the door and go into the next room and assure another patient on whom you just did a saline abortion that it's fine if the heart is already irregular, she has nothing to worry about, she is not going to have a live baby. I mean you definitely have to make a 180-degree turn, but somehow it evolved in my own mind gradually, and I have no trouble now making the switch ..."
If we have not become desensitized, how can abortionist Warren Hern calmly and dispassionately describe the dismembering of a two- or-three pound viable baby like this: "We have reached a point in this particular technology where there is no possibility of denial of an act of destruction on the part of the operator. It is before one's eyes. The sensations of dismemberment flow through the forceps like an electric current ... The procedure changes significantly at 21 weeks because the fetal tissues become much more cohesive and difficult to dismember ... A long curved Mayo scissors may be necessary to decapitate and dismember the fetus." (Note: When a person's heart stops beating, or flat-lines, then we say that the person is "legally dead". Should we not by this same reasoning say that a fetus is "legally alive" shortly into the pregnancy when its heart STARTS beating? Again, why is it "legal" for an abort- ionist to sever a child's head from its body during an induced birth so long as part of the child is still in the birth passage -- "late term abortion"; and it is "murder" to do the same thing immediately after an induced birth once the child is fully delivered? Who makes these "laws", the Supreme Court? Who made THEM God??? - Wol.)
If we are not desensitized, how can another late-term abortionist compare pulling apart viable babies "like chickens?": "It's difficult to pull apart a chicken when it is newly killed. You have to cook it first, and then it comes apart very easily. It's the same here [when doing a late-term abortion]."[29]
And how can a nurse sound almost joyous at the prospect of assisting at late-term prostaglandin abortions: "It's a really interesting thing that is happening. It's fascinating, when you can think about it clinically and not get involved in the babies, or the people ... Several times I saw really beautiful things happen, I mean it's physically beauti- ful. (Tell that to the child! - Wol.) Sometimes you can see the vagina opening up and the entire thing coming out at once ... It's a really interesting thing, and it got me very excited."
Finally, how can we compare living unborn babies to warts if we have not become desensitized to the unceasing slaughter that is happening in our own communities right now : "For the most part it [fetal remains] is thrown out like in many doctors' offices. If you had a wart removed or whatever (chuckle) you could make that analogy."
Most appalling and frightening of all, how can the majority of the American public believe that abortion is the killing of a living human being -- yet still want to keep the procedure "safe and legal" -- if it has not been profoundly desensitized?
Similarity (3): Justifying the Holocausts.
The perpetrators of any oppression must rationalize their actions for two reasons: (1) to try to fool the public, and (2) to try to fool themselves.
The greater the offense against humanity, the more aggressive the propaganda and the deeper the self-deception.
Unlike the Nazi Holocaust, the American Holocaust has had millions of perpetrators, some ignorant of, and some in complete command of, the facts. The most pervasive and deceptive propaganda is directed to- wards the perpetrators of the American Holocaust -- those women who have had or are about to have abortions.
Figure 53-3 shows some of these self-excusing rationalizations. Notice the heavy dependence on the idea that "if it's legal , it's right ." Notice also that physicians are not killers, just "instruments," as if they were dull and simple tools without judgment, morals, or discernment. Finally, notice that the appeals to the public are framed in terms of "the common good."