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              	     By John Roemer
  This article is transcribed from an issue of Gnosis Magazine.
  One hundred years after Adolf Hitler's birth near Linz in Austria 
on April 20 1889, and decades after his malign empire metastasized
in Bavaria, the Hitler phenomenon remains to mainstream historians 
largely inexplicable, or at least unexplained. The man and his awful 
work seem to stand outside history looking in. Perhaps our human 
fear of the irrational is so great that we instinctively hold Hitler 
at a great remove in order that we need not admit him to our company.
  In light of this it isn't very surprising that an extensive literature 
exists seeking an occult rationale for the otherwise baffling catastrophe 
Hitler represents. As Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier point out in the 
MORNING OF THE MAGICIANS (1960), the Nazi era simply defies 
conventional analysis:
       A self taught madman, surrounded by a handful of megalo-
    maniacs, rejects Descartes, spurns the whole humanist
    culture, tramples on reason, invokes Lucifer, conquers Europe,
    and nearly conquers the world... The historian begins to feel
    anxious and to wonder whether his art is viable.1
  Pauwels and Bergier were among the first postwar proponents of
a black magical explanation for the Third Reich.1a  About a quarter
of their book is devoted to a region they call "The Absolute Elsewhere," 
a neverland where Nazi pseudosciences and occult methodology held 
official sway. They quote a Hitlerian pronouncement to demonstrate 
that the Fuhrer's intellectual development was on a level wholly 
different from that understood by the Western tradition: "there is a 
Nordic and National Socialist science which is opposed to Jewish-
Liberal science".2  Reality was defined by politics.
  Nazi "science" has brought hoots of derision from those who hold
to the Cartesian model. In place of psychology there was an occult
frappe composed of the mysticism of Gurdijeff, the theosophy of
Madame Blavatsky and the archetypes of Nordic mythology.3  In 
place of Newtonian physics stood the cosmic force called vril, the
bizarre geology known as the hollow earth theory, and the frigid
cosmology of Hans Horbiger's Welteislehre, the doctrine of eternal
  Nazi thought excluded psychoanalysis, which has in fact been not
very helpful in explaining the etiology of great evil, although Robert 
G.L. Waite's effort, quoted above and published in 1977 by Basic 
Books, is good on several provocative subjects: Hitler's sadomaso-
chistic sex life; the possibility he had a Jewish grandfather; and his 
Viennese mentors, who are described at greater length by the authors 
about to be mentioned.
   Nazism officially rejected the theory of relativity as "Jewish science". 
Not only Freud but EInstein too was forced to flee Hitler's Europe. He 
and other physicists eventually were able to ensure that atomic secrets 
remained in the hands of the allies until they could be used spectacularly
to climax the Pacific war.  (Note: The Germans WERE working on an
atomic device, although their project was flawed in minor respects.  Could
their rejection of Einsteinian physics as "Jewish Science" have ensured
their inevitable failure at devoloping a nuclear weapon? - Wol.)
  Horbiger's physics derived from an intuitive flash he experienced late 
in the nineteenth century. "... As a young engineer," he wrote, "I was 
watching one day some molten steel poured on wet ground covered with 
snow: the ground exploded after some delay and with great violence."4
  This conflict of opposites, of fire and ice, is a theme that inspired 
Horbiger and resonated for German nationalists because it recurs in the 
Icelandic Eddas, the sourcebooks of Teutonic mythology. It all makes 
good sense in Iceland, since that island's peculiar geology feature 
numerous volcanic rifts in the permafrost; fire and ice are commonly 
juxtaposed all over the landscape. As grounds for a cosmology - the 
word implies universality - it is at best dubious. It would be a hard sell 
in Hawaii. Nevertheless, Nazi science was influential out of all proportion
to its objective validity. Hoerbiger was immensely influential in the Third 
Reich. His followers numbered in the tens of thousands. There were 
scores of Horbigerian books, hundreds of Welteislehre pamphlets, and 
a monthly magazine called THE KEY TO WORLD EVENTS. As one 
tract put it,
      Our Nordic ancestors grew strong amidst the ice and snow, 
   and this is why a belief in a world of ice is the natural heritage
   of Nordic men. It was Austrian, Hitler, who drove out the Jewish
   politicians, and another Austrian, Horbiger, (who) will drive
   out the Jewish scientists. By his own example Hitler has shown
   that an amateur (can) give us a thorough understanding of the
  Hitler's fatal confidence in the success of his troops on the
Russian front during the 1941 - 2 winter is generally believed to
have been a result of his misplaced faith in Horbiger's weather
forecasts. Despite such setbacks, the Welteislehre managed to
thrive even after the war. The popular speculations of Immanuel
Velikovsky derive in part from Horbiger. In 1953 a survey conduc-
ted by Martin Gardner showed that more than a million people in
Germany, England, and the U.S. believed that Horbiger was right.6
  The Horbigerian cosmology posited an early epoch, some fifteen
million years ago, during which a hugh moon moved across the 
sky very near the earth. Its gravitational attraction gave rise to a
race of our ancestors, the giants. These giants, which appear in
the ancient Norse and Icelandic sagas, sleep, yet they are alive.
To the Nazis, they were Supermen. In one set of myths, contained
in the Nibelungenlied, they lived beneath Teutonic mountains. In
another they were prototype Aryans from the East, inhabiting VAST
Tibetan caverns.
  Three other books that investigate hidden influences (are) Gerald
Suster's HITLER: THE OCCULT MESSIAH; Jean-Michel Angebert's 
THE OCCULT AND THE THIRD REICH; and Nicholas Goodrick-
  Suster's book largely rehashes Pauwels and Bergier. Angebert
(actually a pen name for two French writers) interestingly links
Hitler to an ancient dualist tradition he traces from Manichaenism
in Persia through the Essenes... to the Cathars in the south of France 
in the Middle Ages. It's philosophy in which, in its Nazi incarnation, 
solar forces of light represented by blond, fair-skinned Aryans strive 
against the evil forces of darkness, who are of course dark skinned 
  Both books, but especially Suster's are written in prose that stops 
just this side of tabloid journalese. This is too bad for two reasons. 
One, the authors diminish some important material by this kind of 
presentation. Two, the lessons we have to learn about mass psycho-
pathology and about the history of fascism are too important to be 
trivalized in this way.
  Goodrick-Clark's is a serious and compelling historical look at
ariosophy, a dangerous amalgam of Aryan racism, pan-German
nationalism, and occultism that flourished in Austria and Germany
from around 1890 well into the era when Himmler's Death's Head 
SS was organized. Himmler is said by Pauwels and Bergier to have 
taken the JESUITS for his model, and to have installed a regular
hierarchy ranging from lay brothers to father superior, and to have
used this Black Order in horrific rites.8  (Note: This fact is also
confirmed in Edmond Paris' book THE SECRET HISTORY OF THE
JESUITS, which also reveals that the Nazi S.S. was filled with mem-
bers of the Jesuit Order, and thus suggesting to some that Rome was 
using the Nazi movement to carry out their own continuous 'Inquisitions' 
against the Jews and Protestants.  Hitler by the way, as well as most 
of his staff, were avowed Roman Catholics.  Roman Catholicism should
come under criticism not so much for it's spiritual aspects but for its
political agendas, as should ANY religion that fails to separate church
and state or uses the spiritual passions of the masses to push their
oppressive or imperical political goals -- whether they be Catholics, 
Masons, Islams, Buddhists, Hindus, Atheists, Mormons, etc.  Incident-
ally Austria, during world war II, was 90 % Roman Catholic and 100 % 
Nazi... - Wol.)
  THE OCCULT ROOTS OF NAZISM identifies wide circle of proto-Nazi
philosophers, previously almost unknown, who saw in the chaos that
beset Germany after the Treaty of Versailles the working out of ancient 
Aryan prophecies. Among them was Rudolf John Gorsleben, whose inter-
esting career Goodrick-Clarke sums up in a sentence: "on the basis of 
the runes, occultism, and the Edda, Gorsleben created an original racist 
mystery-religion which illuminated the priceless magical heritage of the 
Aryans and justified their spiritual and political world-supremacy."9
  Gorsleben was active in right-wing politics in Bavaria in the years Hitler 
was forming his political convictions there, and he lectured to the Thule 
Society, a Munich club thought to have greatly influenced Nazism in its 
infancy (see below). He also edited a weekly newspaper called German 
Freedom; in 1927 he changed the name to Aryan Freedom.
      He derived the word 'race' from rata, an Old Norse term meaning 
'root', in order to conclude that God and race were identical.... He main-
tained that racial mixing was always detrimental for the racially superior 
partner, since his purity was debased in the progeny, and he repeated 
the common volkisch [folkish] conviction that woman could be 'impreg-
nated' by intercourse, even when no conception occurred, so that her
subsequent offspring bore the characteristics of her first lover. Given 
these overwhelming pressures towards the increasing bastardization 
of the German descendants of the Aryan race, only the strict practice 
of segregation and eugenics could guarantee the reversal of racial 
contamination in the world.10
  Another book which holds that Hitler learned many of his occult
lesson from avatars in Vienna and Munich may well be the best known
black magical explanation of Nazism to have been put forth so far.
Trevor Ravenscroft's THE SPEAR OF DESTINY was published by that
famous British house of occultism, the aptly named Neville Spearman
Ltd,.in 1972, and has since gone through many edition.11
  Ravenscroft is intriguing because instead of reporting historical influ-
ences on Hitler, he presents secret history in a narrative form that 
purports to be factual and that -- if true maybe even if only poetically 
"true" -- goes a long way toward finding a convincing occult explanation 
for the Nazi phenomenon.
  Two challenges to Ravenscroft's facts, discussed below, have led
some readers to conclude his book is more nearly a novel than strict 
history. Nonetheless, its provocative premise and fluent synthesis of 
black magical thematics will keep it on occult booklists until a better 
effort at explaining Hitler comes along.
  Ravenscroft, a British journalist, historian, and World War II commando 
officer, spent four years in Nazi prison camps after he was captured 
attempting to assassinate General Erwin Rommel in North Africa in 
1941. His personal perspective on the Hitler era is based on material 
he says he got in a state of transcendent consciousness while im-
prisoned. He introduces his methodology by speaking of...
          "my own experience of higher levels of consciousness
       whilst in a Nazi Concentration Camp during the war, and
       how the nature of this transcendent experience had guided
       me to a study of the Spear of Longinus and the legend of
       world destiny which had grown up around it."12
   Later, in London, his intuitive suspicions about certain grail relics 
and their importance in occult Hitlerian history were confirmed by a 
Viennese exile called Dr. Walter Johannes Stein who died in 1957.
   Dr. Stein spent much of the war as a British secret agent, but before 
that time he was a scholar who employed white magical means to 
clairvoyantly investigate historical events. It was his book on the grail 
mythos published in Stuttgart in 1928 and titled THE NINTH CENTURY: 
attracted Ravenscroft to him.
   THE SPEAR OF DESTINY focuses first on Hitler's lost years in
Vienna from 1909 to 1913. During that time, Ravenscroft writes, Dr.
Stein was pursuing his occult researches as a student at the University 
of Vienna and getting to know Hitler, then a dropout living in a flophouse.
   Vienna was during Hitler's years there a vortex of modern thinking. 
Freud was in practice at Berggasse. 19; Ludwig Wittgenstein was in 
residence pondering avant garde philosophy and metaphysics; Gustav 
Mahler had returned home to die and to name his protege, Arnold 
Schonberg. In contrast there persisted the deep anti-Semitic currents 
that had caused Mahler to convert to [Roman] Catholicism, that forced 
Freud eventually to flee to London and that informed the ancient pan-
German folkoric nostalgia espoused by Guido von List.
   This old black magician, whose occult lodge Ravenscroft says
substituted the swastika for the cross in perversion and the practice 
of medieval thaumaturgy, looked like a wizard in floppy cap and long 
white beard. His link to Hitler was allegedly through an occult book-
seller, Ernst Pretzche, in whose shop the future Fuhrer found a second 
  In the shop Dr. Stein found a copy of Wolfram von Eschenbach's
PARZIVAL, the medieval grail romance that Dr. Stein was himself
researching for his work on the ninth century. In the book's margins 
were handwritten annotations; looking them over Dr.Stein was fasci-
nated and repelled:
             "This was no ordinary commentary but the work of
             somebody who had achieved more than a working
             knowledge of the black arts! The unknown commentator
             had found the key to unveiling many of the deepest
             secrets of the Grail, yet obviously spurned the Christ-
             tian ideals of the Knights and delighted in the devious 
             machinations of the Anti-Christ.  It suddenly dawned 
             on him that he was reading the footnotes of SATAN!14
   The footnotes, of course, proved to have been HITLER'S.
   Soon afterward, Dr.Stein and Hitler saw the Reich's lance together 
in the Imperial Museum at the Hofburg. Dr. Stein had been there before 
and had never failed to be moved by the sight of the old relic, supposed 
to have been moved by the original spear with which the Roman centurion, 
Longinus, pierced the side of Christ during the crucifixation. Longinus was 
a German, and his "spear of destiny" was fated to play a magical role in 
the careers of German leaders like Charlemagne, Otto the Great, and 
Frederick Barbarossa. Dr. Stein said the spear inspired in him the emotion 
expressed in the motto of the knights of the holy grail: Durch Mitleid wissen,
"through compassion to self knowledge."
   Then he glanced at Hitler:
   Walter Stein found he was not the only one moved by the sight of this 
historic spearhead. Adolf Hitler stood beside him, like a man in a trance, 
a man over whom some dreadful magic spell had been cast... The very 
space around him seemed enlivened with some subtle irradiation, a kind 
of ghostly ectoplasmic light. His whole physiognomy and stance appeared 
transformed as if some might Spirit now inhabited his very soul, creating 
within and around him a kind of evil transfiguration of its own nature and 
   Latter Hitler took Dr. Stein up the Danube to visit his mystic teacher, 
a rustic woodcutter and herbalist named Hans Lodz "who retained in his 
peasant's blood the last traces of the atavistic clairvoyance of the ancient 
Germanic tribes" and who "resembled a mischievous yet malevolent dwarf 
from the pages of Grimm's Fairy Tales or an illustration from a book on 
ancient Germanic folklore".16 The men took a swim in the river at which 
Dr. Stein noticed that Hitler had only one testicle.
  It was Lodz, Dr.Stein learned, who had prepared for Hitler a peyote 
concoction that afforded him psychedelic insight into his 'past lives'. 
The peyote itself had come from Pretzche, who had lived for a time in 
the German colony in Mexico. Hitler had hoped that his former existences, 
viewed in his drug trance, would include an early incarnation as a powerful 
Teutonic ruler, but it was not to be.
   Instead his psychedelic perception revealed non Eschenbach's Parzival 
to have been prophetic of events that would take place a thousand years 
after it was written, i.e. in the present. And it showed Hitler to have been 
the historical personage behind the evil sorcerer Klingsor, the very spirit 
of the anti-Christ and the villain of Parzival.
   According to Dr. Stein's work, Klingsor was in fact Landulf II of Capua, 
the traitorous confidant of the Holy Roman Emperor who betrayed Christ-
ianity to the Moslem invaders of Italy and Spain.
   Armed with the knowledge of his black spiritual ancestry (or rather an
ancient personality that the 'spirit' possessing him desired to identify
him with? - Wol), Ravenscroft writes, Hitler moved to Germany, joined 
the Bavarian Army, survived the hellish trench warfare on the western 
front, won the Iron Cross, second class, and got discharged in Munich 
where he encountered the men who were to invent National Socialism.
   Virtually every study of Hitler's time in Munich mentions the THULE
Society as superficially a kind of Elk's Club of German mythology which 
met often and openly at a fancy metropolitan hotel and for a time counted 
Hitler as a member. Behind the scenes, however the society seems to 
have been considerably more sinister.
   Robert Payne whose excellent Hitler biography contains no occult
explanations, describes the Thule Society as the center of the right 
wing opposition to the brief Bavarian postwar socialist coup under the 
Jewish intellectual Kurt Eisner...
         "The reaction set in swiftly, as the extreme right gathered
       its forces. The headquarters of the reaction was the Hotel
       Vierjahreszeiten, where several floors were given over to
       the Thule Society, ostensibly a literary club devoted to 
       the study of Nordic culture but in fact a secret political
       organization devoted to violent anti-Semitism and rule by
       an aristocratic elite. The name of the organization derived
       from ultima Thule, the unknown northern land believed to
       be the original home of the German race... The symbol of 
       the Thule Society was a swastika with a dagger enclosed 
       in laurel leaves.17
   Most of the occult historians of the era believe the Thule Society 
operated on a deeper level still, a level headed by a mysterious figure 
called Dietrich Eckart. Goodrick-Clarke calls Eckart Hitler's MENTOR
in the early days of the Nazi Party, along with Rudolf Hess and Alfred 
   According to Ravenscroft, Eckart, like Hitler, first achieved transcen-
dence through psychedelic drugs. Research on peyote by the German 
pharmacologist Ludwig Lewin had been published in 1886, leading to 
widespread popular experimentation. Later a heroin addict, in earlier 
days Eckart used peyote in the practice on neo-pagan magic in Berlin. 
He came to believe that he, too was the reincarnation of ninth century 
character. In his case it was Bernard of Barcelona, a notorious betrayer 
of Christianity to the Arabs and a black magician who used thaumaturgy 
to hold off Carolingian armies in Spain.
  Eckart assertedly organized Kurt EIsner's assassination and personally 
chose Hitler -- by then a battle-scarred veteran of the horrors of trench 
warfare and a fervent critic of the armistice -- to lead the Aryan race back 
to supremacy.
  Ravenscroft writes that Hitler had been prepared for satanic initiation 
by his experiences in Vienna with peyote and with the spear and by his 
mustard gassing in 1918, which left him blind and in a state of enforced 
trance for several days.
  He also says that the techniques Dietrich Eckart used were in part 
derived from the sexual magic of Aleister Crowley. In 1912 this famed 
British magician was named IX British head of a secret Berlin lodge 
called Ordo Templi Orientis [O.T.O.] which practiced various forms of 
sexual magic.19
   Ravenscroft writes "there can be little doubt" that both Crowley and 
Eckart conducted deep studies of the Arabian astrological magic per-
formed by Klingsor's real life counterpart, Landulf II. It was to Sicily --
then a Moslem stronghold -- that Landulf fled after his traitorous links 
to Islam were disclosed. And it was in a dark tower in the mountains 
of the southwest corner of that island that his evil soul festered with 
additional bitterness over his castration by the relatives of a noblewoman 
he had raped. There he practiced sadistic satanism of a nature that 
foreshadowed the horrors of Nazi concentration camps.
       "If the legends that have come down from these dark centuries
       of European history are true, these rituals carried out at Kalot 
       Enbolot included terrible tortures such as the slitting open of 
       the stomach of sacrificial victims and the slow drawing open of 
       the stomach of sacrificial victims and the slow drawing of their 
       entrails, the driving of stakes through the orifices of their bodies 
       before disembowelling them, and the invoking of Spirits of Dark-
       ness (incubi) to rape young virgins kidnapped from their families."20
   It was from his studies of the power available to practitioners of such
perversities that Eckart devised the rituals he used when he "opened the 
centers of Adolf Hitler to give him a vision of and a means of communica-
tion with the Powers." Ravenscroft concludes, though he declines to 
furnish the full details: "Suffice it to say that they were indescribably 
sadistic and ghastly." 21
    Having done his worst, Eckart soon died, proudly advising those
around him:
         Follow  Hitler! he will dance, but it is I who have called
         the tune!
         I have initiated him into the "Secret Doctrine", opened
         his centers of vision and given him the means to
         communicate with the Powers.
         Do not mourn for me: I shall have influenced history more
         than any other German.22
   Not unnaturally the question rises whether any of THE SPEAR 
OF DESTINY is true. It's certainly a great story, one which Ravens-
croft elaborates with a lengthy investigation of Hitler's sex life, in 
which he makes a case for associating the reports of the Fuehrer's 
missing testis to the perversities resulting from Landulf's castration.
   The problem lies with Ravenscroft's primary source, Dr. Walter
Johannes Stein. And the problem with Dr.Stein is really two problems: 
one his method of historical research: and two, the fact that he is 
dead and unable to speak for himself.
   Given his method, of course, this second problem should not be
insurmountable. Had we the technique, Dr. Stein could presumably
verify each of Ravenscroft's assertion for us from beyond the grave. 
For Dr. Stein is alleged to have studied history not in the libraries 
and archives that are the usual haunt of the historian but in an arena 
called the Cosmic Chronicle (also known to adherants of the 'Astral'
arts as the AKASHA records. - Wol.) where, according to Ravenscroft, 
past present and future were united in a higher dimension of time.
   What's more, Ravenscroft reveals in his introduction, Dr.Stein taught 
the same techniques to him.
   It is, however, undeniably difficult, if not unprecedented, to footnote 
clairvoyance. We have to take on faith that the SPEAR OF DESTINY 
is what Dr.Stein told Ravenscroft. This is not to say that all of his 
information came from the Cosmic Chronicle; Dr. Stein as we have 
seen is purported to have been present in Vienna during Hitler's lost 
years there. Nor did their close association end in Austria. Ravenscroft 
says Dr. Stein "watched at close quarters" the founding of the Nazi party 
and Hitler's association with Eckart and other sinister mentors.
          "When Reichsfuehrer SS Heinrich Himmler ordered Dr.
       Stein's arrest in Stuttgart in 1933 in order to press him into
       service with the SS Occult Bureau, he escaped from Germany
       and brought with him to Britain the most authoritative knowledge 
       of the occultism of the Nazi Party."23
   Nowhere does Ravenscroft make it clear whether he's talking about 
eyewitness knowledge on Dr.Stein's part or about the sort of information 
to be gleaned from the Cosmic Chronicle. But two critics of the SPEAR 
OF DESTINY do cast doubt on several of the factual assertions upon 
which Ravenscroft's argument is built.
   One is Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, whose book on the occult roots
of Nazism is quoted above. In an appendix called "THE MODERN 
MYTHOLOGY OF NAZI OCCULTISM", Goodrick-Clarke takes Ravens-
croft to task for the story about Hitler's relations with the occult book-
seller in Vienna and for his claim that Guido Von List was forced to 
flee from outraged Viennese Catholics in 1909 after the sexual rites 
of his blood brotherhood were exposed. He writes flatly,
           "There is not a shred of evidence for such rituals. List
        was never obliged to leave Vienna and he enjoyed the
        patronage of prominent Vienna figures...The fictional
        nature of the whole episode surrounding the annotated 
        copy of Parzival is suggested by the similarity of Pretz-
        sche's obscure bookshop to the one described by Sir
        Edward Bulwer-Lytton in ZANONI (1842), which probably
        served Ravenscroft as a literary model.24
  Goodrick-Clarke also criticizes Jean Michael Angebert's book, THE
OCCULT AND THE THIRD REICH, cited above. He brands as imaginary
Angebert's account of the young Hitler's association with Lanz von
  As noted earlier, Goodrick-Clarke's book is an important and serious 
piece of research on Guido von List and Lanz von Lievenfels. But the 
author seems a little over-sensitive toward other writers who invoke his 
two subjects. Nevertheless, his critique of Angebert and Ravenscroft, 
though brief, does offer a glimpse of the misgivings that professional 
historians feel regarding such material.
  More extensive criticisms have been offered by Christoph Lindenberg 
in his review of THE SPEAR OF DESTINY in the German journal Die Drie. 
Lindenberg has done some effective digging at the Vienna Records office. 
Ravenscroft has Hitler sitting high up in the cheap seats of the Vienna 
Opera House in the winter of 1910 - 11 watching Wagner's Parzifal and 
sympathizing with Klingsor. This proves to have been impossible, because 
Lindenberg learned that the first performance of Wagner's opera took place 
three years later, on January 14,1914.
   Ravenscroft's second mistake was to name the Viennese bookseller
who introduced Hitler to drugs. "No better name occurred to him than 
Pretsche, popular among English writers of fiction for German malefactors," 
Lindenberg writes scornfully before revealing that extensive checks of 
Vienna city and business directories and police records for the years 
1892 through 1920 were negative for the name in question.25
   Next, Lindenberg takes issue with Ravenscroft's description of the 
Danube trip Hitler and Dr. Stein took in May 1913, to visit the mystic 
woodcutter, Hands Lodz:
        We can overlook Ravenscroft's mistake of speaking of "Wachau" 
as a place and not of the region which really it is. But the details do not 
fit: the snow melting in May, the steamer running in spite of the floods, 
bathing in the river -- it makes no sense. Certainly wrong is the statement 
that Hitler had only one testicle... all this has been completely refuted
by [Werner] Maser.26
   Ravenscroft's account of Hitler's circumstances in Vienna also come 
in for some heavy criticism. Dr. Stein reportedly sat in a window seat in 
Demel's Cafe, reading the anonymous marginalia in the copy of Parzival 
he'd found and concluding they were "the footnotes of Satan" when he 
looked through the glass and beheld "the most arrogant face and 
demonical eyes he had ever seen". This was of course the future Fuehrer 
in his legendary guise as an impoverished pavement artist, selling home-
made postcards, dressed in a big black "sleazy" coat, his toes visible 
through the cracks in his shoes. When in August, 1912, he sought Hitler 
out at the "flophouse" he lived in , in Meldemannstrasse, he was told 
Hitler was away at Spittal-an-der-Drau collecting a legacy left him by an
aunt. Thereafter, Hitler dressed well.27
   Hitler did receive a legacy from his aunt, Johanna Poelzl, Lindenberg 
reports. But this happens in March, 1911, and the aunt lived in Spital-with-
one-t, not on the Drau but in southern Austria. Furthermore,
          "At no time of life did Hitler live in impoverished conditions, 
       rather he had always sufficient money. In the Meldenmann-
       strasse, a kind of large hotel, Hitler paid a rent of 15 Kronen 
       a month. So he could afford a fairly expensive room and had 
       no need to sell his pictures, which in any case were not post-
       cards. So this scene too, that impoverished Hitler dressed in 
       an oversized black coat selling water colors in front of the 
       Cafe Dehmel does not agree with the facts either (cf. the two 
       works by Werner Maser who with incredible care collected all 
       ascertained facts of Hitler's youth).28
   In his discussion of the holy lance's power to evoke transcendent 
experience, Ravenscroft has a scene in which the chief of the German 
general staff, Helmut von Moltke, visited the relic in the company of 
Conrad von Hoetzendorf, an Austrian general, shortly before the out-
break of World War I. The spear's presence led von Moltke to have 
a trance vision of himself incarnated as Pope Nicolas I, a ninth century 
pontiff concerned, like von Moltke, with the balance of geopolitical 
power between east and west.29
  Untrue protests Lindenberg. "For Moltke visited Vienna neither in 
1913 nor in 1914. Conrad and Moltke met on May 12, 1914 at Karls-
bad, from September 7 - 10, 1913, in Silesia, and at Leipzig on 
October 18 at the Centenary of the Battle of Leipzig. They had no 
other meeting."30
  Lindenberg has several other criticisms to make, such as the 
assertion that "A number of people who intimately knew Walter
Johannes Stein in the last years of his life state that Stein never
met Hitler." Unfortunately Ravenscroft's aversion to footnotes has
ALSO afflicted his critic, and Lindenberg nowhere names these
people NOR does he document his other assertions.
   Lindenberg doesn't like Ravenscroft's book; he calls it "a pollution 
of our spiritual environment." And it is manifestly difficult for him or 
anyone to rebut research done on the cosmic level.
  What, in the end, was Hitler all about? Perhaps no better explana-
tion can be found than W.H. Auden's suggestions, made in his
poem "September 1,1939" and printed as an epigram to Robert G.L.
Waite's book. The date is the beginning of Hitler's Blitzkrieg against 
              Accurate scholarship can
              Unearth the whole offence
              From Luther until now
              That has driven a culture mad,
              Find what occurred at Linz,
              What huge imago made
              A psychopathic god:
              I and the public know
              What all schoolchildren learn,
              Those to whom evil is done
              Do evil in return.
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