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  The  day after the spill, leaders of the fishing community  and
fish  processors  telephoned for my help. I immediately  flew  to
Valdez  to do what I could. In addition to helping the fishermen,
I  assisted  this  Committee with housing  and  support  services
during  their on site investigation, and also provided a  network
of information to members of the media who were  attempting  to
provide  accurate coverage. As with most disasters, even the  oil
spill brought out the best of people in Alaska trying to help.  I made 
numerous new friends, and put old friends together with new ones. 
The evidence continued to mount.
  The  more  information  I was provided, the  more  disgusted  I
became. The more disgusted I became, the harder it was to ignore
the  information that employees provided me. What I perceived  as
the  "Sovereign  State" of ALYESKA, continued  to  operate as a
to go on with my life, to  leave behind me the disillusionment that I 
felt, to  do  what  other  men at my age are doing -- walking on the 
beach with their  wife,  enjoying  the hard earned fruits of their labor.  
and the  peace  and  contentment  I  tried to achieve were REPLACED  
by  worrying  and  concern  for  those people who turned to me for 
help. Personally, these were terrible, dark nights for Kathy and me. 
And it went on for years.
  One  day  in April, 1990, a Dr. Wayne Jenkins came  to  me.  He
described  his company, Ecolit Group, as a well funded  group  of
attorneys who wanted to help me. They would provide me the  tools
to  protect  those workers who had turned to me for help,  Ecolit
could  help protect their jobs, and supply me support  staff  and
assistance  to  manage what had become a full  time,  financially
costly,   job   of  protecting  whistleblowers  and  coordinating
government investigations. I thought it was too good to be true.
  As  I  wrote  in a note to my Anchorage attorney  and  faithful
supporter,  Julian Mason, Ecolit was "the stuff that  dreams  are
made of." This Ecolit Group showed up in answer to a dilemma 
that  seemed  to  have  no end for me. I was tired, almost  broke,  
and broken in spirit. I wanted to be able to turn the reins of  these
responsibilities over to someone else. My wife  had  been  caring
for  her invalid parents in Washington State without my help.  It
seemed as if we had spent a decade fighting to keep what we  had,
losing  our assets, and becoming the only hope for many Alaskans
who turned to us for help, for no one else was there for them  to
turn to.
  The  Ecolit Group seemed such a perfect answer. Dr. Jenkins was
anxious  to  learn  all  about  my  Congressional  contacts,   my
informants,  interested media, and my plans. He  expressed  moral
outrage  at the environmental wrongs being committed by  the  oil
industry,  and was anxious to provide legal support to  stop  the
polluting,  the dumping and other wrongs that I revealed  to  him.
Now that I have had the opportunity to review the transcripts and
tapes  of my meetings with Wayne Black, I am embarrassed at  
many of the things that I said trying to get him interested in helping
to do the right things without compromising my sources.
  Obviously  I  did  compromise many of them.  Inadvertently,  of
course,  but nonetheless, I let them down and I will always  have
to  deal with that. I also let this Committee down. In my zeal to
find  an  answer to the problems I was facing -- no resources, and
increasing obligations to more and more people -- I exaggerated my
influence  with this Committee and I exposed information  that  I
had  been  entrusted with by Committee staffers. In  my  business
activities  I  knew that if it sounds too good to be true,  it probably 
isn't true. In this instance, I failed to recognize  the warnings that 
should have tipped me off to Ecolit's true purpose.
  Yet,  I  could never have known nor little imagined the  extent
of  the  betrayal  of  my  trust. The details  of  the  Wackenhut
surveillance are now well known. Alyeska authorized the stealing
of   our  trash,  MONITORING  and  taping  our  telephone  calls,
concealing video cameras in HOTEL rooms, STEALING OUR
MAIL, and  ILLEGALLY  obtaining  our  personal  and  financial  
information. Alyeska successfully launched an internal "witch hunt" 
to  target  everyone  who had communications with me. By ILLICITLY  
obtaining  AT&T  TELEPHONE RECORDS they identified the people 
who we  called  nationwide  and  people who called us,  and  --  
worst  of  all  --  violated my confidences with people who trusted 
MENT (Note: Do I sense an impending MULTI-BILLION dollar lawsuit
against ARCO, EXXON and their corporate collaborators here?  I
believe that it's inevitable as their criminal conspiracy continues to
crumble. - Wol.). Others have lost their jobs,  become suspected 
of being sources of information  and now live  in  fear of being moni-
tored by their employer. All  that  I  tried  to  do to help stop Alyeska's 
wrongdoing was being  turned  upside down by them.
  I  am repeatedly asked how all this makes me feel. When I first
learned of the surveillance activities I was afraid for my family and  
friends.  Next  I became angry, furious that  Alyeska  would stoop 
to DISHONESTY, DECEPTION and THEFT out of paranoia that 
THE TRUTH would somehow find its way to the public. It is the 
classic psychological  projection when Alyeska justifies their  
elaborate  sting  operation  by  claiming that I had "stolen"  docu-
ments.  I  never  picked  through Alyeska's trash, broke into  its  
offices, taped  their  phone calls. I never posed as one of their own.  
I never  attempted to destroy their careers, or worse, invade their
families'  privacy. I have always done exactly as I  said  I  was
going to do -- insist on responsible environmental management of
the  oil  industry  in  Alaska. Today I am  simply  saddened  and
disgusted; but, in a strange way, grateful and relieved that this
entire  incident has come to light because it demonstrates better
than  I  could  ever do that Alyeska, AND ITS OWNERS, cannot 
be trusted.
  The  last ten years of my life have been spent trying  to  warn
the  public  that  ALYESKA and EXXON CANNOT BE TRUSTED  
with  OUR  natural  resources, they CANNOT BE TRUSTED as 
business  partners, and  they  CANNOT BE TRUSTED about their 
alleged  claim  that  we  desperately need more oil.  It is now up 
to the  CONGRESS  (who should be the TRUE ruling body in
America, NOT the President, NOT the CIA, and NOT the repre-
sentatives of 'special interest' groups such as the Oil Companies 
which have enough money to 'buy' their way into the Media or into
the White House. - Wol.) to sort out the truth from all the lies.
  In  1988, ARCO, EXXON and British Petroleum failed to tell this
Committee about the existence of the Pt. McIntyre billion  barrel
oil field directly under the West Dock, virtually within sight of
the Alyeska Pipeline, while they were testifying that Prudhoe Bay
was  running dry. In fact, both ARCO and EXXON knew that they 
had discovered  the  Pt. McIntyre field years earlier.  In  1989,  my
General Partner, EXXON, told me that our Pt. McIntyre leases were
dry. I sold my interest in the leases for what EXXON told me  was
a fair price. Several weeks after selling EXXON my interests, the
major discovery was announced. ONCE AGAIN, they LIED to you, 
they LIED to the Congress, they LIED to the public, and they DE-
FRAUDED us all.
  The  public  relations departments of the oil  industry,  their
lawyers  and  lobbyists desperately want this Committee  and  
the public  to believe that I attempted to humiliate the oil industry
in  retaliation for the economic losses I suffered.  Alyeska  and
the  oil  industry have tried desperately for years  to  convince
themselves and the public that I am  an  extortionist  --  a busi-
nessman motivated to expose environmental wrongs for personal
profit. The truth is that the oil companies were  and  continue  to
be motivated to ignore environmental wrongs  to  INCREASE  cor-
porate assets.  Do not misunderstand me, I believe that responsible  
oil  development  is  necessary  to  our national  interest.  However,
Alyeska  and  its oil company OWNERS believe that  in  order  for
someone  to be "for" the oil business, one must also be "against"
environmental  protections  that  might  stand  in  the  way  of
corporate  PROFITS.  I  refuse to believe  that  fallacy,  and  I
certainly refuse to conduct myself and my activities in a manner
that these members of the oil industry find acceptable.
  I  refuse to believe that the only way to advocate for a  clean
environment and regulatory compliance is to take a vow of poverty
and  join  a  not-for-profit environmental organization.  I  also refuse 
to  believe  that  I  must choose  between  pursuing  the  economic  
damage that I have been caused by Exxon and  the  other Alyeska   
owners  and  insisting  that  they  clean up their environmental act.
  Most  importantly, I refuse to believe that any citizen of this
country has to tolerate the INVASION of privacy that I have been
subjected  to  simply because I have exercised my Constitutional
RIGHTS  and  responsibilities as a citizen to petition  Congress,
and  to  assist the news media in the presentation of  facts  and
evidence that certain members of the oil industry have chosen  to
ignore. I may not ever be able to walk on the beach with my  wife
in  peace or to recoup the money that I have been cheated out of,
but  both  my  wife and I will know that we have done  everything
within  our power to keep the beaches clean for our children  and
  As  a  final note I want to state publicly how deeply my wife and  
I appreciate the courage and honesty of the FORMER Wackenhut
employees and investigators who came forward and told the truth.
The  nation  and  Alaska are better because of the  integrity  of
these  people.  Had  it not been for Rafael "Gus"  Castillo,  Ana
Contreras,   Sherree  Rich,  Ricki  Jacobson,  Adriana  Caputti,
Mercedez Cruz, and others, none of this would have come to light.
These  are  brave individuals, who had nothing to gain by  coming
forward, but had much to lose. Each of these employees, like  the
many  Alyeska  employees who took similar risks to bring  forward
the  truth  about  Exxon  and  Alyeska's  activities,  have  more
integrity  than the OIL INDUSTRY could ever buy and more courage
than  Alyeska  could ever defeat. Thank you  for  giving  me  the
opportunity to testify and I will be glad to answer any questions
that you may have.
                     SUPPLEMENTAL STATEMENT OF
                     RICKI SUE JACOBSON BEFORE 
		     November 4 and 5, 1991
	      Committee On Interior and Insular Affairs
               United States House of Representatives
         1324 Longworth House Office Building Washington, D.C.
  Good  afternoon, Chairman Miller and Members of this Committee.
My name is Ricki Sue Jacobson. I am here today in response to the
Committee's  subpoena  regarding  my  employment  with  Wackenhut
Corporation.  I  reside in Miami, Florida with my three  children and I 
am currently training to be an executive secretary.
  I   accepted  employment  with  the  Wackenhut  Corporation in
November  of  1989.  I had no previous investigative  experience.
Until  that  time, I had worked as a realtor since  approximately
1976.  However, in early Fall of 1989, a friend of mine suggested
to  me that I would make a good investigator and recommended 
that I  contact  an  acquaintance of hers if  I  were  interested.  Her
acquaintance was Mr. Wayne Black. At that time, Mr. Black was 
not with Wackenhut Corporation, but was operating his own practice. 
I contacted  Mr.  Black and he explained that his  firm  was  being
BOUGHT OUT by Wackenhut and that he would soon be employed 
there. After  several meetings and discussions, and once Mr. Black  
had joined  Wackenhut,  I was hired as an entry  level  trainee.  For
licensing   purposes,   my  position  was   known   as   "private
investigator intern".
  At  the  time my employment began, Mr. Black told me that my
duties  would  basically  involve property  and  asset  searches,
especially  since  I had a good real estate background.  He  also
indicated  that I would occasionally be doing "witness  locates".
In  the  initial  weeks  of my employment,  I  worked  with  more
experienced investigators. During this period, I also  worked  on
some  surveillance  assignments.  In approximately February or
March,  1990, Mr. Black asked if I would like to travel to Alaska
on  an assignment. Originally, I hesitated because I do not  like
being  away  from my children for long periods of time.  However,
after  being  assured  by Mr. Black that  I  would  be  gone  only
briefly, I agreed. I was not told the name of the client  or  the
nature of the operation. I was given only the case number, which
was 427.
  Mr.  Black  briefed me for my assignment during March of 1990
and I was due to leave around March 20, 1990. In my briefing, Mr.
Black told me I would be attending an environmental conference in
Anchorage, that I would be travelling under an assumed name, and
that  I was to have no public contact with Mr. Black or Mr.  Rick
Lund  while  in  Anchorage. Mr. Lund was  an  investigator  under
contract  with  Wackenhut who often worked  with  Mr.  Black.  My
assumed name was "Ricki Eidelson". Eidelson is my maiden name 
and Mr. Black suggested I use it since it would be easy to remember.
In  the course of my briefing, I was also instructed by Mr. Black
to  become  generally  familiar with  various  ecological  groups
because I would be attending the conference pretending to be an
ecological  researcher for an environmental group in  Miami.  The
environmental  group I would be representing was called  "Ecolit"
and  was  a fictitious organization created by Wackenhut for  the
purpose of this assignment. After preparing in accordance with my
instructions, I Pago travelled to Anchorage on or about March 20,
1990.  Prior  to  my  departure I was given false identification docu-
ments to support my assumed name. These documents included  
a Florida  driver's license issued in my fictitious name,  business
cards  from  Ecolit,  and luggage tags. Mr. Black  and  Mr.  Lund
travelled  on  board the same plane, but we had no  contact  with
each  other, as per the instructions I had received. Mr.  Black's
assumed  name was Wayne Jenkins, also supposedly with the  
Ecolit group.  I believe Mr. Lund's assumed name was John Fox, 
though I am  not  certain.  At this time I still had no knowledge of  
the client's name, the nature of the operation or effort of  which  I
was  a  part, or the name of any persons who might be the subject
of any investigation to be conducted by Wackenhut.
  After  my  arrival  in Alaska, I travelled  to  my  hotel,  the Captain  
Cook,  and  registered. Mr.  Black  and  Mr.  Lund  also travelled 
to the hotel, though separately from me. Shortly  after we arrived 
at the hotel, Mr. Black and Mr. Lund met with me in my room and 
discussed various details of my assignment. The essence of  their
instructions was that I was simply to attend, and  take notes  at,  
the environmental conference scheduled to  begin  the next  morning. 
However, in the course of this meeting,  Mr.  Lund also asked that 
I attempt to see the conference registration list and to let him know 
if the name "Charles Hamel" appeared on that list.  This  was  the 
first time I ever heard the  name  "Charles Hamel",  and nothing 
further was said about him. When I  inquired later about the list, I 
was told that a registration list was not available and I therefore 
reported to Mr. Black and Mr. Lund that I was unable to determine 
whether Mr. Hamel had registered at the conference.
  On  March  22, 1990, the third day of the conference,  while  I
was seated with other conference attendees in the dining room of
the hotel, Mr. Black approached me and whispered "the guy we 
want you to eyeball is in the lobby." I believe these were Mr. Black's
exact  words.  He  then  motioned for me to  follow  him.  I  was
surprised  because  I did not know anything was  expected  of  me
beyond my attendance at the environmental conference. However, I
walked  to  the doorway of the dining room and Mr. Black  pointed
out  Mr. Hamel standing in the lobby. Mr. Hamel was speaking with
a man and a woman. I observed them for a few moments, but did 
not overhear their conversation. When they left the lobby, I returned
to  the  dining  room  and later reported my observation  to  Mr.
  During  the  evening of March 22, 1991, the day the conference
ended,  I  visited  a  local restaurant and  bar  with  a  fellow
conference  attendee.  Upon my return to  the  hotel,  I  noticed
Charles  Hamel  standing in the lobby area.  Believing  that  Mr.
Black   and   Mr.  Lund  would  be  interested  in  Mr.   Hamel's
whereabouts,  I  contacted one of them (I do not remember which)
and  advised  him  of  Mr. Hamel's presence in the  lobby.  I  was
instructed  to keep Mr. Hamel under observation and, if  he  left
the lobby area, to follow him. After a short time, I followed Mr.
Hamel  into  the  hotel  bar. He was in the  company  of  another
gentleman and I learned later that his name was Rick Steiner.  I
sat a few stools away from Mr. Hamel and Mr. Steiner and, after a
few moments, I used the phone in the bar and called Mr. Black or
Mr.  Lund  (I  do  not remember which), and notified  him  of  my
whereabouts. A few moments later, Mr. Black and Mr. Lund entered
the bar separately, as if they did not know one another, and took
separate seats. After approximately twenty to thirty minutes, Mr.
Hamel and Mr. Steiner left the bar. My observation terminated at
that  time.  However,  I believe either Mr.  Black  or  Mr.  Lund
followed  Mr.  Hamel and Mr. Steiner out of the bar.  During  the
time  I  was  in the bar, I do not recall engaging  in  any  direct
conversation with Mr. Steiner or Mr. Hamel, and I do not believe
I  did.  However, I recall having brief eye contact with  one  or
both of them in the course of various comments I was exchang-
ing with the bartender.
  Sometime  after I returned to my room that evening,  Mr.  Black
and  Mr. Lund came to my room and we discussed the events of 
that evening and our travel arrangements home, now that the con-
ference had ended.
  I  left  Alaska on the morning of March 24, 1991. While waiting
to  board my flight in the Anchorage Airport, I noticed Mr. Hamel
in the concourse area. I was very surprised that I happened to be
booked  on  the  same  flight. After being seated  in  the  coach
section, Mr. Hamel noticed me and apparently recognized me. After
exchanging a few words, he invited me to sit with him and I  did.
I  was very nervous because my assignment was over and I did not
know how to handle this particular situation. Since Mr. Hamel had
just been the subject of our surveillance in the bar, and because
I wanted to be very careful, I introduced myself using my assumed
identity and purpose.
  Mr.  Hamel's  destination was Seattle, the  first  stop  on  my
flight to Miami. During the time we sat together, Mr. Hamel  very
candidly  discussed many things of concern to him, including a
lawsuit  with  Exxon,  his  own  oil  leases  and  problems  he
encountered  with  water  being  mixed  with  his  oil.  He  also
mentioned  that he had various sources inside Alyeska Corporation
feeding him various types of sensitive information. He discussed
secret meetings and even the SUICIDE [?-Wol.] of one person  
involved.  I did  not  understand  much of what he was saying and  
felt very astonished and uncomfortable at the great degree of trust 
he was showing a complete stranger. In addition to these discus-
sions, Mr. Hamel asked me a lot about myself and about Ecolit.  
In the course of that part of our discussion he mentioned that he  
would be coming to Miami and that, when he did, he would visit 
Ecolit. After  I  returned  to Miami, I reported my experience with  
Mr. Hamel to Mr. Lund and then to Mr. Black and subsequently 
dictated  a  memorandum  to  Mr. Black containing the same  
information.  I maintained no activity logs during my stay in Alaska  
because I was told by Mr. Black that none of the usually required 
activity logs were to be maintained in connection with the Alaska  
trip. Several  days after my return to Miami, at the direction of Mr.
Black,  I contacted Charles Hamel one or two times at the number
Mr. Hamel gave me on the airplane. The purpose of my phone call
was to attempt to arrange an introduction between Mr. Hamel and
Wayne Black (posing as Wayne Jenkins of the Ecolit Group).  Mr.
Black was present during my calls to Mr. Hamel and spoke with Mr.
Hamel himself once the introduction had been made. Subsequently,
it  is  my  understanding that he made several  additional  phone
calls  to  Mr. Hamel. I witnessed approximately two of the calls
made by Mr. Black (Jenkins) to Mr. Hamel. I observed at least one
of  these telephone calls being recorded by Mr. Black. The device
used  was a wire with a suction cup attached to the receiver  and
the  other  end attached to a small tape recorder on Mr. Black's
desk. I know other phone calls to Mr. Hamel were recorded because
Mr.  Black  played for me the tape of at least one of the phone calls 
which he made to Mr. Hamel.
  In  the  days  immediately following my return to Miami,  Wayne
Black  arranged to establish an official Ecolit office in  Miami, in  
the  Coconut Grove area. This was done because Mr. Hamel  had
stated to me on the airplane that he would be coming to Miami and
would  come by to see Ecolit's offices and get to know more about
the group. However, within a few weeks after my return, Mr. Hamel
had  indicated  that he would not be coming to Miami.  Therefore,
Mr.  Black determined that we would have to travel to Washington,
D.C. in order for him to meet Mr. Hamel. At that point, Mr. Black
directed  me  to  travel  to Washington  with  him  to  make  the
introduction. I did not really want to go, and I DID NOT want to be 
a part of any further deception of Mr. Hamel. In  fact, on April 30, 
1990, I wrote a letter to Mr. Black explaining this and I have provided 
that letter to this committee in response to the subpoena served upon 
me. Nevertheless, after much discussion, Mr. Black did succeed in 
convincing me to travel to Washington with him and to introduce him 
(as Wayne Jenkins) to Mr. Hamel with the understanding that I would 
not again be asked  to  have  contact with  Mr. Hamel or to engage 
in any further deceit pertaining to Mr. Hamel.  I wrote Mr. Black an 
additional letter,  on  May  6,  1990,  which  he received on Monday, 
May 7, 1990,  confirming  my  earlier statements to him that I was 
uncomfortable about my  role  in  the  Hamel matter, that I was above 
my head in  terms  of  my  experience  as  an  investigator, and that 
I  wanted  no  further  contact  with Hamel or this case. I would add, 
however,  that  at  this  point  in  time,  May  6, 1990, I  still  had  
received  no information from Wackenhut regarding the identity of  
the  client or  the  nature or purpose of the operation. My letter of 
May  6, 1990  was  provided to this committee in response to the 
subpoena served upon me.
  I  arrived  in  Washington, with Wayne Black, on  approximately
May  9,  1990. Mr. Hamel picked us up at a restaurant in downtown
Washington and drove us to his office. Wayne Black was introduced
as  Wayne  Jenkins of the Ecolit Group, and Mr. Hamel  introduced
Mr.  Black  and  myself  to several other persons present  at  Mr.
Hamel's offices. Mr. Hamel picked up his mail at his offices and
placed  the mail and several other items, such as newspapers, in
the  back  seat  of  his car. He then drove us  to  his  home  in
Alexandria, Virginia.  During the time we were riding to Mr. Hamel's 
home, Wayne Black was seated in the back seat and I was seated 
in the front passenger seat. At one point during our trip, I looked back 
and observed Mr. Black going through Mr. Hamel's mail.  I did not 
see Mr. Black actually take any of  the  mail.  After we arrived at
Mr. Hamel's home, Mr. Hamel took the mail and other items into 
his home and placed them on his  desk  in  the  livingroom  of  his 
home. Nearby, on the floor, were  many  other  stacks  of  papers. 
Mr. Hamel left the room twice while  we  were  there.  During each 
of his absences, I observed Mr. Black leafing through Mr. Hamel's 
mail and the numerous papers stacked on the floor.  Mr. Black was 
very happy about the opportunity to observe Mr. Hamel's mail and 
papers and commented to that effect several times.  I became 
extremely nervous and apprehensive and very much regretted being 
  After  a while, Mr. Hamel reappeared with his wife and  we  all
chatted  for  awhile, primarily about Ecolit.  Mr.  Hamel  seemed
quite  suspicious  about Ecolit and asked many questions of Mr.
Black.  After awhile, Mr. Hamel and his wife invited us  to  join
them  for  dinner at a nearby restaurant. Just prior to departing
for  dinner,  Mr. Black used the bathroom in the  Hamel  home.  
A short  time later, while walking to the restaurant with  Mr. and
Mrs.  Hamel,  Mr. Black quietly stated to me that he intended to
tape the dinner conversation. Specifically, he advised me not to
talk  too  much  so  that the tape would  not  contain  too  much
unnecessary  chatter. Sometime after we reached the restaurant,
Mr. Black went to the restroom and after he returned he whispered
that  the  tape  had  not worked, that the conversation  did  not
record.  Based  on  this, I concluded that Mr.  Black  had  wired
himself at the Hamel home and attempted at the restaurant to 
tape the dinner conversation with the Hamels.
  After  dinner, we walked back to the Hamel home and  Mr. Hamel
drove Mr. Black and me around Alexandria and then to the airport.
On  the  flight back to Miami, Mr. Black removed from  his  brief
case  two  long  envelopes,  bearing metered  postage,  which he
indicated  he had taken from Mr. Hamel, although I cannot recall
whether  he stated the items were taken from Mr. Hamel's car or
his  home.  I reacted with surprise and asked how he  could  have
taken  the items and he responded that "they were stolen anyway"
and that they did not really belong to Mr. Hamel.
  After  returning to Miami, I discontinued all contact with Mr. Hamel.  
I resigned Wackenhut on or about June 25, 1990.  Between the time 
of my return and my resignation, among other duties, I continued to  
man  the  undercover  Ecolit  office  and,  on  one  occasion, I was 
asked to -- and did -- examine trash which I was told had been taken 
from Mr. Hamel's residence. I  resigned  in  writing  and  my  resignation 
letter has been provided to this committee in response to the subpoena 
served upon me. I have  had no  further  contact  with the investigation  
pertaining  to  Mr.  Hamel,  or  with the Wackenhut Corporation except  
in connection with these proceedings.
  I  hope that this information is helpful to the Committee and I will be 
happy to try and answer any questions which you may have.
  SWORN  TO  AND  SUBSCRIBED before me the 1st day  of  
November, 1991 in the County and State aforesaid.
  /s  JACK  B.  GERBER NOTARY PUBLIC My Comm. expires  
April  26, 1992