Extreme-Nationalist Organizations In Europe
There's quite a few Nationalistic groups working
within Europe. On this page, I will be trying to
present most of them. If you have any information
about groups, or if you see that I have left
something out, then please feel free to email me.
The addresses for the various groups will be left
out of here for the simple fact that I think they
already have enough members.
* Freiheitliche Partei Osterreichs
* Volkstreue Ausserparlamentarische Opposition
[Patriotic Extraparliamentary Opposition]
* Vlaams Blok [The Nationalist party of Flanders]
* Vlaamse Militante Orde
Czech Republic
* Republicans
Pretty much a replica of the German Republicaner Partei, they have
used the Czech national colours in their flag, with the letters R,E
and P, just like the German REP. Still, Republicans are fiercely
* Vlastenecka Liga
[Patriotic League]
* Danmarks National Socialistiske Bev痢else [DNSB]
This Danish Nazi group is belived to have over 200 members. Recently
[28.02.96] they started their own radio program where they intend to
play prerecorded phone-in discussions.
* Den Danske Forening
* Fremskridtpartiet
This party was dispersed in 1995. A non-extremist fraction with the
name Dansk Folkeparti was formed.
* Holger Danske
Electorial group, got in 1993 one member into the county council.
* Nationalpartiet Danmark
* Partiet De Nationale
* Is_nmaallinen Kansallis-Liitto [IKL]
This is an electorial group which has some representatives in some
of the community councils, their aim is to build up enough power to
participate in the national elections.
* Is_nmaallinen Oikeisto
* Kansallinen Radikaalipuolue [disbanned!]
* Faisceaux Nationalistes Europeens
* Francais et europeen
* Front National
Lead by Jean-Marie Le Pen, this group has, according to the recent
statistics 20% of the french population on his side.
* Jeunesses Nationalistes Revolutionnaires
* Parti Nationaliste
* Buergerrechtsbewegung Solidaritaet
The Civil Rights Movement Solodarity, which is controlled by Lydon
* Bund Freier Buerger
[League of Free Citizens]
* Deutsche Burschenschaft
* Deutsche Liga Fur Volk und Heimat
* Deutsche Volksunion
* Europa Vorn
* Freitheitliche Deutche Arbeiderpartei
* Gesinnungsgem der meuen front
* Junge Freiheit
* Moderne Zeiten
* Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschland
* Republikaner Partei
* NS Kampfruf
The National Socialist "Battle Cry" is a German neo-Nazi magazine.
Great Britain
* Blood and Honour
The B&H publishes a Skinhead magazine with the same name. They
also distribute pro-white music, t-shirts and other effects.
* British National Party
* International Third Position
* National Front
* Revoulutionary Conservative Caucus
* Blood and Honour
* Xrisi Aygi [Golden Dawn]
* Hungarian Truth
* Azione Skinhead
* Base Autonoma
* Fronte Della Gioventu
* Movimento Sociale Italiano
The MSI was for a long time Italy's leading fascist party, but in
1995 they changed their name to Alleanza Nationale and became a
right-winged conservative party. They then claimed their support to
the anti-fascist and to democracy. Many of the right-winged voters
started voting for MSIFT after this happened.
* Movimento Sociale Italiano Fiamma Tricolore [MSIFT]
This is the new MSI party, an extremist Fascist party with over one
million votes in the previous election [96].
* Movimento Politico
* National Bewegong
* Centrumdemocraten
Centrumsdemocraten is lead by Jan Maat.
* Nationale Volkspartij/CP86
* Anti-antifa.
Very secretive, contact person is Jonny Olsen.
* Ariske Br辱re.
Aryan Brothers is a Nazi-Skinhead terrorist organization where most of
the members are youths from around T迸nsberg. Member of this group
vandalized RV [Red Election-Alliance] leader J郢n Magdal's villa in
* Ariske S酒tre.
Arian Sisters is a sub-division of Aryan Brothers.
* Boot Boys
* Djerv
Located in Trondheim. Last we heard from them was in 1993.
* Einsatz
These are the guys who robbed the weapon dealer in Stavanger last
autumn. They also claim to have started the KKK here in Norway.
* Fedrelandspartiet
Located in Bergen, this is the Nortwegian Nationalist Party.
Fedrelandet is a magazine which they distribute among their members.
* Fedrelandsungdommen
Norwegian Nationalist Youth, a subgroup of Fedrelandspartiet. They
also have a magazine called Patrioten.
* Folkebevegelsen mot innvandring [FMI].
Political party seeking to remove everyone that doesn't have a pale
skin from the Kingdom of Norway. These boneheads are the ones
responsible for cutting my car tires in 1992.
* Hvit Arisk Motstand.
* Hvit Revolusjon.
* Nasjonalistisk Ungdom.
* Norge Mot Invandringen.
* Norsk Arisk Ungdomsfront [NAUF].
* Norsk Nasjonalistisk Bevegelse.
* Norsk Patriotisk Ungdom.
* Valkyria.
Valkyria is a girlie group, a sub-division of Viking located in Oslo.
The The group is lead by Karen Margrete Espenes.
* Vern Av Rikets Grenser [VARG].
* Viking.
Oslo-youth lead by Eirik Ragnar "Micro Solheim. They're divided into
two divisions, most of them are Skinheads. Viking cooperates with
Aryan Brothers and Valkyria.
* Zorn 88.
* Fritt Forum.
FF is a monthly magazine for Norwegian Nationalists.
* Polish National Party
* Movimento De Accao Nacional
* Portuguese Hammerskins
* Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, The
Lead by ultra nationalist Vladimir Zhirinovsky, this, I guess, is
maybe the biggest nationalist threat currently in Europe. Good
Internet resources for this guy is Vladimir Zhirinovsky and
Zhirinovsky Update Page.
* National Bolshevik Party
* Russian Order
This is one of the best-known fascist newspapers in Russia. Russkiy
Poryadok (or Russian Order) is distributed free of charge in the very
center of Moscow by members of the Russian National Unity.
* Russian National Unity [RNE]
RNE was formed in 1990 by karate instructor Alexander Barkashov. The
group was a result of an internal conflict in Pamyat [Remembrance]
- a
first fascist offspring of perestroika. Barkashov is still the active
fuehrer of RNE. Barkashov fled the White House parliament building in
1993, just before government tanks shelled it on October the 4'th. The
movement counts 25,000 members.
* Werewolf
Werewolf is a small but hardcore Nazi-Terror group. The group was
uncovered by the Federal Counterintelligence Service [FSK - the former
KGB] as the group was preparing assassination attempts against a
series of political and religious figures.
* Scottish Phalange, The
* Slovak National Union (SNJ)
* Society of Dr. Jozef Tiso
* Alianza Nacional por Espa帶
This, Movimiento Cat_lico Espa得l and Falange Espa得la de las Jons
are the leading extreme-right organizations in Spain. Alianza Nacional
was formed by Naci_n Joven and they get support from Frente Nacional.
* Bases Aut_nomas
This terrorist group was formed in the 80-ties. It was later disolved,
but now young skinheads has resumed the activity. The group has no
real top-down structure, as it is controled by the individual member
himself. The group has performed several murderer attacks, and their
current agenda seems to be passing unobserved between people
up like urban tribe ravers [bacalatas].
* Cedade
* Centro Unitario
This Spanish organization's main task is to foster a brotherhood
amongst "Aryan" world's Nationalist organizations.
* Falange Espa得la de las Jons.
* Frente Nacional
* Juventud Naciaonal
* Movimiento Cat_lico Espa得l (Chatolic Spanish Movement)
* Nation Joven
* Resistencia Nacional de la Juventud (RNJ)
This organization is included in Alianza Nacional and it is lead by
Ricardo Sainz de Ynestrillas.
* Socialistas Accion Radicale
* Kreativistens Kyrka (The Church of the Creator)
* Nationella Alliansen
Inspired by the National Alliance. This group was just recently formed
by the former leader of VAM, Christopher Rangne.
* Nordiska Rikspartiet (The Nordic Reich Party)
* Riksfronten (The Reich Front)
* Sverige Demokraterna
* Sveriges Nationella Forbund
* Vitt Ariskt Motstand [VAM]
This group, with close ties to the NSDAP-AO, the Norwegian HAM,
English Combat 18, Blood and Honour and to Waffen SS, was for
long the leading Nazi terrorist group in Sweden.
* Werewolf
* D_mocrates Suisses
Earlier called Action Nationale.
* Zyklon Army
This is a racist skinhead movement in Switzerland.
* Ukrainian Nationalist Association
Russian Fascism and Russian Fascists by Kirill Buketov
(Note: I downloaded this particular file from an anti-Nazi web page.
I cannot recall the name of the page nor the E-Mail address, however
I believe the contents of the file itself are important none-the-less,
especially in regards to the re-surgence of fascism in Europe. -