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=================================================      MindNet Journal - Vol. 1, No. 37 =================================================      V E R I C O M M / MindNet         ";Quid veritas est?"; ================================================= Sender: Precedence: bulk Notes: The following is reproduced here with the express permission of the author. Permission is given to reproduce and redistribute, for non-commercial purposes only, provided this information and the copy remain intact and unedited. The views and opinions expressed below are not necessarily the views and opinions of VERICOMM, MindNet, or the editors unless otherwise noted. Editor: Mike Coyle Associate Editors: Walter Bowart Alex Constantine Martin Cannon Assistant Editor: Rick Lawler Research: Darrell Bross ================================================= Mind Control and UFOs By Alex Constantine Feb. 1996 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Author's Note: The following letter was sent in response to a query from a writer in Austin, Texas concerning UFOs, Area 51 and mind control. Everyone has their own perspective on UFOs and Area 51 and they cling to it passionately. Those who swallow the ";alien"; cover story whole loathe the truth, especially those who have made the intelligence-anchored fantasy the core of their personal cosmology. But the truth is brighter than the average disk slipping through the night sky with its running lights blazing. If you don't agree with anything I have to say, make it a gentlemen's debate. Passionate arguments are hard on the digestive system, and I have seen enough to know that ";alien"; adherents don't understand electronic mind control at all. If they did, they would give up their childhood dreams. The organizations turning nonlethals on civilians are totally stripped of conscience. They are capable of anything. The hierarchy that controls them has been in place for some time, but a kind of culmination occurred under Clinton. The most important defense firm at Area 51 is ESL, once run by William Perry, secretary of defense. ESL is part owner of Area 51. The mind control is central to the function of the disks. They came together after WW II, because Laurence Rockefeller and other national security wigs went to Germany to study the advanced technology at Penemunde, Himmler's redoubt and the source of the Japanese economic ";miracle"; -- also the R&D center of the disks. Years later, Laurence headed up a UFO study group. Of course, they depended heavily on ";aliens."; Of course, Laurence today funds Scott-Jones, Once the... 'cover' drops away, their greatest fear, out will come the fact that the Nazi scientists used the disks to replace Auschwitz and the other camps, where they once experimented on condemned prisoners. In the U.S. the Paperclip Nazis were given a craft to transplant victims to the lab and a post-hypnotic cover story to replace those invaluable camps. That they pulled it off by making the public believe in aliens [as opposed to top secret 'Nazi' aerospace projects. - Wol.] is positively amazing. It's done through repetition. A day doesn't go by that the media doesn't stick ";aliens"; in out faces. They don't have much to say about mind control, however. Which is really the closely guarded secret? Classified technology is beyond the imagination of most people. Levitation is old hat. Synthetic [computer-enhanced encephalographic] telepathy is old hat. When the imaging equipment was used on me, I could remote view nine areas of the world at the same time. Psi-Tech, the firm run by chronic confabulator Ed Dames and that complete psychopath John Alexander, states in the very name of their company how remote viewing really works -- with machines. (I've been linked to them, so I speak with confidence about all of this.) I'm not speculating. They were developed by scientists hiding behind the ";alien"; cover. The mind control arsenal is often used for torture. The world that emerges with it in the wrong hands will be not worth living in. The list of corporations that have developed the cybernetic devices currently used to track and communicate with abductees en masse is a long one. Raytheon and E-Systems are both involved. Have you seen the article on the many murders at E-Systems? There are many more around the world. The powers that be will eventually get around to tapping the heads of everyone. The UFOs, which are real enough (I've been buzzed by three of them at one time in open country, and I was with a witness), are only one cover story for experimentation. Another is ritual abuse. Another is esp experimentation. Sometimes they don't worry about a cover. They simply 'beam' your home, torture you [psionically-mentally] until your half-nuts, kill friends, ruin employment, make every day an absolute hell, and when done send the victim off to kill somebody or simply waste him. So much for the ";alien"; romance. Bob Lazar is a Nazi marionette. All of the respected researchers with military intelligence backgrounds are collaborators in torture. That also goes for those who come from defense firms. In Nazi Germany, a quarter of all ruthless experiments on humans were conducted by academics from leading institutions of learning. I haven't seen any figures for contemporary America, so go conjecture, but many Ph.D.s are steering the public down blind alleys to conceal their own crimes. As I say, I've seen what the technology can do. One by one, the weapons have been used on me. Some are miraculous and do beautiful things. The novelty effects are used to seduce people onto collaborating. It's a little known fact that there are many more civilian collaborators trained to keep a secret than there are experimental victims. The collaborators are in great number. On this score, you wouldn't believe me if I told you. All I can say is that if you live long enough, you will find out first hand what is afoot. This thing has gone much farther than most UFO researchers know. The perfect slave state is in the making, and it is evolving rapidly. I'm not a right-winger. I don't spout nonsense about the UN and gun control and ";aliens,"; the bunk that is circulated to discredit legitimate researchers. The obfuscations spun by Lazar, Art Bell, Bill Moore and a host of other operatives and militia groups will create enough confusion to cover the last leg of the mind control initiative. And then it will all be in place. This isn't alarmist paranoia. If anything I've said strikes you as far-fetched, as I say, keep your eyes and ears open. Then we will be in complete agreement. The abductees have glimpsed the future and it's a horrifying nightmare. Nonlethals are nothing more than enhancements in the CIA's technological base of the 1960s. It's a straight line. Subjects to research for an understanding of the above: Scientific Applications International Corporation, TRW, Stanford Research Institute, TRW, ESL, Laurence Rockefeller, Operation Paperclip, man- made UFOs, psi research, the False Memory Syndrome Foundation, Mankind Research Unlimited, Dorothy Burdick, abductee case histories, the Aviary, preschool abuse cases (not the debunkers), MK Ultra, man- machine interface, intelligence-cult formations, and anything else you find relevant. It all goes in the same direction -- open FASCIST rule. Regards, Alex Constantine ---------------------------------------------------------------- MindNet Journal Archive Filename: [mn137.txt] =============================================== To subscribe to the MindNet Journal: Send message: [subscribe mindnet] to: . To unsubscribe: Send message: [unsubscribe mindnet] to: . Back issues of the MindNet Journal are available at our FTP Archive site: [/pub/users/vericomm/mindnet/] MindNet Journal Publication Index: [mnindex.txt] Submission of articles for publication within the MindNet Journal on the subjects of mind control, directed-energy weapons, non-lethal weapons, ritual abuse, UFO abductions, bioelectromagnetics, hypnosis, and other related topics will be accepted with the author's statement of permission to publish. The editor reserves the right to accept or reject for publication. Send articles for submission to: , or VERICOMM BBS 510.891.0303, or VERICOMM, POB 32314, Oakland, CA 94604-2314 USA. The MindNet mailing list is owned and maintained by Mike Coyle, , VERICOMM / MindNet, POB 32314 Oakland, CA  94604-2314 USA. The MindNet Journal is published by VERICOMM / MindNet in cooperation with the Freedom Of Thought Foundation, POB 35072, Tucson, AZ 85740-5072 USA. Please visit the Freedom Of Thought Foundation home-page at: . In his book 'MESSENGERS OF DECEPTION' (Bantom Books, 1980), Jacques Vallee relates some disturbing connections between fascist politics and some of the early 'contactees' who claimed to have had meetings with humans who piloted advanced disk-shaped aerial craft.  Some of these persons included George Adamski, George Hunt Williamson, Howard Menger and others.  Many of the 'space beings' they allegedly encountered claimed to be ";from Venus";.  However, some have suggested that they were actually so-called pure-bred Aryans who utilized advanced aerospace craft and were involved in some massive psychological warfare campaign on the American people.  With these excerpts from Vallee's book, we examine the possibility that earth-based societies containing advanced anti-gravitational technologies are using such technology as a psychological weapon to establish a One World Government. if we are to believe other accounts. According to the information which can be gleaned from Vallee's writings, in the early California 'contactee' era, many occult groups linked with power-tripping organizations were very active.  Right after World War II, when a branch of Aliester Crowley's O.T.O. (Ordo Templi Orientis) flourished in Los Angeles, two of the most ardent members were Jack W. Parsons, a propulsion engineer, and L. Ron Hubbard, a science-fiction buff who originally claimed to have infiltrated the O.T.O. for Naval Intelligence, before he apparently sold-out and became a full 'convert' to the secret society.  Jack Parsons claims to have met a 'Venusian' in the California desert in 1946, and went on to be one of the founders of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) [which is allegedly tied-in with the ";Alternative-003"; projects. - Wol] and the Aerojet Corporation. Another 'contactee', Daniel Fry, was an Aerojet employee when he allegedly saw his first 'saucer' in 1950, while working at the White Sands missile range in southern New Mexico.  Ron Hubbard, on the other hand, founded Dianetics and later, the Church of Scientology (from which later sprang such 'mind-science' cults as EST and 'Life- spring').  The higher initiates of Scientology believe in 'psychic contact' with 'extraterrestrials', and they also believe themselves to be 'thetans' or human 'gods' once they complete the Scientology program. Contactee George Adamski, a Rosicrucian, had pre-war ties with American fascist leader William Dudley Pelley, who was interned during the war for his racist activities.  Contactee George Hunt Williamson (whose real name is Michael d'Obrenovic) was associated with Pelly's organization, 'Soulcraft', in the early fifties.  Other associates of Williamson during the great era of the 'flying saucers' were such 'contactees' as John McCoy and the two Stanford brothers, Ray and Rex. Pelley's fascist involvement may provide a clue here when we consider that many of the Nazi party members were involved in the Rosicrucian and Theosophical movements, both of which are tied-in with the Masonic- Illuminati network.  Also, there are many sources which claim that the Nazi's had secretly developed top-secret 'disk-shaped' aerial craft during the war.  It is strange that 'contactees' such as George Adamski, George Van Tassel, Howard Menger, George King and others have described almost identical 'disk-craft' and 'occupants'.  There descriptions of the so-called 'Venusian-craft' are remarkably similar in design to an alleged secret aircraft which the Nazi's are said to have developed as part of their secret military operations, as depicted in the video SECRETS OF THE THIRD REICH [available through Vladimir Terziski and the American Academy of Dissident Scientists. - Wol.].  At least one source, former Air Force employee Thomas Edwin Castello, claimed to have seen confidential government photographs showing an 'Adamski- type' disc with a swastica on it!  Many believe that a secret operation was put into effect just before Hitler's death or disappearance, which involved the construction of a secret underground base or bases in Antarctica.  Many German scientists along with their latest technical discoveries were believed to have set out for Antarctica before or during the ending of WWII. It is said that Victor Schauberger (1885-1958), a German scientist, developed for the Nazi's between 1938 and 1945 a series of disk-shaped aircraft as part of their top-secret weapons and space program.  Incidentally, after the war, Schauberger was brought to America, where he was reported to be working on a top-secret wingless aircraft project in Texas for the U.S. Government. William Dudley Pelley, who died in 1965, was the leader of the 'Silver Shirts', an American Nazi group which began it's activities about 1932.  It's membership overlapped strongly with Guy Ballard's 'I AM' movement. After the war, Pelley started an occult group, 'Soulcraft', and published a racist magazine called 'Valor'.  He also wrote the book STAR GUESTS in 1950, a compilation of 'inspired' writings reminiscent of the SETH MATERIAL. It was about 1950 that G.H. Williamson began working for Pelley at the offices of Soulcraft Publications, in Noblesville, Indiana, before moving to California, where he allegedly witnessed Adamski's desert contact in 1952, with a 'Venusian with long blond hair.' Pelley AND George Adamski had a common interest in the I AM cult, which often met at Mt. Shasta in northern California -- considered by occultists to be a very powerful electromagnetic 'energy vortex' area, for better or worse. John A. Keel related an incident in his book, 'OPERATION TROJAN HORSE' (G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York), concerning 'contactee' Howard Menger, one of the prominent figures in the late '50's - early '60's 'contactee' circles.  Menger was one of those who claimed to have had contact with the 'space brothers', and as a result had written a book (with photo's, etc. of the alleged spacecraft).  Many curiosity seekers flocked around Menger and other cosmic 'prophets', lapping up every word of 'New Age' cosmic wisdom from the 'space brothers' that they could get.  Menger was apparently (decieved and) told that he was a reincarnated soul from the planet Saturn, and that his wife was a pre-incarnate inhabitant of Venus. In the early 1960's, New York radio host Long John Nebel landed a television show and naturally he invited Howard Menger to be one of his first guests, since he had often appeared on his radio show on station W.O.R. in New York City. On the night of the program, which was viewed by millions of people in the Northeast, Menger was unusually quiet and nervous.  Parris Flammone, the program producer, later stated: ";Vaguely, aimlessly, rather embarrassingly, he avoided and vacillated... Howard Menger, Saturnian husband to a Venusian traveler in space, friend of extraterrestrials, annotator of 'authentic music from another world', master of teleportation, and saucerological sage extraordinaire -- RECANTED!  DENIED ALMOST EVERYTHING... His saucers may have been psychic, his space people visions, and his and (his wife) Marla's other-planethood, metamorphic."; Later, in letter's to Gray Barker and 'SAUCER NEWS' editor Jim Moseley, Menger termed his book 'fiction-fact' and implied that THE PENTAGON had given him the films and asked him to participate in an experiment to test the public's reaction to extraterrestrial contact.  As John Keel puts it: ";He has helped us, therefore, to dismiss his entire story as not only a hoax, but a hoax perpetrated BY THE U.S. GOVERNMENT!"; Keel attended a 'Congress of Scientific UFOlogists' sponsored by James Moseley in 1957.  Moseley flew Menger in from his home in Florida.  Long John Nebel introduced Menger from the stage, who spoke before 1,500 people.  Although he had given many lectures and appeared frequently on radio and TV, his nerves were visibly raw that afternoon.  ";Here,"; Keel thought, ";is a very SCARED man.";  Keel later recalled: ";He avoided discussing THE CIA'S ALLEGED EXPERIMENT and his own misgivings about the reality of UFO's.  Instead, he talked about the saucer he was trying to build in his basement, presumably from plans given him by you-know-who."; George Hunt Williamson co-authored a book, 'UFO'S CONFIDENTIAL', with a man by the name of John McCoy, who operated the 'Essene Press'.  The 'Stanford' brothers were living in the same town at the same time as John McCoy and Williamson (i.e. Corpus Christi, Texas).  In the mid- fifties McCoy and Williamson produced a series of 'contact' books, one of which had McCoy as 'co-author'.  Ray Stanford states (1954) that he received 'telepathic messages from the space people.'  (I have discovered from personal experience that there is not much difference between spiritists mediums who ";channel"; astral spirits, demons or what have you; and New Age mystics who channel ";extraterrestrials";.  The ";message"; is basically the same: a gnostic form of self-deification and submission to invisible ";masters";.  It is interesting that in Constance Cumbey's book ";THE HIDDEN DANGERS OF THE RAINBOW"; [Huntington House, Inc., P.O. Box 53788., Lafayette, LA  70505], the author makes several connections which give evidence that much of the ";New Age"; philosophy -- including the basis for United Nations subsidiary organizations such as LUCIS TRUST [formerly LUCIFER TRUST Publishing Company] which are working towards the establishment of a one-world religious system on behalf of the New World Order] had its/their roots in Theosophical-NAZI occultism! - Wol.) As for George Hunt Williamson, the Stanford brothers later became upset with him when he ripped them off for 'channeled' material and published it under the name 'Brother Philip'.  Today (at the time Vallee wrote 'MESSENGERS OF DECEPTION') Rex Stanford is a parapsychologist, and Ray operates a UFO detection station.