Notes: The following is reproduced here with the permission of the author. Permission is given to reproduce and redistribute, for non-commercial purposes only, provided this information and the copy remain intact and unedited. The views and opinions expressed below are not necessarily the views and opinions of VERICOMM, MindNet, or the editors unless otherwise noted. Editor: Mike CoyleAssociate Editors: Walter Bowart Alex Constantine Martin Cannon Assistant Editor: Rick Lawler Research: Darrell Bross =============================================== Behind the Democratic Facade: Mind Control and the Satanic Cult of National Security Hans Ulrich Gresch Nuernberg: October, 1995 Preliminary remark: When I wrote the first version of this report, called "Mind Control - Memories of a Victim", I thought that I had remembered and understood the essential elements of f the mind control treatment I am suffering from. But meanwhile new insights made the revision of this paper necessary. So I would like to apologize to the readers of the earlier version of these memories that they now have to read the text again, if they are still interested in my case. If you want to contact me, here is my address: Hans Ulrich Gresch, Friedrichstrasse 41, D-90408 Nuernberg, Germany Tel.: +49 911 363 226, Fax: +49 911 3658 408, CompuServe: 100433,2072, e-mail: 100433.2072@compuserve. com Permission is given to reproduce and redistribute this file; provided this information and the copy remain intact and unedited. Contents THEORY What is Mind Control? The Basic Process The Role of Torture The Methods The Triangulation of the Mind Who They Were? Freedom of Thought MEMORIES OF A VICTIM Agonies of Uncertainty The First Years Bavaria and Vietnam Psychic Powers Sozialistisches Patienten-Kollektiv Psychiatry A Communist Psychic Near Death Camp "Wir werden das zu verhindern wissen!" Electromagnetic fields Bird on the Wire SELECTED READINGS Theory What is Mind Control? Mind control is the misuse of the most advanced knowledge and techniques of the behavioral sciences, of psychiatry and psychology, combined with the very old methods of torture and brainwashing, for the purposes of the military industrial complex. The general objective of mind control is to transform a human being into an organism which is as intelligent and competent as a human being -- but which has no free will, which could be programmed like a computer, which is not able to ponder upon the consequences of programmed actions and which is not capable to remember the process of programming and even the programmed actions after they were finished. Mind control is industrial production with people as raw material. In most cases it is arms production, but you can use mind control- led people for other purposes, too. To seal up the source of radiation after an accident in a nuclear power station, for example, could be a suicide squad. Skilled mind controlled technicians were able to overcome these difficulties -- calm, without signs of fear... ignorant of the deadly danger they are in. Secret services or the political police can benefit from mind control, too. To infiltrate certain terrorist groups could be so dangerous that nobody with free will would accept to do this, but a mind controlled zombie would have no choice. Young, good-looking women (and sometimes men) could be abused as mind controlled sex slaves to satisfy the perverted desires of powerful politicians -- being mere tools doomed to forget the degrading experiences afterwards. And of course the armed forces are interested in fearless, machine- like soldiers impeccably fighting in situations with no hope to save their own lives. Examples like this make clear that with mind control the 'democratic' (or fascio-cratic? - Wol.) state under the law can solve some of the intricate political problems concerning free will in complex hierarchical societies definitely. Of course this sentence sounds cynical -- but you can't survive mind control without a good sense of black humor. Although mind control is administered secretly, some representatives of the 'democratic' state have to be informed... and so a convincing justification was CREATED and fostered by the Satanic Cult of National Security (SCNS). The essence of this justification is that in order to save democracy you have to ABANDON it gradually. It is not surprising that in many aspects the Satanic Cult of National Security (SCNS) resembles a FASCIST secret society... The 'democratic fascists' CLAIM that behaving like fascists is forced on them by the enemies of the free world (communists, Moslems or other aliens) – they are reactive fascists. In contrast to the German Nazis (National-sozialisten) they aren't guided by an elaborated ideology; their cognitive frame of reference is pure technology. They are techno- fascists. This doesn't mean that they don't use ideologies, but they are not identified with a special ideology as the German Nazis with racism and nationalism. (I would argue with this point, in that the writer may NOT be aware of the direct links between the Nazi S.S. and the CIA-NSA "National Security" agencies. - Wol.) Techno-fascism employs properly adjusted ideologies as refined tools in the process of mass communication and public relations. It is a defining feature of techno-fascism that the fascist interventions are hidden behind a democratic FACADE. Mind control is the modus operandi and vivendi of an innovative kind of fascism which is facade-democratic, so- called reactive, techno- pragmatic and based on the advances of the behavioral sciences, especially psychology, psychiatry and the neuro-sciences. The ultimate goal of the SCNS is to subjugate the people to dictatorial control, to prevent them from recognizing this and to replace the real experience of slavery with the fictitious experience of being a citizen of a democratic state under the law. (Living under slavery while being 'programmed' to believe that one is 'free', or at least as free as they are capable of being. - Wol.) One of the methods to achieve this goal is mind control, the most frequently used technique is television. The Basic Process The process of producing a mind controlled individual usually runs through three phases: Phase 1: The goal of this phase is to prepare the mind and the nervous system of the victim for programming. And so the victim is placed into the condition of extreme helplessness, disorientation and fear, is confronted with massive physical and mental stressors. The victim's sense of self-preservation is undermined, his identity is weakened or destroyed, he is regressed to the emotional and cognitive state of an infant and his mind is dissociated. Phase 2: The goal of this phase is to program the victim like a robot or computer with new attitudes, plans of behavior and new frames of reference, in which the attitudes and plans make sense. At least TWO PERSONALITIES are constructed: A robot personality that is consciously in contact with the controllers to receive the programming; An artificial new personality that is unconscious of the fact of being programmed and that is unconsciously deter- mined by the robot personality. The robot defines himself as a robot; the conscious artificial personality defines itself as a man. The robot is programmed with endlessly repeated indoctrinations and by means of conditioning (punishments and rewards). The robot is called a "slave". The slave is the interface between the controllers and the new artificial personality OR personalities. Phase 3: The goal of phase 3 is to selectively erase the memory of the victim. This is not really a erasure of memory in the sense that the contents of memory are destroyed. Instead the faculty to remember certain experiences is deleted. At least two domains are erased: All episodes directly or indirectly associated with the process of mind control, all biographical elements that doesn't fit for the logic of the new artificial personality. (Note: I have experienced personally what appears to be a 'double existence' consisting of a 'conscious' life and an 'unconscious' or programmed personality. In 1995 I had 'suspected' such, however the details or evidence of my suspicions seemed to evade me. That is until I began 'hearing voices' in my mind -- from some lost or stolen memory? -- insisting that I was a "CIA agent". I thought I might have been going genuinely insane until I was told something very interesting by a friend of mine who has apparently been a victim of mind control since she was a young girl. Her father worked with the Manhattan and other top secret projects, so it would seem that if anyone would become involved in such a scenario, she would. Anyway, she told me that on at least two occasions yours truly had come by her place and had taken her to what apparently turned out to be an underground government [or NWO?] facility. The memories of these excursions were at first deleted from her mind and of course I myself had no recollection of the events, save for some bizarre 'dreams' which I had passed off as merely the creation of my sub-conscious mind. On one of these occasions she claimed that I told her that I worked for the "CIA". She also stated that my actions during these trips were robotic and that I was left-handed when in my conscious life I am right-handed. This really threw me for a loop because I was aware of the fact that humans do not posses merely one 'brain' but two brains in one -- the left and right hemispheres. From what I had learned earlier, I knew that those who suffer from alternate personalities are usually "consciously" active in one hemesphere whereas the "alternate" personality operates from the other. In my case I am consciously left-brained and therefore right handed. If I am left-handed in the "altered state" in which my friend claimed she encountered me, then the "programmed" personality would be right-brain dominant. It would not be so much "erasing" the memory each time as it would be "switching" from one brain- lobe to another. This may sound fantastic, that neuro-science might have developed to such Orwellian proportions, however I have no other explanation for the otherwise unexplained mental hell and torment that I have suffered throughout my life [especially since I began probing into this whole damned Nazi conspiracy] or for the unusual memories of my friend. She stated that it was the residual EMOTIONS involved in the events which eventually brought back the MEMORIES. Apparently these NAZI-CIA controllers can manipulate the electro-chemical processes of the human mind, but the emotional state is somewhat more evasive and difficult to apprehend or control. This is apparently one of the weaknesses of their plan. Thoughts are easily suppressed, emotions are a different story. - Wol.) The overall goal of this process is to convince the victim that she or he is absolutely powerless and the mind controllers are almighty like god. The Role of Torture I am surprised that many authors writing about mind control believe that human robots (zombies, slaves) can be produced by means of hypnotism, drugs and electrical stimulation of the brain (ESB) alone -- eventually completed by some "mild" or symbolic forms of torture like psychic driving or sensory deprivation. (Walter H. Bowart has corrected this error in the 2nd edition of his pioneering and breathtaking book "Operation Mind Control, Second Edition".) But drugs, ESB and especially hypnotism are not so powerful. There may be some wizards who can manage a lot with hypnotism. Nevertheless mind control is not vaudeville, but industrial production. I am convinced that only unrestricted physical torture in combination with the "soft" psychological and psycho-physiological methods can do the job. Today to torture somebody you don't need a rack from the Middle Ages; this could be replaced nowadays with a device emitting the appropriate electromagnetic waveforms and frequencies. So with the term "physical torture" I mean torture of the NERVOUS SYSTEM, too. The functions of unrestricted physical torture are at least: to associate the original personality of the victim with pain, panic and horror -- the desired personality is conditioned with pleasure afterwards; to function as aversion conditioning to establish new behavior patterns; to establish a panic-controlled mechanism of amnesia ("If you remember, you will try to betray us, but we will be informed before you succeed in managing this, because we are everywhere, then you will be tortured again, so you will not remember!"); to produce an artificial, controlled Multiple Personality Disorder (which is under natural conditions a result of traumatization -- ill-treatment, sexual abuse in childhood --, too). And by the way torture itself, even if not combined with mind control techniques, elicits amnestic disorders or memory blockades concerning the process of torture in many cases. With heavy electro-shocks the victim is regressed to a state of an infant. Then the torture resembles psychologically the ill-treatment in childhood. Rape is common, too, as an equivalent of sexual abuse in infancy. Being a human robot means to be mentally ill, means to be a person suffering from Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD). The difference between a "natural" MPD and a artificial, mind controlled MPD is, that the latter was consciously tailored by the controllers to whom the victim is tied by invisible unconscious chains. Many students in the field of psychology and psychiatry don't believe that mind control is possible... and that is probably because they haven't understood the basic concept: MPD produced by a simulation of the natural conditions of its causes. This is very important: Only if the natural conditions of the causes of MPD are reproduced, a human robot will work reliably. And that is a "must" in all clandestine actions. The Methods As far as I can remember I was the victim of a program with the aim to delete my personality -- literally to dissolute my personality and extract it from my nervous system. I am not sure whether I am able to put all the details I remember in the right chronological order. During a mind control treatment you lose your ability to localize your- self in space and time as a consequence of being electroshocked, drugged, hypnotized and treated with electromagnetic fields. They told me that I was sentenced to death for spying and that they have found a method to execute me, but leave my body alive. To achieve this aim they applied a least the following methods: Depatterning treatment using electroshocks, prolonged sleep and psychic driving (D.E.Cameron). A method developed by H.C. Tien called ELT (Electrolytic Treatment). This uses electroshock and behavior modification with an aversion conditioning of the old and a reward conditioning of the desired personality. This is the most perverted method which ever has been developed in the frame of classical psychiatry. Classical hypnosis, drugs and so on. Electrical torture of my penis. They used a device which I call a "torture trouser". This is a sort of loin-cloth made of leather and steel bonds by which an electrode is fastened to the penis of the victim. They probably insert an electrode in the urethra. So they can induce maximal pain with minimal traces. Not leaving visible marks of torture is essential, because these signs could remind the victim of being brainwashed in spite of the fact that his memory has been erased electronically afterwards. For electric supply they use a cable or a battery so that you can freely move and if the torturer wants to torture you he sends an electric signal to the battery using a transmitter. This is a very practical device for aversion "therapy". They suggested to me that they would torture me so long until I gave up my life, until I accept to be dead, until I would be dead with my body alive. And indeed, after some time the victim is forced in[to] some sort of "feign death reflex" concerning his original personality. This feign death reflex is frozen afterwards by dissolution of memory. They gave me a drug that induces near death experiences. When I was clinically dead a voice suggested to me that he was god and that he had decided that I have to be born again as a slave. Then I was reanimated. They used electromagnetic fields to induce panic, fear, depression and pleasure. By this means they conditioned me very effectively. They used ESB, too, but it was not so effective. They even coagu- lated parts of my nucleus amygdala to produce obedience. They detected the brain wave patterns associated with mental states and conditioned not only the mental states, but the associated neurophysiological states, too. They obviously have found a wavelength with hypnotic effects so that they could give me posthypnotic orders in deep trance states. My memory was erased by electroshocks, radiation, drugs, post-hypnotic orders and the described torture mechanism. The Triangulation of the Mind To triangulate the mind of the victim the following steps are necessary: The basic or original personality of the victim is compelled to a "feign death reflex" by means of torture and frozen in this condition. The "feign death reflex" is associated with a modus of absent consciousness hard to describe, which is not synonymous with unconsciousness. It is the consciousness of a living dead person -- a human being who has been subjected to the fiction of being dead, who is actively producing this fiction. Living literally as if being dead is the irrationality of a victim who went through a hell nobody can imagine who hasn't experienced it. Generally the logic of the "as if" is one of the most important keys to understand the mechanisms of mind control. An artificial robot personality is created that receives programs consciously. This robot personality is subjected to the fiction of being unable to have self-consciousness. It is programmed with a set of rules, (self-)definitions, attitudes, and views of life. According to this heuristic behavior, tuning the robot will steer the desired new personality out of the subconscious. But this is a very special kind of subconscious. The robot is working as if it were subconscious, but it is fully aware of reality and of the ongoing actions performed by the new personality. It is not able to develop even a rudimentary form of self-consciousness. It is executing its meta-program to program the new personality well adapted to the inner preconditions and the outer circumstances. The new personality "doesn't know" that it has been mind controlled, can't remember the treatment and is not aware of the robot unit in the background of its consciousness. The robot unit resides in the blind spot of the self- consciousness of the new personality. (In my own experience the "automic" artificial personality or programming is supplemented by sophisticated electronic implants along the line of the "stimociever". Several of these implants have been discovered through X-Ray and MRI scans of people who have experienced "missing time" episodes during which they have no recollection of where they were. Fewer of these have had the implants removed, and these have been studied under electron microscopes and found to contain sophisticated micro-electronic circuits. Removal of the implants is a very dangerous procedure in that they are usually imbedded within or attached to the nervous system, which then commences to "grow around" the implant, making removal without inflicting nerve damage very difficult. - Wol.) This is a very exhausting kind of double existence. It absorbs so much of [ones] emotional energy that it is in many cases relatively easy for the mind controllers to plant a suicide program. (Note: Tie this in with the reports of "UFO abductees" who have reported "missing time" and reception of "alien implants". Could this at least in part be the result of a massive operation carried out by the "Fourth Reich of Antarctica" to program human mind-slaves throughout the world en masse using advanced antigravity and mind control tech- nology, with possible collaboration with the CIA -- with the ultimate goal of establishing a global fascist dictatorship via the secret societies of Bavaria, and their subsidiary branches which the Antarcticans apparently and ultimately control? - Wol.) To ensure that the robot unit is working reliably it is programmed with the following suggestions: "You are our robot. If you are conscious you will be here with us. If you are here with us you will be tortured. Your job is to steer the new personalty which will replace the bad old personality you once was and which is dead now. Your job is to keep this bad old personality dead. You have to steer the new personality according to our guidelines... from the subconscious. “Whenever you are conscious you will be here and then you will be tortured again. If you perform your task well you won't be tortured so often and cruel. But even if you are a good robot we will catch you from time to time to refresh your programming. “Then of course you will be tortured, too. "That's why you will have to get used to the torture. Being tortured is your world. Even if you are working perfectly you will be tortured from time to time -- until the end of your life. “Sometime we will kill you. But don't mind. You will not know when this will happen. The better you are functioning, the better you will be treated. That's your fate. You can't escape this hell. So it would be the best to learn to enjoy the torture. Pain is pleasure, pleasure is pain. “We have implanted a transmitter into your brain. We can detect whether you are conscious or not. You are kept under surveillance using satellites. Whenever you stop working reliably and whenever you become conscious, this will be detected and then you will be tortured with extreme cruelty. “We are everywhere." It doesn't matter whether the mentioned surveillance technology really exists. What counts is that the robot BELIEVES in it. Following theses three steps the psychodynamics of mind control is generated. This is the heart of human robotics. The survival instinct is associated with the new, artificial personality. Sometimes mind control is employed without generating such a sophisticated triangular structure. Then the victim is working on the basis of algorithmic programs only -- for example: Assassinating a foreign politician and then committing suicide. This more behavioristic kind of programming is suitable for well-defined short-term tasks, but isn't flexible enough to exhaust the full potential of human robotics. For fine-tuning the robot behavior, the most advanced knowledge of cognitive psychology is exploited. Who They Were? Every detective starts his investigation with Cicero's old question: "Qui bono?" They "SAID" they were the Mossad (Israel's CIA) and the Shaback (Israel's FBI). As a GERMAN I would like to make clear that I am not an anti-semitic or an enemy of the state of Israel. Perhaps the controllers FALSELY told me [they were] Israelis because they knew that a German insisting to be tortured by Israelis will be suspected of being an anti-semitic liar. I was kidnapped and brought to a interrogation camp in a desert for several times. But I can't be sure that they really were the Mossad, the Shaback or the CIA. Some say I were a victim of an INTERNATIONAL secret service and psychiatry cooperation headed by the Pentagon in the name of "national security". But I have no proof, only memories. Because I don't know who they were I will call them ironically SCNS in the following lines. This abbreviation stands for "Satanic Cult of National Security". The controllers told me that the So viets had developed powerful mind control techniques so that they were urged to do the same. This is an old TRICK used again and again in history. I clearly object to the suspicion that the organization behind this assault on human rights comes from outer space or has something to do with "real" satanic cults (other than the SCNS), the Illuminati or another kind of conspiracy... but if aliens exist they are probably not so cruel as our human all-to-human controllers. Sometimes the controllers lead their victims to believe they were aliens, "real", non-governmental satanists or something like that. But these are obviously cover stories. The SCNS is phenomenologically a cult, but essentially a governmental structure. We must stop them. What they are trying is mental holocaust, nothing [less]. What I have experienced was some sort of instant concentration camp. It is my strong belief that the basic ideas of mind control and human robot production stem from German KZs. KZ is the German abbreviation for "concentration camp" (Konzentrationslager). I don't know who the Werner-von-Braun of KZ-Psychiatry was who was hired by the US intelligence agencies after the war, but the modus operandi of mind control makes me believe that initially a potent NAZI brain was hidden behind it. (Note: this writer apparently is not of the "Nazi" philosophy, however he is admittedly German. Nazism was not or is not "entirely" a German phenomena, as many German scientists did flee to America from Germany as the Nazi's were manipulating their way into power. Germany has played some beneficial role in history, especially in regards to the Lutheran Reformation and the Guttenburg printing presses that helped to spark the age of Enlightenment which pulled the world out of the sewers of the Dark Ages. Unfortunately Luther and Guttenberg failed to give up the ancient cultural anti-Semitism which was rooted within the Germanic culture, and the Nazi's played this for all it was worth. This cultural anti-Semitism reaches at least as far back as the ancient alliance between the German military and the Roman government when both controlled Europe at the height of the Roman Empire and later the so-called -- and I would say blasphemously named -- "Holy Roman Empire", in spite of internal in-fighting and often violent disagreements. The age of the Roman Empire was a time when both the Bavarians and the Romans had committed horren- dous atrocities against the Jews, not the least of which was the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD, the seige on Massada, and so on... - Wol.) Freedom of Thought It took me years to convince myself that I was a victim of mind control and I hope that I am able to make people believing my story a little bit faster. Being asked why I go through all these horrors of mind control again by writing about it I can only say that I have decided to fight against these methods because the most precious value mankind possesses is at stake: the freedom of thought. Freedom of thought is the root of curiosity which is the fertile soil of creativity, joy of discovery, progress and even love. Although I have heard about mind control projects concerning the whole society, I would rather argue that at the moment only a small number of people are affected. But nonetheless even mind control projects on a minor scale are dangerous enough. I hope that the responsible politicians who have been lulled by mind control scientist with the seductive melody of fate control of people will sooner or later recognize the true motive of these psychiatrists and psychologists. Deep in their hearts of stone they know that for the rulers of our world mind control does not pay off, because it destroys the only productive capital they have: the inventive human mind. But these scientists are conscious of the fact that in a legal frame no authority would allow them to experiment with people in the way they are permitted in clandestine operations. Above all mind control is a tragedy of science. If God exists he would probably [allow] mankind to do almost everything – wars, destruction of nature, torture -- because he vested his creatures with the gift of free will. But I'm not of the opinion that God -- let us assume his existence -- gives mankind the permission to compete with him in his own business: the creation of souls. I'm not a believer, I'm a sceptic. Sometimes I define myself as an atheist. But some of my experiences during the process of mind control and later on made me inclined to believe that some kind of supernatural force tries to stop mind control in order to save the planet, because mind controlled human robots are a new species that will destroy the ecological balance on the earth if they become to numerous. Mind control is probably much more dangerous than nuclear or chemical weapons. But these are philosophical questions far beyond the scope of this report. This is not a general theory of mind control and not an autobiography. My aim is to convince the reader that mind control, that the production of human robots is not science fiction, because the methods necessary to 'mind control' people are available. The question is whether they are really employed. Before answering this question the reader should consider whether he believes his state [is] unscrupulous enough to do things like this secretly. Do any signs exist that the state is ready to violate the law in the name of national security? (I really doubt that "national security" is their true motive, more often than not "national security" seems to be a smokescreen term to justify totalitarism fascism or socialism, or 'national socialism' -- as I really don't see much difference between the two other than in the terms themselves. - Wol.) And vice versa -- do any signs exist that the democratic powers are strong enough to exclude govern- mental mind control? When I was mind controlled in a desert camp in 1974, a visitor FROM GERMANY came to me in order to give me the opportunity to talk for the last time with a fellow countryman shortly before my 'execution' (which of course was a mock execution). It was a good looking young man round about 30. Afterwards he made an astonishing political career. Whenever I switch my TV on to watch the news the probability is very high to see his face. Whenever I see his face I am reminded who really rules my country [Germany]. Where mind control [is] concerned, the state acts like the Mafia or the Cosa Nostra. The events I'm going to describe happened probably between the early 50's and the early 80's. My story is exclusively based on my memories. There are three kinds of memories to consider: True memories False memories produced by myself. False memories hypno-programmed by the SCNS. It is not easy to tell these three types of memories apart. Trying this I obey the following rules: If the memories refer to absolutely necessary elements of the mind control process, I treat them as true memories or false hypno- programmed memories -- else I view them as self-deception. If the memories are composed of elements extremely capable of disorientating myself or others or if they are suitable to repress true memories, I believe them to be false and implanted by the SCNS. If the memories refer to concrete, vivid and clear courses of action necessary to make mind control work, then I accept them as true. If I remembered mind control processes considered as true -- before I read or heard about things like that, I assess the truth of these memories as subjectively verified. False memories can be implanted on top of extraordinarily severe traumas. Embedded in our mind there is a very archaic structure responsible for self- preservation that functions beyond rational control. Everything connected with questions of self-preservation will be checked by this highly emotional, primitive mental system. Because memories control behavior and behavior can lead to dangerous situations, the self-preservation system controls our memories, too. Whether a traumatic event will be forgotten or not depends on how this systems evaluates its significance for self-preservation. Here are some examples: If someone has been bitten by a dog he will not forget this event so easily because the system of self-preservation believes that remembering this will help him to avoid it in the future. [Continued to part 2] ---------------------------------------------------------------- MindNet Journal Archive Filename: [mn138a.txt] ================================================ +