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One thing that Admiral Byrd stated in a press conference after his defeat
at Antarctica was that the Antarctic continent should be surrounded by a
"wall of defence installations since it represented the last line of defence
for America." Although the U.S. and Russia had been allies during the war,
suddenly the "Iron Curtain" was created and we and the Russians became
'enemies'.  (Some say that the animosity of the Cold War directly following
WWII was only an outward smokescreen to justify the expenditure on both
side for massive nuclear armament buildups, and that in reality top U.S. and
U.S.S.R. officials met regularly via-top secret submarine meetings that took 
place below the North Polar ice pack.  This cooperation however was not
complete, as there were still many at the higher levels of U.S. government
who were against the political imperialist abuses of the Communist system; 
and many at the highest levels of the U.S.S.R. who were against the corpor-
ate imperialist abuses of the Capitalist system. - Wol.)
Both the Soviets and the United States ringed the poles with defense and
detection bases, and in between was the barren no-man's-land of the poles
where absolutely nobody lived, or did they? Could it be that we pretended
we were protecting against the Russians and they pretended they were
protecting against us, while really we and they were both scared of what
was in between us -- the Nazi Last Battalion?...
Anybody familiar with Nazi Germany will be familiar with Himmler, Speer,
Bormann and such but few have ever heard of Hans Kammler. Kammler was
a General in the SS, rather an accomplishment any way you look at it. Kam-
mler "was regarded by many in the Nazi hierarchy as the most powerful man
in Germany outside the Cabinet." (*Blunder! How the U.S. Gave Away Nazi
Supersecrets to Russia,* by Tom Agoston, Dodd, Mead & Co., p. 4.)
Kammler, whose position of authority was directly under Himmler, was in
charge of Hitler's most secret projects, specifically projects such as the
world's first jet engines and rockets. He had over 14 million people working
for him, mostly building UNDERGROUND factories. Agoston said his projects
were equivalent to being in charge of building the Great Pyramids or the
Coliseum in Rome. Speer said that he believed that Kammler was being
considered to take his (Speer's) position.
Working under Kammler in charge of rockets was General Walther Dornberger,
who with Dr. Werner von Braun, developed the V-2 rocket. Working with Kam-
mler at the "Reich's most advanced high-technology military research center"
at the Skoda armament complex in Pilsen, Czechoslovakia was General Dr.
Wilhelm Voss. Some of the projects at Skoda remain secret to this day, but
it is acknowledged that among the projects was one by Dr. Franz Josef Neuge-
bauer, "a specialist in thermal systems for aircraft nuclear propulsion." (Ago-
ston, p. 12.)
Albert Speer, in his book *Spandau, The Secret Diaries,* brags that it was
he who ordered Werner Heisenberg to stop building an atomic bomb and
concentrate on a "uranium motor" for aircraft. Towards the end of the war,
Hitler even made Goering and Speer subordinate to Kammler. Eisenhower
admits in *Crusade In Europe* that the Nazis were within 6 months of dev-
eloping advanced weapons that would have changed the outcome of the war.
Rudolph Hess, Hitler's best friend and second in command, went to England
to try to stop the war with Britain and was arrested as a "war criminal" on
May 10, 1941 and was kept from having any contact with the public until he
was recently murdered. He was the only prisoner in Spandau prison. Ones
who paid any attention to his situation at all have wondered what was the
big secret he knew that made him so dangerous to the Allies? Perhaps the
answer is revealed in [Christof] Friedrich's book *Secret Nazi Polar Expedi-
tions* on page 34: Hess "was entrusted with the all-important Antarctic file...
Hess, himself, kept the Polar File..."
If you look at a map of Antarctica you will see that a portion of Queen Maud
Land is called new Schwabenland. This is the part of the continent nearest
to South Africa. The Germans made a major expedition to this area in 1938-
1939 and began the construction of a major base. For details of this expedi-
tion, see the book by Friedrich. This book has pictures of the *warmwater*
[geothermal] ponds and other information that will surprise you. It has maps
showing that Admiral Byrd's Operation Highjump (Naval Task Force 68)
military invasion landed on the side opposite the German bases... The maps
of Operation Highjump say that they left the German side of the continent
A man who was very influential in modern German post-war politics was
Hans-Ulrich Rudel, a frequent guest speaker in German military and political
circles. Rudel was the man groomed by Hitler to become his successor. It
is known that Rudel made FREQUENT trips to Tierra del Fuego at the tip of
South America nearest Antarctica. One of Martin Bormann's last messages
from the bunker in Berlin to Doenitz mentioned Tierra del Fuego...
A book called *America's Aircraft Year Book* tells about the U.S. using
captured German scientists at Ft. Bliss and Wright Field. "Among those in
the German group at Wright Field were Rudolph Hermann, Alexander Lipp-
sisch, Heinz Schmitt, Helmut Heinrich, and Fritz Doblhoff and Ernst Kugel.
Hermann was attached to the Peenemunde Research Station for Aerody-
namics, where Germany's V-2 rockets were hatched and launched against
England. A specialist in supersonics, he was in charge of the supersonic
wind tunnel at Kochel in the Bavarian Alps. He also was a member of the
group entrusted with Hitler's futuristic plans to establish a space-station
rocket-refueling base revolving as a satellite about the Earth at a distance
of 4,000 miles -- a scheme which he and certain high-ranking AAF officers
in 1947 still believed to be feasible."
Later evidence shows that most or all of the [air] craft and 'flying saucer' 
scientists (who were not captured? - Wol.) disappeared. The available
evidence indicates they went to South America or Antarctica.
The *El Mercurio* and *Der Weg* papers told of a large submarine convoy
discovered by the British Navy at the end of WW II. All available Allied units
engaged the convoy and were totally destroyed except for the Captain of one
destroyer, who was reported as saying, "May God help me, may I never again
encounter such a force."
On July 10, 1945, more than two months after the end of the War, the German
submarine U-530 surrendered to Argentine authorities. The Commander was
Otto Wermoutt. The sub had a crew of 54 men (the normal sub crew was 
18 men) and the cargo consisted of 540 barrels of cigarettes and unusually
large stocks of food. The Commander was 25 years old, the second officer
was 22, and the crew was an average of 25 except for one man who was 32
years old. This was an unusually young crew and upon questioning it was
learned that they all claimed that they had no relatives.
A map from a Spanish book called *Is Hitler Alive?* with the route of the
Fuhrer convoy shows it passed alongside South Georgia Island, where later
a secret underground base was the focus of a secret battle during the Falk-
land Islands War.
On April 4, 1944 at 4:40 a.m. the German submarine U-859 left on a myster-
ious mission carrying 67 men and 33 tons of mercury (apparently mercury
is usable as a fuel source for certain forms of aerospace propulsion. - Wol.)
sealed in glass bottles in watertight tin crates. The sub was sunk by a British
submarine and most of the crew died. One survivor on his death bed about
30 years later told about the expensive cargo and some divers checked out
his story and found the mercury. For what purpose was this mercury to be
used? And where were they trying to take it?
There are many other stories of other U-boats and German survivors, mostly
in the Southern Hemisphere. The Germans and other European nations re-
quired very meticulous registration records of everybody, including their
relatives, employment, addresses, children, etc., and at the end of the war
the Allies, cross checking these records, taking into account casualties
and deaths, determined that THERE WERE [AT LEAST] 250,000 PERSONS
UNACCOUNTED FOR. (That's a quarter of a MILLION, by the way. - Wol.)
Hitler signed the order for the atomic bomb to be built on September 26,
1939. The top scientist on this project was Dr. Werner Heisenberg. (Powers,
Thomas, *Heisenberg's War,* Alfred A. Knopf, 1993, p. 16.) Heisenberg won
the Nobel Prize for physics in 1932 "for the creation of quantum mechanics."
He was professor of theoretical physics at Leipzig and later Director of the
Max Planck Institute for Physics. His best friend, until the war, was Niels
Bohr. Edward Teller received his doctorate by studying under Heisenberg
(Powers, vii).
Thomas Powers wrote the book *Heisenberg's War, The Secret of the German
Bomb,* in which one of the main themes was trying to account for the fact
that Germany was far ahead of the rest of the world in developing 'the bomb'
and yet the Allies were astonished when they found the primitive experimental
reactor at the end of the war that was supposedly the best the Germans were
able to accomplish. Excuses such as German inefficiency, etc., do not fit the
It is known that the Germans were also working on the hydrogen bomb, and
the Allies frantically bombed the heavy water plants. There are many books
and movies about the heroes who stopped the German nuclear efforts, yet
somewhere in the hoopla you find that at least one large load of heavy water
was never accounted for.
In a speech in June 1949, Vannevar Bush tells that the Allies were extremely
concerned that the Germans were ahead of them on the bomb, but finally
found out "they had not accomplished five percent of the undertaking which
had been brought to success... in this country." He blamed their failure on
typical German "regimentation in a totalitarian system." But if you think about
it with an open mind, you should realize that "regimentation in a totalitarian
system" is usually MORE efficient, especially when it comes to making
Powers explores Heisenberg's explanation that the Germans "had used their
influence as experts to direct the work into the channels which have been
mapped in the foregoing report." But the "foregoing report" did not explain
what happened. Powers said: "His account is incomplete. Something is
withheld" (p. 482). On the last page he sums up by saying, "No one denies
what Samuel Goudsmit found in southern Germany in 1945 -- a small-scale
program of atomic research that posed no threat to the Allies. It is the 
difficulty of assigning reasons for the failure that have kept the issue 
tender for nearly fifty years."
When Field Marshall Erhard Milch visited the Gottow laboratories in 1945
where atomic research was being carried out, he asked Heisenberg, "How
big would a bomb have to be in order to destroy New York or London?" Hei-
senberg replied: "About as big as a pineapple, and we will have a basketful
for the Fuhrer by Christmas...!" (Mattern-Friedrich, *UFOs, Nazi Secret
Weapon?,* p. 77. Some of the material in the book came from classified
documents obtained from the CIA.) (It takes 33 pounds of highly-enriched
uranium or 13 pounds of plutonium to make a small atomic bomb).
In 1943 Niels Bohr escaped from Denmark to London and reported that Germ-
any was making the bomb. They also had proof that the Germans had "corn-
ered the major supplies of uranium and also of thorium."


Boris Pash, head of security for the Manhattan Project, and scientist Samuel Goudsmit followed the lead tanks into Paris and into Germany, looking for the German nuclear laboratory, which they found in Strasbourg.

This was called Operation Alsos (Greek for "Groves"). Peter Goodchild in his book *J. Robert Oppenheimer, Shatterer of Worlds,* p. 110 said: "Very soon a picture of the Germans' progress began to emerge. They revealed that Hitler had been told of the possibilities of a nuclear weapon in 1942 and that there had been a whole series of uranium pile experiments.

But the crucial facts were that even as late as August 1944 the experiments were still at an early stage. The Germans had neither the certain information that an explosive chain reaction was possible, nor did they have the material or the mechanism to make their bomb. It was apparent that the project had moved forward hardly at all since 1942. There were one or two people in Washington who, when they read Goudsmit's final report, suspected that the information had come too easily, but most people believed it."

It is possible that Germany DID develop the bomb, and the Allies kept it secret? In *Heisenberg's War,* p. 481, Vannevar Bush is quoted as saying in June 1949: "The Nazis wanted an atomic bomb; we knew that. They had as good a chance at it as we had. In the tense years up to 1945 we thought that they were close competitors, even that they might be six months ahead of us. Then after Stuttgart fell and the Alsos mission did its work, we found out. The Nazis had not even reached first base." Surprise, surprise. Or was it lie, lie?

My best guess, based on the evidence, is that there is a strong possibility Germany DID develop the atomic bomb! The Americans managed to capture some of them in early 1945, then on August 6, 1945, dropped one on Hiroshima. This would account for J. Robert Oppenheimer's curious statement that the bomb dropped on Hiroshima was made in Germany. Could the Germans have taken some bombs with them when Hitler escaped? Was the submarine convoy protected by nuclear weapons, and were they what stopped Operation Highjump? Perhaps not, that is just conjecture, but I strongly suspect we got the "bomb" from the Germans.

In *Blowback,* "the first full account of America's recruitment of Nazis, and its disastrous effect on our domestic and foreign policy" by Christopher Simpson, he states: "On July 6 [1945] the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) specifically authorized an effort to 'exploit... chosen, rare minds whose continuing intellectual productivity we wish to use under the top secret project code-named Overcast... At first this was justified on the grounds that German scientists might be useful in the continuing war against Japan" (p.33).

When the Allies found the German atomic bomb laboratory, they were amazed that it was just a small concrete reactor in a cave, too small to go critical. Yet they went to considerable trouble in a top secret program to grab these scientists because they might be useful in defeating Japan? What were they going to do, throw radioactive concrete at the Japanese? Tom Agoston in *Blunder!* says (p. 38) that "Unknown to Allied scientists, the Germans had been able to build up a sizeable stockpile of U-235 and had held up to two tons, as well as two tons of heavy water."

William Stevenson, in *A Man Called Intrepid,* says "The Germans 
had the man [Heisenberg] whose theoretical work was the basis of the 
bomb" (p. 456)

In the military field, the view prevailed in 1939 that the country with the greatest chance of bringing together the pieces was Germany."

Let's see now, the atomic bomb was a German idea, they had the best scientists, they had a proven ability to develop advanced weapons, they had plenty of raw material, and yet their "bomb" consisted of nothing more than some radioactive concrete in a cave in a hill at the base of a church? (*Heisenberg's War,* p. 421.) The German laboratory was captured on April 21, 1945, then three months later on July 16 a bomb was tested at Alamogordo, New Mexico. Then on August 6, 1945, one was dropped on Hiroshima, and August 9 on Nagasaki. This is not counting the nuclear explosion in the Oakland, California, area, but we are not supposed to know about that.

Pash and Goudsmit in Operation Alsos captured several tons of uranium and "it was shipped to Britain and then the United States, transformed into uranium hexaflouride gas for isotope separation at Oak Ridge, Tennessee, and finally in the form of U-235 used to destroy Hiroshima." (*Heisenberg's War,* p. 362.)

Most classified files from World War II have been routinely declassified under the provisions of the U.S. Freedom of Information Act. Tom Agoston (*Blunder!,* p. 124) said of the Alsos information, "The files continued to be suppressed and remain under lock and key in Washington, well beyond the thirty-year rule. The motive for this remains a four-decade mystery."

He also said that the testimony of Albert Speer, referring to General Kammler, "The transcript continues to be classified beyond the normal thirty-year rule, and is not expected to be made public before 2020."

Kammler disappeared at the end of the War and it was reported that he committed suicide (four different versions). If he were dead, why the secrecy? Kammler was regarded as "the most important man in Germany outside the Cabinet." The chain of command was Hitler to Himmler to Himmler's Deputy SS General Karl Wolff to SS General Oswald Pohl to Kammler, and later the link was more direct.

Dr. Wilhelm Voss told Agoston what happened to Kammler was a "hot matter" that could not be revealed. Agoston said one of Kammler's close associates was Rudolph Hess, who flew to Britain on a secret mission in May 1941. "The secret British file that might explain why he flew to Britain will remain closed until the year 2020" (p.160).

What clinched the proof for me was when I read in Phoenix Journal #18 (*Blood And Ashes*), speaking of the Manhattan Project, "Of course, they utilized the German production urn and, actually, the bomb used on Japan was constructed in Germany" (p. 159). (The bomb shell AND the components or just the bomb "shell"? - Wol.) The author of those Journals is "One Who Knows."