1. Phyllis Tilson Piotrow, "World Population Crisis: The United States Response" (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1973), "Forward" by George H.W. Bush, pp. vii-viii.
2. Adolf Hitler, "Mein Kampf" (Boston, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1971), p. 404.
3. "The Ten Richest People in Houston," in "Houston Post Magazine," March 11, 1984. "$150 milion to $250 million from ... inheritance, plus subsequent investments ... chief heir to a family fortune in oil stock.... As to his financial interests, he is ... coy. He once described one of his businesses as a company that 'invests in and oversees a lot of smaller companies ... in a lot of foreign countries.'|"
4. The announcements were made in testimony before a Special Com- mittee of the U.S. Senate Investigating the National Defense Program. The hearings on Standard Oil were held March 5, 24, 26, 27, 31, and April 1, 2, 3 and 7, 1942. Available on microfiche, law section, Library of Congress. See also "New York Times," March 26 and March 27, 1942, and "Washington Evening Star," March 26 and March 27, 1942.
5. "Ibid.," Exhibit No. 368, printed on pp. 4584-87 of the hearing record. See also Charles Higham, "Trading With The Enemy" (New York: Delacorte Press, 1983), p. 36.
6. Confidential memorandum from U.S. Embassy, Berlin, "op. cit.," chapter 2. Sir Henri Deterding was among the most notorious pro-Nazis of the early war period.
7. See sections on Prescott Bush in Darwin Payne, "Initiative in Energy: Dresser Industries, Inc." (New York: Distributed by Simon and Schuster, 1979) (published by the Dresser Company).
8. William Stamps Farish obituary, "New York Times," Nov. 30, 1942.
9. "A Decade of Progress in Eugenics: Scientific Papers of the Third International Congress of Eugenics held at American Museum of Natural History New York, August 21-23, 1932." (Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins Company, September, 1934).
The term "eugenics" is taken from the Greek to signify "good birth" or "well-born," as in aristocrat. Its basic assumption is that those who are not "well-born" should not exist.
10. See among other such letters, George Herbert Walker, 39 Broadway, N.Y., to W. A. Harriman, London, February 21, 1925, in W.A. Harriman papers.
11. Averell Harriman to Dr. Charles B. Davenport, President, The International Congress of Eugenics, Cold Spring Harbor, L.I., N.Y.:
January 21, 1932
Dear Dr. Davenport:
I will be only too glad to put you in touch with the Hamburg-American Line .. they may be able to co-operate in making suggestions which will keep the expenses to a minimum. I have referred your letter to Mr. Emil Lederer [of the Hamburg-Amerika executive board in New York] with the request that he communicate with you.
Davenport to Mr. W.A. Harriman, 59 Wall Street, New York, N.Y.
January 23, 1932
Dear Mr. Harriman:
Thank you very much for your kind letter of January 21st and the action you took which has resulted at once in a letter from Mr. Emil Lederer. This letter will serve as a starting point for correspondence, which I hope will enable more of our German colleagues to come to America on the occasion of the congresses of eugenics and genetics, than otherwise.
Congressional hearings in 1934 established that Hamburg-Amerika routinely provided free transatlantic passage for those carrying out Nazi propaganda chores. See "Investigation of Nazi Propaganda Activities and Investigation of Certain Other Propaganda Activities," "op. cit.," chapter 2.
12. Alexis Carrel, "Man the Unknown" (New York: Halcyon House, published by arrangement with Harper & Brothers, 1935), pp. 318-19.
The battle cry of the New Order was sounded in 1935 with the publication of "Man the Unknown," by Dr. Alexis Carrel of the Rockefeller Institute in New York. This Nobel Prize-winner said "enormous sums are now required to maintain prisons and insane asylums.... Why do we preserve these useless and harmful beings? This fact must be squarely faced. Why should society not dispose of the criminals and the insane in a more economical manner? ... The community must be protected against troublesome and dan- gerous elements.... Perhaps prisons should be abolished.... The conditioning of the petty criminal with the whip, or some more scientific procedure, followed by a short stay in hospital, would probably suffice to insure order. [Criminals, including those] who have ... misled the public on important matters, should be humanely and economically disposed of in small euthanasic institutions sup- plied with proper gases. A similar treatment could be advantageously applied to the insane, guilty of criminal acts."
Carrel claimed to have transplanted the head of a dog to another dog and kept it alive for quite some time.
13. Bernhard Schreiber, "The Men Behind Hitler: A German Warning to the World," France: La Hay-Mureaux, ca. 1975), English language edition supplied by H. & P. Tadeusz, 369 Edgewere Road, London W2. A copy of this book is now held by Union College Library, Syracuse, N.Y.
14. Higham, "op. cit.," p. 35.
15. Engagement announced Feb. 10, 1939, "New York Times," p. 20. See also "Directory of Directors" for New York City, 1930s and 1940s.
16. Higham, "op. cit.," pp. 20, 22 and other references to Schroeder and Lindemann.
Anthony Sutton, "Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler" (Seal Beach: '76 Press, 1976). Sutton is also a good source on the Harrimans.
17. "Washington Evening Star," March 27, 1942, p. 1.
18. Higham, "op. cit." p. 50.
19. "Ibid.," p. 48.
20. "Washington Post," April 29, 1990, p. F4. Higham, "op. cit.," pp. 52-53.
21. Zapata annual reports, 1950s-1960s, Library of Congress microforms.
22. See "Congressional Record" for Bush speech in the House of Representatives, Sept. 4, 1969. Bush inserted in the record the testimony given before his Task Force on August 5, 1969.
23. Sobel, "op. cit.," pp. 92-111. See also Boyle, "op. cit.," chapter 1, concerning the Morgan-led Dawes Committee of Germany's foreign creditors.
Like Harriman, Dillon used the Schroeder and Warburg banks to strike his German bargains. All Dillon Read & Co. affairs in Germany were supervised by J.P. Morgan & Co. partner Thomas Lamont, and were authorized by Bank of England Governor Montagu Norman.
24. See "Poor's Register of Directors and Executives," (New York: Poor's Publishing Company, late 1920s, '30s and '40s). See also "Standard Corporation Records" (New York: Standard & Poor), 1935 edition pp. 2571-25, and 1938 edition pp. 7436-38, for description and history of the German Credit and Investment Corporation. For Frederic Brandi, See also Sobel, "op. cit.," p. 213-214.
25. Sobel, "op. cit.," pp. 180, 186. Ivy Lee had been hired to improve the Rockefeller family image, particularly difficult after their 1914 massacre of striking miners and pregnant women in Ludlow, Colorado. Lee got old John D. Rockefeller to pass out dimes to poor people lined up at his porch.
26. Third International Eugenics Congress papers "op. cit.," footnote 7, p. 512, "Supporting Members."
27. Schreiber, "op. cit.," p. 160. The Third Int. Eugenics Congress papers, p. 526, lists the officers of the International Federation as of publication date in September, 1934. Rudin is listed as president -- a year after he has written the sterilization law for Hitler.
28. "Directory of Directors for New York City," 1942. Interview with Nancy Bowles, librarian of Dillon Read & Co.
29. Higham, "op. cit.," p. 129, 212-15, 219-23.
30. Walter Isaacson and Evan Thomas, "The Wise Men: Six Friends and the World They Made -- Acheson, Bohlen, Harriman, Kennan, Lovett, McCloy" (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1986), pp. 122, 305.
31. Piotrow, "op. cit.," pp. 36-42.
32. "Ibid.," p. viii. "As chairman of the special Republican Task Force on Population and Earth Resources, I was impressed by the arguments of William H. Draper, Jr.... General Draper continues to lead through his tireless work for the U.N. Population Fund."
33. Sobel, "op. cit.," pp. 298, 354.
34. Interview July 16, 1991, with Joanne Grossi, an official with the USAID's Population Office.
35. Dr. Nafis Sadik, "The State of World Population," 1991, New York, United Nations Population Fund.
36. See "User's Guide to the Office of Population," 1991, Office of Population, Bureau for Science and Technology, United States Agency for International Development. Available from S&T/POP, Room 811 SA-18, USAID, Washington D.C. 20523-1819.
37. "History of the Association for Voluntary Sterilization [formerly Sterilization League of America], 1935-64," thesis submitted to the faculty of the graduate school of the University of Minnesota by William Ray Van Essendelft, March, 1978, available on microfilm, Library of Congress. This is the official history, written with full cooperation of the Sterilization League.
38. Interview with Dr. C. Nash Herndon, June 20, 1990.
During his political career, George Bush has claimed many different "home" states, including Texas, Maine, Massachusetts, and Con- necticut. It has not been expedient for him to claim Florida, though that state has a vital link to his role in the world, as we shall see. And George Bush's home base in Florida, throughout his adult life, has been Jupiter Island.
The unique, bizarre setup on Jupiter Island began in 1931, following the merger of W.A. Harriman and Co. with the British-American firm Brown Brothers.
The reader will recall Mr. Samuel Pryor, the "Merchant of Death." A partner with the Harrimans, Prescott Bush, George Walker, and Nazi boss Fritz Thyssen in banking and shipping enterprises, Sam Pryor remained executive committee chairman of Remington Arms. In this period, the Nazi private armies (SA and SS) were supplied with American arms -- most likely by Pryor and his company -- as they moved to overthrow the German republic. Such gun-running as an instrument of national policy would later become notorious in the "Iran-Contra" affair.
/ Note #b|"Walter S. Carpenter, Jr." had been chairman of the finance committee of the DU PONT Corporation (1930-40). In 1933, Carpenter oversaw DU PONT's purchase of Remington Arms from Sam Pryor and the Rockefellers, and led DU PONT into partnership with the Nazi I.G. FARBEN company for the manufacture of EXPLOSIVES. Carpenter became DU PONT's president in 1940. His cartel with the Nazis was broken up by the U.S. government. Nevertheless, Carpenter remained DU PONT's president, as the company's technicians participated mass- ively in the Manhattan Project to produce the first atomic bomb. [Any connection to the 'Order of the Fourth Reich's' alleged use of a well-known 'chemical' company -- such as DU PONT or ARCO? -- to built plastique 'nuclear' neutron bombs, as detailed in an earlier file? - Wol.] He was chair-man of DU PONT from 1948 to 1962, retaining high-level access to U.S. strategic activities.
/ Note #b|"C. Douglas Dillon" was the boss of William H. Draper, Jr. in the Draper-Prescott Bush-Fritz Thyssen Nazi banking scheme of the 1930s and 40s. His father, Clarence Dillon, created the Vereinigte Stahlwerke (Thyssen's German Steel Trust) in 1926. C. Douglas Dillon made "Nicholas Brady" the chairman of the Dillon Read firm in 1971 and himself continued as chairman of the Executive Committee. C. Douglas Dillon would be a vital ally of his neighbor Prescott Bush during the Eisenhower administration...
Prescott Bush was Dwight Eisenhower's favorite golf partner. Prescott could reassure Ike about his counselors, allay his concerns, and monitor his moods. Ike was very grateful to Prescott, who never re- vealed the President's scores.
The public image of his relationship to the President may be gleaned from a 1956 newspaper profile of Prescott Bush's role in the party. The "New York Times," which 11 years before had consciously PROTEC- TED him from public exposure as a Nazi banker, fawned over him in an article entitled, "His Platform: Eisenhower": "A tall, lean, well-dressed man who looks exactly like what he is -- a wealthy product of the Ivy League -- is chairman of the Republican Convention's platform committee. As such, Prescott Bush, Connecticut's senior United States Senator, has a difficult task: he has to take one word and expand it to about 5,000...
George Bush left Greenwich Country Day School in 1936. He joined his older brother at Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts, 20 miles north of Boston. "Poppy" was 12 years old, handsome, and rich. Though the U.S. economy took a savage turn for the worse the following year, George's father was piling up a fortune, arranging bond swindles for the Nazis with John Foster Dulles...
The hierarchical top banana of the AUV secret society in George's 1942 Andover class was Godfrey Anderson ("Rocky") ROCKEFELLER. In the yearbook just above the AUV roster is a photograph of "Rocky Rockefeller" and "Lem [Lehman F.] Beardsley"; Rockefeller stands imperiously without a shirt, Beardsley scowls from behind sunglasses. Certainly the real monarch of George Bush's Andover secret society, and George's sponsor, was this "Rocky'|"s father, "Godfrey S. Rocke- feller."
The latter gentleman had been on the staff of the Yale University establishment in China in 1921-22. Yale and the Rockefellers were breeding a grotesque communist insurgency with British Empire ideology; another Yale staffer there was Mao Zedong, later the communist dictator and mass murderer. While he was over in China, Papa Godfrey's cousin Isabel had been the bridesmaid at the wedding of George Bush's parents. His Uncle Percy had co-founded the Harriman bank with George Walker, and backed George Bush's father in several Nazi German enterprises. His grandfather had been the founding treasurer of the Standard Oil Company, and had made the Harrimans (and thus ultimately George Bush) rich...
Bush's open public advocacy of government measures tending towards zero population growth was a radical departure from the policies built into the federal bureaucracy up until that time. The climate of opinion just a few years earlier, in December 1959, is illustrated by the com- ments of President Eisenhower, who had said, "birth control is not our business. I cannot imagine anything more emphatically a subject that is not a proper political or governmental activity . .. or responsibility."
As a congressman, Bush played an absolutely pivotal role in this shift. Shortly after arriving in Washington, he teamed up with fellow Republican Herman Schneebeli to offer a series of amendments to the Social Security Act to place priority emphasis on what was euphemis- tically called "family planning services." The avowed goal was to reduce the number of children born to women on welfare.
Bush's and Schneebeli's amendments reflected the Malthusian- GENOCIDALIST views of Dr. Alan Guttmacher, then president of PLAN- NED PARENTHOODP, and a protege of its founder, MARGARET SANDER [Note: Rush Limbaugh's description of Sanger and her class as "feminazis" might be taken more literally then was originally intended. - Wol]. In the years before the grisly outcome of the Nazi cult of race science and eugenics had inhibited public calls for defense of the "gene pool," Sanger had demanded the weeding out of the "unfit" and the "inferior races," and had campaigned vigorously for sterilization, infanticide and abortion, in the name of "race betterment." [Sanger is also behind the false idea that the right of a human being to be born is outweighed by a females "Constitutional Rights to Choose". They do have a "right" to choose -- to use contraception to keep themselves from becoming pregnant! However when a woman does become pregnant she has committed to a responsibility to care for her child. When a human being's heart stops beating they are legally 'dead', so in the same way should not life begin when a human heart STARTS beating? Why is it that a person can get a life sentence if he beats a new-born child to death; yet if that same child is only partially born and it is dismembered while it's head is still in the vaginal passage -- it is merely 'partial birth abortion' and the doctor who performs the 'operation' is hailed as a hero by Faminazis like Sanger who scream raging curses at PRO- LIFERS because they are against women's 'rights' while at the same time being VERY CAREFUL not to expose their TRUE reasons for advocating abortion -- the EXTERMINATION of all "unworthy" non-white races such as Hispanics, Blacks, Jews... etc. - Wol."]
Although Planned Parenthood was forced, during the fascist era and immediately thereafter, to tone down Sanger's RACIST rhetoric from "race betterment" to "family planning" for the benefit of the poor and blacks, the organization's basic goal of curbing the population growth rate among "undesirables" NEVER really changed. Bush publicly asserted that he AGREEDD "1,000 percent" with Planned Parenthood.
During hearings on the Social Security amendments, Bush and witness Alan Guttmacher had the following colloquy:
"Bush": Is there any [opposition to Planned Parenthood] from any other organizations or groups, civil rights groups?
"Guttmacher": We do have problems. We are in a sensitive area in regard particularly to the Negro. There are some elements in the Negro group that feel we are trying to keep down the numbers. We are very sensitive to this. We have a community relations department headed by a most capable Negro social worker to try to handle that part of the problem. This does, of course, cause us a good bit of concern.
"Bush": I appreciate that. For the record, I would like to say I am 1,000 percent in accord with the goals of your organization. I think perhaps more than any other type of organization you can do more in the field of poverty and mental health and everything else than any other group that I can think of. I commend you.
Like his father before him, Bush supported Planned Parenthood at every opportunity. Time after time, he rose on the floor of the House to praise Planned Parenthood's work. In 1967, Bush called for "having the government agencies work even more closely with going private agencies such as Planned Parenthood." A year later, he urged those interested in "advancing the cause of family planning," to "call your local Planned Parenthood Center" to offer "help and support."
...As we have seen, George Bush inherited his obsession with popula- tion control and racial "down-breeding" from his father, Prescott, who staunchly supported Planned Parenthood dating back at least to the 1940s. In fact, Prescott's affiliation with Margaret Sanger's organization cost him the Senate race in 1950...
Prescott's 1950 defeat still rankled, as shown by Bush's extraordinary gesture in evoking it during testimony he gave on Capitol Hill before Senator Gruening's subcommittee of the Senate Government Operations Committee on November 2, 1967. Bush's vengeful tirade is worth quoting at length:
"I get the feeling that it is a little less unfashionable to be in favor of birth control and planned parenthood today than it used to be. If you will excuse one personal reference here: My father, when he ran for the U.S. Senate in 1950, was defeated by 600 or 700 votes. On the steps of several Catholic Churches in Connecticut, the Sunday before the election, people stood there passing out pamphlets saying, 'Listen to what this commentator has to say tonight. Listen to what this commentator has to say.' That night on the radio, the commen- tator came on and said, 'Of interest to voters in Connecticut, Prescott Bush is head of the Planned Parenthood Birth Control League,' or something like this. Well, he lost by about 600 votes and there are some of us who feel that this had something to do with it. I do not think that anybody can get away with that type of thing any more."
Bush and Draper
As we saw in Chapter 3, Gen. William H. Draper, Jr. had been director and vice president of the German Credit and Investment Corp., serving short-term credit to the Nazi Party's financiers from offices in the U.S.A and Berlin. Draper became one of the most influential crusaders for radical population control measures. He campaigned endlessly for zero population growth, and praised the Chinese COMMUNISTS for their "innovative" methods of achieving that goal. Draper's most influential outlet was the Population Crisis Committee (PCC)-Draper Fund, which he founded in the 1960s...
In 1901, the discovery of large oil deposits in Texas offered great promise for the future economic development of the state, but also attracted the Anglo-American oil cartel. The [James A.] Baker family law firm in Texas, like the Bush and Dulles families in New York, was aligned with the HARRIMAN-ROCKEFELLER cartel.
The Bakers were prominent in supporting eugenics and utopian-feudalist social engineering. Captain James A. Baker, so the story goes, the grandfather of the current boss of Foggy Bottom, solved the murder of his client William Marsh Rice and took control of Rice's huge estate. Baker used the money to start Rice University and became the chairman of the school's board of trustees. Baker sought to create a center for diffusion of racist eugenics, and for this purpose brought in Julian Huxley of the infamous British oligarchical family to found the biology program at Rice starting in 1912. / Note #2 Huxley was the vice president of the British Eugenics Society and actually helped to organize "race science" programs for the Nazi Interior Ministry, before becoming the founding director general of UNESCO in 1946-48.
James A. Baker III was born April 28, 1930, in the fourth generation of his family's wealth. Baker holdings have included EXXON, MOBIL, ATLANTIC RICHFIELD, STANDARD OIL OF CALIFORNIA, STANDARD OIL OF INDIANA, KERR-MCGEE, MERCK and FREEPORT MINERALS. Baker also held stock in some large New York BANKS during the time that he was negotiating the Latin American debt crisis in his capacity as secretary of the treasury...