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Researcher William Cooper released the following letter FROM a Martin Cannon of 
Canoga Park, California. The individual's name TO WHOM the letter was addressed 
is not given:

"Dear (Name Deleted); 

"Thanks for your recent letter. 

"I think that we could 
indeed be helpful to each other. My project is now taking me into some very odd 
areas indeed, and I need all the guidance possible. But more on that later. 

"First... UFO [magazine], vol. 2, #4 includes an article by Barry Taff, written 
in conjunction with one Kerry Gaynor, entitled 'Paranormal Phenomena and UFOs.' 
The article itself was not nearly so interesting as Taff's resume.

"...he has 
worked with UCLA's Neuropsychiatric Institute and has acted as a consultant to a 
number of government agencies, including the National Energy Commission and the 
CIA.' (Gaynor is described as a 'Hypnotherapist and UCLA graduate' who has 
worked with Taff from 1974 to 1980.) 

"Ohh, gee, (NAME DELETED)... you actually 
TRUST this guy? 

"Perhaps the most ominous connection in that resume is not to 
the CIA, but to the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute, Dr. Louis Joylon West's 
spook-house. You must know [of] West's covert background -- his work in 
brainwashing for the CIA, his horrifying institute For the Study of Violent 
Behavior, his connection to the V.A. hospital...and that's just the beginning. 
Info on 'Jolly' is tough to come by, but I've got some stuff you won't believe 
-- especially some very bizarre tidbits ostensibly connecting him to John Lilly. 
West is a spook and a fascist, and he has been involved in ALL the techniques of 
mind control. 

"I interviewed someone who met West socially; he described the 
good doctor -- AND his wife! -- as frightening, peculiar, and very, very 
strange...almost the stereotypical 'mad scientist.' The same descrip- tions keep 
on popping up whenever I get 'personal' on the spy-chiatrists. You think these 
guys practice their mind altering techniques on each other? 

"Rand, AEC, NIMM -- 
you KNOW their histories. Taff is linked to warmongers, covert operations, and 
brainwashers. The man is BAD NEWS, and any exculpatory fables he tells you 
should be disregarded. If you want my advice, stay away from this guy, even if 
he claims to offer an inside track on the scoop of the century, and even if his 
info tends to verify your preconceptions. Please don't take this as an insult, 
but frankly, the fact that you deal with Taff (and Lear) makes me uneasy dealing 
with you. 

"On the other hand... As you know, my main business right now is 
catching the brainwashers. Taff and Gaynor seem to be possible targets -- their 
backgrounds make them suspicious to me. Maybe you can help my project by 
'picking their brains' on the subject of mind control. Ask Taff about the use of 
microwaves to create audi- tory phenomena, he mentions this effect (the 'Frey 
effect') in his article, and connects it to UFOs. I'd like more information on 
this topic, but medical references are hard to come by. For God's sake, though 
-- don't tell Taff what I'm up to! 

"Additionally, I'd like to get hold of a 
photograph of Gaynor. One excellent method of playing 'spot the spook' might be 
the trick demon- strated in the film THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE -- flashing a 
series of photographs past the eyes of an alleged brainwashing victim, in the 
hope that images of certain 'doctors' will strike a cord. It's an idea -- if you 
have any others, please let me know. 

"About Vicki [editor of 'UFO' magazine who 
actually admitted that the magazine was financed by the CIA. - Wol.] -- well, 
thereby hangs a tale, one which has caused me no small amount of personal hurt 
and sorrow and bewilderment. I've inflicted my anger on everyone I know -- and 
you'll be no exception, alas; I apologize beforehand for the torrent of spew to 

"Her uncle is Grant Cooper, the attorney for Sirhan Sirhan -- and for 
the Johnny Roselli mob, which was intricately connected to the CIA. I am sending 
you photocopies of the relevant pages from Donald Scheim's book, 'CONTRACT ON 
AMERICA.' Theodore Charach's film, 'THE SECOND GUN' (released on MCI home video 
as 'THE PLOT TO KILL ROBERT F. KENNEDY') contains interviews in which Sirhan's 
mother curses out her son's attorneys. As you know, they willfully disregarded 
testimony which could have helped Sirhan's case. Morrow's 'THE SENATOR MUST DIE' 
also has useful information. Grant Cooper is as corrupt as they come, in my 
opinion: While defending Roselli's men, he literally got hold of the 
prosecution's list of potential witnesses. (Gee -- now why would the mob want a 
thing like THAT?). Actually, it's a bit of a hassle to get the xeroxes made 
right now -- But this summary should do. 

"As you can guess, the fact that Vicki 
[Cooper] has an uncle like this -- and a friend like Barry Taff -- made me 
nervous. My (UNREADABLE/FADED) was not quelled by Vicki's frequent (UN- 
READABLE) about the CIA somehow 'pushing' her magazine. 

"Still, I felt I could 
trust her because she seemed so gung-ho when it came to exposing intelligence 
agency abuses. She was attending ARDIS lectures, familiarizing herself with the 
Christie case, reading Prouty, talking to Landis and Stockwell and John Judge -- 
all very impressive. 

"But then she changed. Whereas we exchanged information 
almost daily, suddenly she grew more distant -- and when we did talk, an odd 
anti-soviet hysteria entered her dialogue. For example, she suggested (employing 
a truly unique quasi-logic) that the key to my UFO hypothesis might have to do 
with the 'massive' Soviet infiltration of the media; apparently, the abductions 
are some sort of dirty red propaganda ploy. 

"Her tone baffled me -- until I met 
her new boyfriend, one Don Ecker, ex-Green Beret and foreign-policy 'fascist' 
(Vicki's description -- although later she rather annoyingly pinned the words on 

"Now I feel betrayed. Vicki and I had, after all, worked quite closely 
together -- and we were going after the spooks. For that sort of project, you 
need partners of like mind when it comes to matters political. Then she hops 
into bed with (for all intents and purposes) the CIA itself! (You know about 
Special Forces connect- ions with the Company, the Nazis, Laotian drug 
smuggling, Jones- town, etc.) Suddenly, Vicki changed from... ARDIS attendee to 
an interested guest at the official ex-spook organization. Suddenly, she calls 
me a fanatic. (She also calls her boyfriend a fascist -- apparently, fascism 
isn't fanaticism.) 

"Because she presented such an unprecedented case of 
elasticity, I wondered if SHE was a spook. To tell the truth, for a week or 
three, I was certain of it..."

* * * * * * *

The following are excepts from an article, titled "THE ASSASSINS" [KPFA., 
Berkeley, California -- June 2, 1984], released by John Judge., P.O. Box 6586., 
T St. Station NW., Washington, DC 20009:
Remarks by independent researcher John Judge.

...[We] Must understand that the US intelligence network, and its worldwide 
network of intelligence operations and connected foreign agencies kill people. 
They carry out both specific hits on political targets broad and domestically as 
well. They also have as their goal the control of human minds. What Orwell 
called "the space between our ears". For thirty years they have experimented on 
methods of mind control, under the code name MKULTRA, and other programs. Again 
both individual and mass control...

They are an extension of an international FASCIST network. NAZI SS men escaped 
punishment after the war with the help of 'US' intelligence [the Rockefellers 
and members of secret, Bavarian-based, lodges. - Wol.]. SPIES, SCIENTISTS and 
MILITARY MEN went around the world under the cover of the ODESSA, DIE SPINNE, 
aerospace, and munitions experts formed our MILI- TARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX. To 
fund themselves and to maintain control abroad, they also recruited and used 
trained assassins, mercen- aries, provocateurs, and torturers. These people 
carried out hits, assas- sinations, paramilitary operations and terrorism, and 
continue to the present day. They are financed by the international traffick in 
drugs (esp. opium and cocaine), arms sales and taxes by the governments and 
military structures they control...

Recruitment, cover and movement is handled by a combination of dummy front 
corporations, foreign governments, evangelical operations, and cooperative 
government officials here at home.

Examples of specific hits: Patrice Lamumba of the Congo, Salvador Allende in 
Chile (Green Berets), the Guevara (same), Malcolm X, the Kennedy brothers, 
Martin Luther King, and more recent deaths like Congressman Leo Ryan, John 
Lennon, Ronald Reagan... and Jessica Savitch and David Kennedy
Examples of mass murders: Phoenix program in Vietnam, Chemical Biological 
Warfare experiments on large populations (Cuba), Jonestown murders, and the 
continued killing of psychiatric patients (300,000 in Nazi Germany)...
[Assassination] training involved three steps: weapons training, dis- affection 
from the emotional response to violence, and dehumanization of the enemy target 
in the killer's mind. The disaffection was accom- plished by locking their head 
and eyes in clamps, forcing them [merc- enary agents] to watch films of 
violence, and asking questions unrelated to the violent acts. Similar to 
CLOCKWORK ORANGE methods shown in the popular film. Once no emotional response 
registered to violence, they're ready to be programmed with RACIST and 
dehumanizing myths and lies about the target populations involved.

* * * * * * *

The following excerpts were taken from the Kathy Herman show (K-TKK or 'K-TALK' 
Radio, Salt Lake City, Utah; AM-63, 10:00- 12:00 P.M. Sunday night, July 4, 
1993). Her guest that evening was Anthony J. Hilder. Hilder made reference to 
the following:

-- Brown Brothers Harriman, I.G. Farben, and General Electric helped to finance 
Adolph Hitler during World War II. George Bush has stated that everything he was 
'today' he owed to the Rockefellers (who owned the oil companies that supplied 
oil to Nazi Germany).
-- 'OPERATION PAPERCLIP' was an operation to bring Nazi scientists from Germany 
to America. OSS, Interpol, CIA and the Nazis were all working together under the 
Bavarian Illuminati.
-- A Mr. Otto Skorzeny helped to establish a working link between the CIA and 
the Nazi S.S. in certain projects, according to one individual who called in.
-- Hilder's videos and tapes could (at the time of this broadcast) be obtained 
from the following address: P.O. Box 1122., Malabu, CA 90265.
-- In Aug. 23, 1939 Adolph Hitler made a secret pact with the Communists.
-- The Dulce facility in New Mexico was mentioned, along with the possible CIA 
'Nazi Scientist' connection to the facility. Hilder quoted from Bill Hamilton's 
book 'COSMIC TOP SECRET', in- cluding references made by Thomas Castello 
concerning hundreds, possibly thousands of humans who were/are being held in 
cages on level 7 of the underground facility [concentration camp], people who 
were being used as experimental subjects for genetic experi- mentation, etc., 
people with whom the late Dulce Security Officer and later defector Thomas 
Castello and other upper-level base workers were forbidden to communicate... 
[Note: There have also been reports of 'government' officials seen in this base 
with badges carrying the triangular symbol of the Bavarian Illuminati. - Wol.]

* * * * * * *

In his lengthy file, "SECRET SOCIETIES AND THE NEW WORLD ORDER", later published 
as a chapter in his book "BEHOLD A PALE HORSE", former Navy Intelligence worker 
William Cooper states:

"...In the early 1940s, the I.G. Farben Chemical Company employed a Polish 
salesman who sold cyanide to the Nazis for use in Auschwitz. The same salesman 
also worked as a chemist in the manufacture of the poison gas. This same cyanide 
gas along with Zyklon B and malathion was used to exterminate millions of Jews 
and other groups. 

"Their bodies were then burned to ashes in the ovens. After 
the war the salesman, fearing for his life, joined the Catholic Church and was 
ordained a priest in 1946. One of his closest friends was Dr. Wolf Szmuness, the 
mastermind behind the November/78 to October/79 and March/80 to October/81 
experi- mental hepatitis B vaccine trials conducted by the Center for Dis- ease 
Control in New York, San Francisco and four other American cities that loosed 
the plague of AIDS upon the American people. The salesman was ordained Poland's 
youngest bishop in 1958. After a 30-day reign his predecessor was assassinated 
and our ex-cyanide gas salesman assumed the papacy as Pope John Paul II. 

is the right time with the right leaders: ex-chief of the Soviet secret police 
Mikhail Gorbachev, ex-chief of the CIA George Bush, ex-Nazi cyanide gas salesman 
Pope John Paul II, all bound by an unholy alliance to bring in the New World 

[Note: There is little argument that Constantine, the last 'Emperor' of the Roman
Empire became the first 'Pontiff' of the so-called 'Holy Roman Empire' (HO.R.E.).
Many claim that the Roman Empire never actually 'fell', but instead 
learned that religious and economic 'conquest' and manipulation were far more 
effective tools of Imperialism than mere political-military might. Don't accuse 
me of blasting a 'religion' when in fact I'm talking about a POLITICAL FORCE. 
Now IF the Catholic church were to establish its center of power elsewhere so as 
not to be alligned with ROME and the pagan empire it once ruled, then that would 
be a different story. But isn't that exactly what the Greek Orthodox church was? 
The G.O. church split off from the Roman Church in ancient times, not willing to 
be part of the pagan-political forces which NEVER LEFT ROME following the 
supposed "fall" of the Roman Empire. The new Roman Empire (HO.R.E.) 
traditionally spanned Germany, Austria and Italy which later formed the 'Triple 
Alliance' through the first and second World Wars. The Roman 'church' carried 
out the horrendous Inquisitions of the Middle Ages wherein hundreds of thousands 
of Protestants were mercilessly slaughtered. The Hun tribes of the once 
Roman-controlled Germany served as the hub of the ancient Roman Empire's 
military machine. Historically there has been in-fighting between Rome and 
Bavaria as to who would control the 'empire', but in essence they are two sides 
of the same coin. The ancient Babylonian serpent cult of the 'Illuminati' was 
brought from Egypt by the Germanic-Romanist armies and Bavaria became the new 
headquarters of the cult. The main Babylonian obelisk-idol of Ashtaroth-Baal 
which once stood in the center of Egyptian pagan sun-worship in Hieropolis, 
Egypt was literally brought to St. Peter's Square in Rome at great cost and 
effort by the Vatican. Why would a 'Christian' church be so fascinated by an 
OBVIOUSLY PAGAN IDOL? Could it be that they are not as Judeo-Christian as they 
claim to be? Later Germany was notorious for the 'Nazi' terror. Another 
indication that the Germany-Austria-Italy "HO.R.E." empire is still in effect is 
that the Roman Jezuits made or make up a large portion of Adolph Hitler's Nazi 
S.S. organization; also, during World War II Adolph Hitler's homeland of Austria 
was 100% NAZI and 95% ROMAN Catholic. Apparently there was NO conflict between 
the two. The Jesuits I'm sure were pleased to see the continuation of their 
ancient INQUISITION against the Jews and the Protestant nations of the world via 
the Nazi war machine. Today these three countries (or one country in three from 
another perspective) make up the core of the EUROPEAN UNION which is just 
another name for the European "NEW WORLD ORDER". - Wol.]