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[Former Navy Intelligence officer William Cooper made reference to the racial 
genocide programs of the Club of Rome / Global 2000 project in the following 
words: "...As a delaying action...BIRTH CONTROL, STERILIZATION, AND THE 
POPULATION {were to be used}. AIDS is only ONE result of these plans. Drs. Alan 
Cantwell, Jr., William Campbell Douglass and Robert Strecker all claim to have 
traced the AIDS virus back to a secret 'Club of Rome' / World Health 
Organization / United Nations project at the biogenetic research labs at Ft. 
Detrick, Maryland -- and particularly to one building where there are more 
Chinese and Russian Communist nationals working in 'cultural exchange' capacity 
then there are Americans. They claim that the AIDS-creating virus was developed 
by splicing Bovine Leukemia and Sheep Visna viruses in human [cancer] cultures 
to produce the FIRST human retro-virus. Dr. Campbell Doug- lass believes that 
AIDS is a Socialist virulogical warfare attack on the West, designed to weaken 
us for a possible future military strike or invasion. It was decided BY THE 
ELITE that since the population must be reduced and controlled, it would be in 
the best interest of the 'human race' to rid ourselves of undesirable elements 
of our society. Specific targeted populations included BLACKS, HISPANICS, and 
HOMO-SEXUALS." Pro-abortion activist-leader and 'Planned Parenthood' founder 
Margaret Sanger betrays her own devotion to the Globalist genocidal policies and 
insensitivity to women's rights, especially NON-ARYAN women's rights -- not to 
mention the constitutional rights to 'life, liberty and the pursuit of 
happiness' on the part of untold millions of children -- in the following words 
from her first book 'PIVOT OF CIVILIZATION'. In reference to free MATERNITY care 
for the poor she states: "Instead of DECREASING and aiming to ELIMINATE THE 
STOCKS that are most detrimental to the future of the race and the world it 
tends to render them to a menacing degree dominant." And in reference to her 
'Negro Project' of the late 1930's, which aimed at recruiting black ministers, 
physicians and political leaders for the purpose of encouraging birth control 
and sterilization in the black community, Sanger wrote: "...We do not want word 
to go out that WE WANT TO EXTERMINATE THE NEGRO POPULA- TION, and the minister 
is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their 
more rebellious members."]
	The third organizational category is probably one of the most controversial. 
It is a fact that the United States had to 'borrow' from German tech- nology to 
get our space program off the ground. What is not known is that the Allies had 
discovered underground factories in Germany wherein remarkable aerospace 
research had been conducted. One Bulgarian physicist by the name of Vladimir 
Terziski states that the Nazi's had actually landed on the moon prior to the 
American Apollo missions, using advanced electromagnetogravitic drives which 
were able to 'tap' the electromagnetic dynamo currents that are produced by the 
earth's rotation, or the EM energy streams that flow between celestial bodies. 
Other scientists have stumbled across these 'free' energy principles, yet most 
if not all of these have had a bad habit of either disappearing or turning up 
dead after trying to make their discoveries public. Do the Nazis have an 
operational moon base as we speak? Why has NASA, in spite of the incredible 
technological progress over the past quarter of a century, failed to 
[officially] return to the moon when it is well within their power to do so? 
Does this have anything to do with the fact that former NASA (National 
Aeronautics & Space Administration) and MSFC (Marshall Space Flight Center) 
directors Wernher von Braun and Kurt Davis were Nazi S.S. agents brought into 
America through Operation PAPERCLIP? Here are some of the organizations that 
might know the answer:


According to former British Intelligence agent Dr. John Coleman, the three world 
power groups: the Wicca-Masons, the Maltese-Jesuits and the Black-Nobility 
('Black' in this context refers to their character, not their skin color) all 
work for and under the central Bavarian Command, or the Bavarian Illuminati 
which binds them all together. The Bavarians created the Bilderberg society for 
this purpose, the core of which contains a council of 13 members from each of 
the three 'groups' or 39 in all. The old-line ruling families who believe that 
they have the right to rule the world because they are descended from the 
emperors of the ancient Roman and so-called 'holy' Roman Empires consist of some 
13- 15 'blue blood' families. Some of these families include: Rothschilds; Kuhn; 
Loeb; Lehman; Rockefellers; Sachs; Warburg; Lazard; Seaf; Goldman; Schiff; 
Morgan; Schroeder; Bush; Harriman... there are others that have not been 
mentioned and some that are mentioned are more 'powerful' then others. But these 
are some good names to start with in order to track down the present-day inner 
core of the conspiracy. The history of the Bilderberg group itself (which is a 
cover for the Bavarian Illuminati), and its NAZI conections, would probably be 
the best place to start however.
	The Nazi agenda calls for the establishment of a National Socialist World 
Government. The 'hidden' roots of the World Socialist movement in all its forms 
can also be traced back to Bavaria, Germany and the secret societies there to 
which Mazzini, Marx and Lenin had close ties. The "target date" for a 
full Nazi takeover is the year 2000, with an "incubation period" for 
their New World Order being 1995-2000. Rumors abound that tens of thousands of 
Nazi S.S. and subordinates escaped during the War or AS Germany was falling, and 
took refuge in a huge underground base under the South Polar ice pack. 
	There have been reports of secret Nazi expeditions to the Queen Maud region 
of Antarctica beginning in 1938. A steady stream of expeditions were reportedly 
sent out from (at the time) white supremist South Africa. Over 230,000 square 
miles of the frozen continent were mapped from the air, and the Germans 
discovered vast regions that were surprisingly free of ice, as well as warm 
water lakes and cave inlets. One vast ice cave within the glacier was found to 
extend 30 miles to a large hot-water geo- thermal lake deep below. Various 
scientific teams were moved in to the area, including hunters, trappers, 
collectors and zoologists, botanists, agriculturists, plant specialists, 
micologists, parasitologists, marine biologists, ornithologists, and many 
others. Numerous divisions of the German government were involved in the top 
secret project.
	After all the data was gathered, the deep underground construction teams 
came pouring into the renamed "Neu-Schwabenland". They came on cargo 
ships, military transport ships, and submarines. The cargo ships coming from 
South Africa were protected by a host of killer- submarines and military ships. 
This might explain the intense Nazi war efforts in South Africa. Any ship that 
even came close to the shipping routes from South Africa to Antarctica were 
destroyed by German U-boats. After all the goods were brought, the VIPs and 
scientists started to show up with a compliment of ULTRA, a highly specialized 
Nazi SS team like our MJ-12. ULTRA has always been in control of Antarctica. It 
is interesting that ULTRA is also the name of the top secret CIA base under the 
Archuleta plateau and peak northeast of Dulce, New Mexico. Also, much effort was 
put into developing secret weapons projects to defend their new underground Empire, 
which no doubt was constructed with the 'help' of a large number of expendable 
slave laborers transported from the concentration camps of Europe.
	The major base-city of Antarctica became known as the NEW BERLIN, and 
today genetic, antigravity, and mind control research -- according to Bulgarian 
physicist Vladimir Terziski -- is being carried out there to a ten times 
greater degree than it was carried out in the Nazi concentration camps and the 
underground research centers and laboratories of Germany. The New Berlin was 
reportedly manned initially with nearly a million inhabi- tants, including a 
large number of German or Austrian Nazis and European worker-slaves, and over 
2,000 elite Nazi S.S. scientists, all at the core of Adolph Hitler's 
"super-race" project. All of these had conveniently "disappeared" 
from Europe during the course of the Second World War. Today this underground Nazi 
Empire reportedly numbers approximately 2 million personnel, IF Terziski's sources 
are accurate. Another researcher, Jim Bennett, in a letter to Jacques Vallee dated 
Jan. 15, 1992 stated the following:

"...1947 brought the passage of the National Security Act, the start of the 
NAZI germanated CIA and NSA. The influx of 'at least' a hundred Nazi scientists, 
engineers, etc., into the United States and Canada. A Nazi aeronautical 
engineer, a certain Herr Mieth -- who had designed four different types of 
saucer shaped craft by 1943 using either rocket power or DONUT CONFIGURATION jet 
turbine engines (rather than cylindrical), with the cabin stabilized by gyro, 
the compres- sors rotating in one direction and the expansion chambers and 
vectored exhausts rotating in the opposite direction -- was traced to Canada in 
1947 and began work for the A. V. Roe company (Avroe disk). The phony AVROE 
'aircar' was definitely to disinform the press as to the real projects underway 
underground in Canada. "The eight mile long train that went out of Austria 
in 1945 (672 train cars!), to the coast of Brittany, the contents loaded on board 
SHIPS, eventually end[ed] up underground in Southwestern Canada. At the same 
time over 100 prefab factory buildings were shipped from England to British 
Columbia. "...the Nazis had everything before any other country, they had radar 
in 1933, they had infra-red sensors, heavy water, etc., etc. We have been told 
lie after lie in terms of who invented these things... Their [the Nazis'] 
metallurgy and casting were flawed or they would have conquered the world. As 
you probably know, many expatriot Nazis were given carte blanche, new I.D.'s., 
and were included in (the) startup of more than several departments of the CIA 
in 1947. Depart- ments including 'genetics and cloning' (with some of the same 
'doctors' who had given death camp residents gangrene, etc.), 'designer drugs 
and mind control' using the same scientists who had designed Metha- done and 
Methedrine for Hitler's maniac efforts. In 1952, a public stir caused the CIA to 
shuffle these fab fellows out of town. My guess is to various underground 
centers that were being built."
	The first German disks were rotory-lift devices, followed by the jet-turbine 
drives developed by Mieth, Schauberger and others. The ram- jet lift drives were 
later replaced by the far more advanced Kohler Tachyon magneto-gravitic drives 
which could 'tap' the electromagnetic dynamo currents of the earth and of deep 
space itself. Vladimir Terziski states that the Germans made it to the moon 
before America, and that a secret group of Vatican scientists using top-secret 
technology developed by Marconi also preceeded America to the moon. 
	Considering the Illuminati's strong connections to Rome and Bavaria, its 
connections to the early 'alchemical' scientific societies, and the fact that 
the Illuminati is believed to be a secret or closed scientific fraternity of 
initiates which has for centuries worked to guard their monopoly on occult 
technology from the rest of the world, then it would not be too incredible to 
suggest that 'they' were the first to experiment with aerospace flight -- as the 
Illuminati's [Nazi] military machine has done. Terziski states that the reason 
America did not 'return' to the Moon in over a quarter century, in spite of 
massive technological gains, is because 'we' never left. A secret CIA space 
agency using suppres- sed technology reportedly continued where Apollo left off. 
	This project, in secret collaboration with the Russians, established an 
operational joint basing facility on the Moon and was involved in potential Mars 
projects as well. The secret operation was known as 'Alternative 003'. An 
'altercation' within this joint Lunar facility between the Americans and 
Russians reportedly set back the projects considerably, and in fact precipitated 
a secret 'space war' between American and Russian scientists involving Russian 
Space Platforms, Space Shuttles, Spy Satellites and S.D.I. technology. This is 
the kind of 'war' you don't hear about in the news because neither side desires 
to expose their covert military operations in outer space. This covert space 
program in America is largely under the direction of the Bavarian Illuminati, 
into which most if not all of the astronauts or cosmonauts were tied via 
[Scottich Rite] Masonic memberships. One hint can be found in the fact that 
Apollo astronaut Neil Armstrong was a 33rd degree Mason. Unlike the more 
Christianized York Rite, the Scottish Rite was intention- ally established by 
the Bavarians and Jesuits for the purpose of infiltrating the global network of 
masonic fraternities and creating within them a framework through which the 
Bavarian Illumnati could operate.
	One source who presents a great deal of information on the Nazi activities 
in Antarctica later on in these files, stated that with the elections of Gorbachev 
and Yeltzin, the 'Bolshevik' influence in Russia was toppled and purged. The 
Bolsheviks escaped to America where, with the help of the Rockefellers who 
financed the Bolshevik Revolution in the first place, they were able to obtain 
positions within the U.S. government, intelligence and corporate structures and 
in the CIA itself. How could 'Nazi' agents and 'KGB' agents work side-by-side in 
the CIA? The answer is that Communism is NOT a Russian phenomena, it began in 
Bavaria when the German government smuggled their agent LENIN into Russia via 
train to stir up Revolution. The Communists had later broken away from the 
Bavarian and Roman secret societies which had backed their revolution, under 
pressure from the anti-Catholic Greek Orthodox Church. This is why the 'holy 
Roman Empire' also known as the 'Axis' Powers decided to invade Russia. The Nazi 
S.S. was literally teeming with Jesuits according to researcher Edmond Paris. 
The German - Roman connection still existed as it did in ancient Roman Empirical 
times. The Nazis and Communists later worked together in the UNITED NATIONS in a 
common effort to attack America via virulogical warfare by collaborating in the 
AIDS conspiracy. The only difference between the National Socialists [Nazis] and 
Global Socialists [Communists] is not in the style of totalitarian governmnet, 
but on just WHO would control the New World Order in the end. With the creation 
of the Bilderberger Organization, it seems as if the Bavarians have taken the 
upper hand.
	Another connection is the Rockefellers, who helped to finance both the 
Communist AND Nazi movements according to Economics analyst Antony Sutton. However, 
the Rockefellers were/are members of Masonic secret societies which have their 
ultimate center of power in Germany. So either way you look at it, it all traces 
back to Bavaria. As for the present Russian government, they are of the old 
Nationalist-Tzarist Russian classes who fought the Bolsheviks in the Revolution. 
One of the reasons for their war against the 'American' [or rather CIA/NSA] 
covert military space operations, according to the source in question, is 
wants to initiate a nuclear holocaust which they believe they will be able to 
ride-out in their underground bases, sacrificing both America AND Russia in the 
process. The Bavarian "New World Order" Empire of Europe -- now known 
as the EUROPEAN COMMUNITY or E.C. -- will be far enough away from the infernos 
that they expect to ride out the storm and emerge with total control or America, 
Russia AND THE WORLD in the end.
	Just before the end of the WWII, two German provision U-boats, U-530 and 
U-977, were launched from a port on the Baltic Sea. Reportedly they took with them 
members of the antigravity-disk research and development teams (ULTRA), and the 
last of the most vital disc components (much of this technology and hardware had 
been transported to the base during the course of the war). This included the 
notes and drawings for the latest saucer or aerial disk designs, and designs 
for the gigantic underground complexes and living accommodations based on the 
remarkable underground factories of Nordhausen in the Harz Mountains. The two 
U-boats duly reached the new land of Neu-Schwabenland where they unloaded 
	When the two ships entered an Argentine port months after the end of the 
war American Intelligence officials were alerted. They apprehended the crewmen and 
-- based on "rumors" that Martin Boorman, Evan Braun and even Adolph 
Hitler himself managed to escape to a top secret base in Antarctica -- they 
interrogated the Nazi personnel from both U-boats. In recent years it has been 
discovered that the dental records of the "suicide" found in the ashes 
of Berlin -- which were supposed to be the remains of Adolph Hitler -- did not 
match other dental records of the Nazi leader that have surfaced since the end 
of World War II. Appar- ently these interrogations by military Intelligence 
agents led to a dramatic American Naval Military response against the "Last 
Battalian" of the Third Reich.
	There have been persistent 'rumors' that Navy Admiral Richard E. Byrd 
engaged Nazi forces in battle at the South Pole, a mission that was covered-up 
by a government that may have been embarrassed to admit that they had failed to 
entirely destroy the Nazi war machine. Reports stated that four of Byrd's planes 
were lost with all hands in the battle, and ground crews could not advance 
because of the 'sonic cannon' that Nazi scientists had developed which produced 
severe psychological effects. The battle was said to have ended in a stalemate 
and ceased three weeks after it began. It has also been claimed that when an 
enraged Admiral Byrd returned to the United States, he 'suggested' to the 
President and the Joint Chiefs of staff in an almost demanding tone that 
Antarctica be turned into a thermonuclear test range. Some have suggested 
that this did not come to pass, either through the interference of fascist 
infiltrators within the CIA or as a result of the intimidation that may have 
been felt in Washington D.C. after [what may have been Nazi] discs buzzed 
the White House in perfect military formation, a few years after the war in 
Antarctica. All of these events of course were classified ABOVE TOP SECRET 
[higher than the H-bomb]. Now, of course the allegations that Byrd's 'Operation 
Hyjump' was actually a cover for a military operation might be stretching the 
limit of credibility. However one would have to explain why this 'scientific 
anything, it was certainly al ALL- OUT 'scientific' expedition...
	If the Antarctican "New Berlin" base is still active at this 
time, it may be the actual headquarters of the Nazi conspiracy as it stands today.
What courses of action might be taken in regards to all of the above? I would 
personally suggest the initiation of a major Congressional Investi- gation of 
the Corporations and agencies mentioned above, with the specific purpose of 
confirming any links with the global Nazi conspiracy. Once the traitors are 
discovered, perhaps we can use the concentration camps that they have prepared 
for "US" to confine THEM, and then commence to try and re-build what's 
left of this country and restore the American dream as it was envisioned by our 
founding fathers.
	It is believed by some that the Nazi's, as a last resort, may use 
neutron bombs that have been placed in strategic positions in major cities as 
a means of "nuclear blackmail" if their "Global 2000" coup 
d'etat does not come off as planned. They may have the potential to do so. An 
I.T.N. World News Broadcast out of London made a brief mention in early 1995 
of a plane that had been intercepted en-route from Moscow to Frankfurt, 
Germany. The plane carried a shipment of weapons-grade plutonium, and the 
rumors were that the Bavarian Secret Service had created a nuclear black 
market in the former Soviet States and were bringing a steady stream of 
plutonium into Germany for some undisclosed purpose. This report appeared 
once, yet strangely there were few if any follow-up reports in later broadcasts, 
and certainly nothing of significance was reported in the American media.
	The Bavarian Empire pulled this number on us during the First and Second 
World Wars, into which America was drawn and in which many Americans died. Now 
they have declared war on the Free World for the third time. Well... as President 
Clinton would say when referring to "repeat offenders"...
	In light of the above, we might consider the battle-cry which the Jews 
have adopted after losing over 6,000,000 of their men, woman and children to 
Nazi genocide during World War II...